18: Lying

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You lie on bed and look at your phone. You scroll over your contact to find the number to call and you remember Jihyun. You immediately call him.

You: Jihyun-ah..

Jihyun: who's this?

You: It's me, Hyerin.

Jihyun: Oh you. Why you suddenly call me?

You: Are you free right now?

Jihyun: Yes I am. Why?

You: Let's meet up.

Jihyun: What? You're in Seoul I'm in...

You: I'm in Busan. Let's meet up at the cafe.

Jihyun: when?

You look at your wall clock and it shown 12:15pm.

You: 12.30? Can you?

Jihyun: okay. Usual place right?

You: Yes. See you later.

You end up the call. You take your mask and jacket and left. You tell your mom that you're going out for a while. You go straight to the cafe by taxi.

You thought that you'll come earlier than Jihyun but Jihyun up first at the cafe. He was sitting in a corner of the cafe. You sit facing him and say "Hi, Jihyun! It's me." Put down your mask and then you put it back.

Jihyun looked at you and you're also looking at him. "Why?" You ask him and he smiled. He leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms.

"Why you wanna meet me and since when you have my number?" He asked you and that question make you smile behind the mask.

"Hyunjae. I got from him and I don't know who I should meet since Hyunjae with his girlfriend now." You sigh. Jihyun kinda shocked with it.

"Girlfriend? Who's his girlfriend?" He asked right away and move forward. He looked at you.

"You won't believe it." As you take a sip of coffee that Jihyun had bought for you. "It's Yoonji."

"What?!" Jihyun can't hide his shocked face expression. "How can that happen? He doesn't know Yoonji is Jimin hyung... no i mean the girl that..."

"I didn't tell him the name of the girl that make your brother betray me." You cut his words before he couldn't finish it. "Why?" Jihyun asked.

"I don't know why I didn't tell him the name and now I regretted it but I know it's too late. I can't tel him now though." You give a deep sigh.

"Ahhh he must be happy with her now. Yes you shouldn't." Jihyun agree with you. "It's okay." He said.

"I even lied at him and say that I'm tired and don't wanna go anywhere. I never did that before as soon as I arrived Busan. You know what I just arrived and now I'm seeing you." You tell him everything.

"Hmm.. let's call Jimin hyung." Jihyun suggested it while take out his phone. You just looked at him.

"I'll call him. I know what's going on between you. Actually he even told me that you come to Busan." He finally tell you that he actually knew about you're break time.

Jihyun without hesitation he called his brother. "It's face timing time, Hyerin." You just let him do what he wants since he knew what's going on between you and Jimin.

Jimin answered the call and you can see him on the phone screen. You greet him and of course Jihyun called him you already told Jihyun not to tell about Yoonji.

After a few minutes talking on the phone, you have to turn off the phone because suddenly you're approached by someone. You don't have a choice. You try to act cool and same goes to Jihyun.

Jimin even call Jihyun back but Jihyun can't answer the call so he rejects the call. He texts his brother instead.

Jihyun; Hyung, I'm sorry I can't answer your call. My phone is about to die.

Jimin doesn't reply but he call you after that. You widened your eye and glare at Jihyun. "Why don't you answer the call Hyerin?" Yoonji asked. The only word come out from your mouth, "Spam call."

Jihyun texts his brother again and try another excuse.

Jihyun: Hyung, both of us can't answer to your call. We'll call later. Don't call again.

Thankfully Jimin didn't call one of you. Jimin can't knew that Yoonji is there too so both of them decide to end the call.

Yoonji sit next to you and asked you a question, "I thought you're too tired to go out but yet you're going out with another guy instead of your own best friend?"

Jihyun about to talk but Hyerin stops him. "I'm not a kind of best friend that will ruin my best friend date. I give him time to spend with you."

Then, Hyunjae come join three of you without knowing that you're there. "Yoonji, who are they? Wait.. Hyerin? Didn't you tell me that you're.."

"Let's go." You brought Jihyun along with you and decide to leave the couple there but Hyunjae stop you.

"You're lying at me to go out with him?" He kinda mad when he found out you lie at him and go out to see Jihyun. While Yoonji had no idea who's Jihyun.

"I'm giving you space and time with Yoonji. She's your girlfriend so have a good time with her. I'm going." You and Jihyun left the cafe without look back.

You're going have a walk with Jihyun at the end. You walk around the street. "Don't you look like a jealous best friend when you did so just now?" Jihyun asked you.

"I have to since he doesn't know about Yoonji. He'll feel bad if he knew it." You answered him.

"And why he looks so mad when he knew that you're going out with me?" Jihyun asked you another question. You keep on silent for few second.

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