"Annie, we appreciate you trying to tell us what happened, and thank you, but it doesn't mean Finnick won't be punished." Mrs. Odair tells me.

"I know, I just know that he didn't mean to do anything wrong." I tell her.

"We know Annie. Finnick, you're a good kid, and I believe Annie and I know you wouldn't punch someone's face for no reason. But you can't get away with this. So you're going to apologize to Jerry tomorrow at school. End of discussion." Mrs. Odair says.

"Unless I get picked for the games today." Finnick mumbles.

Finnick goes and gets ready for the reaping. When he comes out of his room I walk up to him. "So what was the truth?" I ask him.

"About what?" he asks. I know he knows what I'm talking about he just doesn't want to admit it.

"You were going to tell me the truth about how you feel and then the peacekeeper showed up." I remind him.

"Oh right that." he says. "Well I gotta tell you sooner or later, and I want you to know the truth in case my name gets pulled out of that reaping ball." he tells me.

"So what's the truth then?" I beg for an answer.

"The truth is I have never felt this way about a girl and that I think I have a massive crush on you." he says with an embarrassed smile.

"I mine as well admit that it hit me that I liked you when you kissed me." I tell him honestly.

He smiles. "Well hopefully if I don't get picked to fight to the death we can go out sometime." he says sweetly.

"I'd like that." I whisper a little.

"Cool." he says.

"So I guess you have to go." I say.

"Yea." He says nervously.

"I'll go with you, stay in the back." I tell him.

"Ok." he says "you'll make me braver if I get picked." he says.

"You won't." I tell him.

We go to the reaping and Finnick gets the needle in his arm that takes his blood so that the peacekeeper can scan it to make sure that no one is impersonating him. I hate needles and blood and I can't stand sharp things touching mine or other peoples' skin. They play the video that they play at the beginning of every reaping. The district four tribute escort, Pearl walks to the microphone. "Welcome to the 63rd Hunger games. Two of you brave young children will be honored for taking your spot in the hunger games." she says in an overly perky voice and with a ridiculous capital accent. "Ladies first of course."

She walks over to the girls reaping bowl. "Our female tribute this year is Bethany Simon." she says. Wait! Bethany Simon? As in Finnick's friend? Will he miss her? I'm not happy that she's going in, but I don't feel sorry for her either. I look around to see Finnick but can't spot him in this huge crowd.

Bethany walks up to the stage in shock. Everyone stares and whispers. She's young only 12, the youngest you can be to go into the games. I don't think she has that much of a chance. She stands next to Pearl with a sad look in her eye.

"Let's find out who is our male tribute!" she says happily. She walks over to the other bowl. "Our male tribute is..." don't be Finnick, don't be Finnick, don't be Finnick! "Ben Carter." I don't know who Ben Carter is, but all the kids look at each other and whisper. When I see him walk up to the stage, I can tell that Bethany has a better chance than him. He is about 13 years old, he is not strong or good looking which won't get him sponsors. He is kind of nerdy and Bethany is taller than him and Bethany is not tall. I seriously doubt that either of our tributes have a chance this year. Unless the other careers are weaker than them. The reaping wraps up and it's time to say goodbye to the tributes. Mick, Finnick's friend, tells him that Bethany wants him to say goodbye to her. He agrees to say goodbye. Since I'm so noisy I lean up against the wall to hear what they're saying.

Driven By Love (Finnick and Annie's story Hunger Games fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now