Chapter 5 | History

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DEO Headquarters (Kara POV)

It was pretty shocking to see that Barry was actually the flash. It would make sense because both showed up at nearly the same time.

I wasn't angry with him more the opposite. He supported me when I told him about the mind controlling and he even saved my life. When he said that he met one of the most beautiful girls today I couldn't be angry with him.

Once again he spoke to the blue face on his wrist. It told him that there wasn't the technology to open up a breach. When he heard that he lost every bit of control he had inside him.

He began to shout in anger and started to punch the wall with his enormous speed. Alex and I were so confused by the scene that was playing right in front of us. We just stood there and did nothing at all, until he finally calmed down.

He stopped to shout and threw one last punch at the wall before breaking down on his knees. He turned away from us and started to sob heavily.

I felt so bad for him. I couldn't imagine how it must be to be trapped on another earth. Although I am from another planet. It probably felt like it did for me when Krypton exploded. His world was still there, but there was no way to get back to it.

I wanted to get into his cell and comfort him but Alex stopped me. Then she stepped forward and started to question Barry.

"So Mr. Allen, care to tell us why you were at Kara's place today?" she asked

Barry faced us again and looked a bit confused.

"Well, she told me it was game night today. A friend of her cancelled and Winn suggested that I came instead. So she invited me."

"And there is absolutely no other reason you visited her today?" continued Alex

"No. I mean, I told you that she is one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen. Her smile simply lights up an entire room. But I had no intentions to hurt your sister in any way. She must be so worried." Barry's face fell a bit when he finished the sentence

"What are your powers and how did you get them? Or are you an alien?"

"No I am not an Alien," then Barry looked at me, "It is so cool by the way to meet an actual alien. My friend would die to travel to this earth. I was struck by lightning the same night a particle accelerator exploded, I was in a coma nine months and when I woke up I had my super speed and became a hero."

"Any other affects the lightning had on you?"

"Well it gave me abs, "They both looked at me a little bit strange, "My body heals faster. A broken bone for example heals in no time. So it means I can survive injuries no one else can."

Alex continued to look at him. There was more, even I could tell that. So she decided to dig deeper.

"I am a trained interrogator. I can tell that you are still hiding something."

Barry sighed again. He didn't say a word. He got a hold of the small device he addressed as Gideon.

"Gideon, tell them what they want to know," he turned to us, "I need some air."

He started to vibrate his body and simply stepped out of the cell. I was a bit shocked when I saw him running away in light speed. I couldn't even process what happened this moment, so I knew that there wasn't a point in following him.

So I decided to speak with the device Barry left for us.

DEO Base (Third Person)

"So Gideon, what powers does Barry else have?" asked Kara

"He can use his speed to travel through time and since recently he can travel between dimensions. Although he can't reach the necessary speed without the help of the tachyon device."

"Why didn't he tell us about his ability to time travel?" asked Alex more to Kara then to Gideon, but the AI decided to answer anyway

"Mr. Allen has horrible memories with time travel. When he was a little kid his mother was murdered from a time traveller. He later found out that this time traveller wanted to kill him in fact. But his future self, travelled back in time and saved himself. In anger this speedster killed his mother. Mr. Allen had the chance to save his mother, but when he visited that night again, his future self, stopped him."

Kara and Alex were both a little shocked that there was such a tragic backstory behind those green, innocent eyes.

"Under what circumstances, did the Flash leave his earth?" asked Alex out of the blue

"While defeating this time traveller, he created a singularity, which he managed to close. While doing so his team lost a member and the singularity opened breaches like the one Mr. Allen used on accident to get to this earth. There is another speedster called Zoom. He is faster than the Flash and threatens to kill every person Mr. Allen loves."

Know Alex and Kara both were certain. This speedster wasn't a threat. He was a hero like Supergirl or Superman. They both knew that he needed their help in order to get back. And Kara also knew that he needed someone he could comfort himself with.

DEO Base (Kara POV)

"Gideon can you tell me where Barry is at the moment?" asked Kara

"Of course. He is on the top of this facility." answered Gideon

I knew that Barry was having a hard time. Who wouldn't to be honest? He was a stranger on a different world. I could relate to that. So I flew outside and saw him sitting on top of the DEO base. I smoothly landed beside him and joined him looking at the stars. Both of us didn't say a word until I decided to break the silence.

"You see that star over there, " I asked pointing to a specific star, "This is where I am from. It was called Krypton. The planet was dying when they send me away. I saw it exploding behind me. I lost everyone I cared that day." I finished and a tear rolled down my face.

"I am sorry. But why tell me?" asked Barry without looking at me

"I know how it feels to be alone. You are away from your friends and family. But you have the chance I never had, you can get back. We will find a way, I promise."

That seemed to lighten up his mood. He looked at me and smiled.

"Thank you."

SuperLove | SuperFlash | Barry Allen/Kara DanversΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα