Chapter 12 | The real story

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The real story | Star Labs (Kara POV)

Barry and I stood side by side in the cortex while the rest of his friends stood a few metres away from us waiting for the real story about my earth. I looked at Barry who started to explain.

"So I landed on this earth and I asked Gideon for some information about it. She told me that there were aliens around who were mostly bad except for the local superhero called supergirl. But even she went mad a few days prior."

"Why do you always have to mention the went mad thing?" I grumped

"So I ran towards National City and supergirl stopped me. Long story short I ran away and she chased me until she crashed. After helping her I introduced myself properly, told her that I am no threat and then I found myself an apartment."

"The next day I knew that I needed a job for the time being so I decided to apply as an IT at CatCo Media. But I didn't find the building until I bumped into Kara."

"You know I always wonder how you didn't find CatCo. I mean it's the biggest building in the entire city." I said interrupting Barry

"Yeah, I noticed that the next day as well. So I got the job and then I met this Winn guy a friend of Kara."

"Another friend of mine James Olson had to cancel for a game night we had planned. So Winn had the idea to invite the new IT Barry." I explained

"Wait, are you saying that you know James Olson?" asked Iris

"Yes, why?" I asked

"He is one of the best photographers in the world. His pictures are amazing and his arms are like twice the size Barry's" Iris stated

"So, I went with Winn to Kara's apartment, met her sister, let her threaten me that she would kill me if I hurt Kara and we had the game night. Until the apartment got stormed from DEO agents." continued Barry

Cisco who watched like the others raised his hand awkwardly.

"What is the DEO?"

"It's a government organization who deals with threats like aliens." I explained

"So they arrested me. Turned out that Alex, Kara's sister, was an DEO agent. While I met Supergirl for the first time they filmed me taking off my mask while saving her. So she thought I was in Kara's apartment because I wanted to kill Supergirl."

"How would you kill Supergirl while being in Kara's apartment?" Joe asked not understanding what we were saying so Harry spoke up.

"Because Kara is Supergirl. The alien who protects National City."

"You don't have to point out that I'm an alien. Technically I live longer on earth than I lived back on Krypton." I said while drifting off into thoughts a bit.

"That is so awesome." stated Cisco while rushing forward to high five Barry again.

"Yeah I was really lucky." said Barry while smiling at me

"So what are your powers? I mean we know that you have freeze breath and obviously enormous strength, but is there more?" asked Iris

I simply made a step back and started to levitate into the air. Of course their jaws dropped to the ground except Barry's who smiled at me.

"So I can fly, I have freeze breath, I can shoot lasers out of my eyes, I have super hearing, I have X-Ray vision and impenetrable skin." I said

Now their jaws were more dropped than before. I decided to show them even more I zoomed out of the room only to return a second later completely dressed as Supergirl. They were simply standing there staring at me and I smiled back at them.

I landed next to Barry and leaned my head onto him. We simply remained in this position since the others haven't started to move a bit.

"I think you impressed them." whispered Barry before kissing me

Star Labs (Barry POV)

I think Kara totally nailed her real introduction. By the looks on the faces of the rest of team Flash, they weren't sure if they should be impressed or scared. But I think Cisco was the one who helped everyone to decide.

"This is so awesome. Your powers, your suit. Ah. This is too much I think I will have a heart attack. But I have so many ideas for improvements," he pointed at Kara's suit, "Sure about that cape and what about your name Supergirl? Why not Superwoman or Powergirl?"

He was seriously geeking out like I had expected. And by the look on Kara's face she had prepared herself for the same. I told her that Cisco was basically another version of Winn and I think that explanation really nailed it.

"You are seriously just like Barry said you would be. Although I didn't choose my name, I will stay with it." Kara smiled at Cisco

"So how does it feel? I mean to be that strong and everything. And what about your X-Ray vision are you seeing us as skeletons the whole time?" asked Caitlin showing her side as a scientist

"It was pretty hard for the first few years on earth. I used to break everything and I couldn't control my X-Ray vision and I really used to see skeletons everywhere." said Kara, then she simply grabbed her glasses and continued

"My adoptive father made me these. They are made out of lead. I can't see through them, but I can control everything now. I hear what I want to hear, well for the most part at least. And I don't break everything I come in touch with so that's nice." Kara continued

"And how do you even know our language and where do you powers come from?" asked a curiously Harry

"Well my powers come from your yellow sun, we used to have a red one. And I learned your language. Took me some years but I can speak english now." said Kara proud of herself

"What do you mean, we used to have a red sun?" asked Joe

Kara was immediately saddened by the questions and I hugged her and whispered.

"You don't have to tell them." But Kara simply shook her head

"My cousin and I were sent away seconds before our planet exploded. We are the only two left. I was tasked with protecting him but my pod drift off into the phantom zone. It's a place in space were no time passes. Somehow I got out a few years later and landed on earth. My cousin was already an adult and a superhero and I was still 13 years old." explained Kara

"Sorry I brought up those memories." said Joe

"No it's ok, it's in the past and I have moved on," Kara said, "I will go and change again."

While Kara walked out of the room I turned once again back to my team.

"So what are our next plans against Zoom?" asked Harry

"Next time he shows up I will time travel and anger the time wraiths. Although Kara can handle herself, I don't want her in this fight. This is my fight and I don't want to bring her into danger. And I know that you can hear me Kara." I said as Kara walked with her head towards the ground back into the room.

"Sometimes it's hard not to listen." reasoned Kara

"You hungry, because I'm starving?" I asked

"Yes! We need to find out which donut place is the best, let's go!" said Kara while literally dragging me out.

SuperLove | SuperFlash | Barry Allen/Kara DanversWhere stories live. Discover now