Chapter 6 | The real Kara Danvers

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DEO Base (Barry POV)

This Supergirl was truly a good person. By simply looking at her I knew that she was truly sorry for me. Her smile was much like Kara's. Although she had like me a tragic backstory, she continued to do good as a hero.

"Why didn't you break out? It looked so cool when you simply stepped out of the cell." asked Supergirl

I chuckled. "When I first got my powers, I always thought about getting my father out of prison. I knew he was wrongfully accused but would I break him out he would be on the run. Same goes here."

"For how long have you been a superhero?" asked the girl

"For something like 2 years. A bit less I think. And you?" I asked

"Just a few months. I never imagined that it would be so hard. After the mind controlling, I thought about quitting every day."

"Don't stop! You are giving people hope, even if they don't show it. A fellow superhero friend of mine told me that we are more than just heroes. We are symbols of hope and when we stop helping people we will destroy that hope." I said

"Barry you are the first person who managed to really help me be a hero. I am so glad you bumped in me today." She smiled at me

It took me a moment to realise what she said to me. She just revealed her true identity to me. She was Kara Danvers. The beautiful girl I talked with both Alex and Supergirl about. I blushed a bit realising that I talked about her right in front of her the whole time.

"Hiding in plain sight. Genious." I smiled at her

"My cousin told me that. Simply add a pair of glasses and no one will notice you, because it would be too obvious." she smiled back

We continued to talk a bit about our normal and superhero lives, until we decided to head back into the base.

Inside the DEO Headquarters (Alex POV)

When Kara and her newfound friend walked back inside I was a bit confused at first. They walked side by side and talked. But the look on Kara's face told me that she was seriously into this man. I could tell that, after all I was her sister for years.

"So, do you have any idea, how you could get back?" asked I

"Well, if I am fast enough, I should be able to open up a breach into the multiverse. But without my tachyon device I am not even slightly close to be fast enough." Barry answered

"Any other idea?" I continued

"We could open up a singularity, with luck it would open breaches and with even more luck, breaches to my earth. So no good idea." Barry answered

"Just one more thing. I need something about 10 thousand calories a day. So do you mind if I--"

Barry was interrupted by Kara who practically shouted.

"Hey me too. I know this awesome donut place. Let's go there Scarlet Speedster."

"Just lead the way Girl of Steel."

And with that they were gone and left me behind. I simply stood there thinking about what happened the last few seconds, until John joined me.

"What was that about?" he asked

"I think Kara just found her soulmate."

At Noonan's (Kara POV)

Barry and I were sitting there and casually eating our donuts. The other customers eyed us a bit strangely but we didn't judge them. After all we were eating box after box like it was nothing.

We continued to walk side by side through National City showing Barry every interesting place I could think of. Every once in awhile he freaked out because he found something that was completely different on his earth. Even if it was just smaller things like the cast of a movie.

"Wait a minute. That movie has been released one month ago on my earth." said Barry pointing towards an advert

"Ok, so what are you saying?" I asked

"What date is it today?" asked Barry

Of course I was a bit confused by his question, but I could see where he was going with it.

"It's the third of June, 2016." I asked

Barry stopped immediately and was seemingly lost in thought for a while.

"It was the third of July on my earth. That's strange. I guess I have to let Gideon check a few things when I have the chance."

We continued our tour until late into the night. We came to a stop in my apartment. I opened up the door and we stepped into it.

"So this is my apartment, "I let out a small yawn, "Since you are a stranger on this earth, you can have my bed if you want." I offered

"No, Kara don't do that. If you let me sleep her I will take the couch. I can't let a beautiful girl like you sleep on a couch."

I blushed for the thousands time this day. He was just so sweet. A gentleman in every way and a hero. Still I wanted to protest but it was too late, because he had already spread himself out on my couch.

I quickly prepared myself for the bed and went back to my living room to say goodnight. Barry was lying on the couch. Shirtless.

I didn't know why but I simply stood at the edge of the room and looked at him. I took in his features once more that day. I must have stood there for a long time because Barry noticed me. But this time he blushed a bit.

"I see lightning really gave you abs. Goodnight Barry." I said while walking into my bedroom

"Goodnight Kara." I heard Barry say as I closed the door behind me.

I laid restless in my bed for a time and thought about everything that happened the last days. A random guy falling into my universe. A superhero from another earth. And a damn beautiful one as well. I didn't know why but I felt a bit sad because I knew that Barry was going to leave on day. I just knew him for a day, but I can't imagine my life without him already.

Is this what it feels like to be in love?

Kara's apartment (Barry POV)

It felt the same way it had been for Iris for the last years. But as I met Kara, the feelings for Iris were gone and replaced with feelings for Kara. Although she didn't say it I know that she somewhat feels the same.

The way she looks at me, it reminds me of myself. It probably takes a person who acts the same way to understand what she was feeling.

Honestly I didn't even think about going back at the moment. All I could think about was spending time with Kara or Supergirl. It's just so awesome that she is a hero as well. She understands what it means to be a hero.

When I got up the next morning I saw that Kara's bedroom was still closed. I decided to surprise her and run out of the building and went to that donut place she showed me yesterday.

When I flashed back into her apartment I could already hear that she just woke up. I placed the donuts on the table and sat myself on a chair and waited for Kara to come into the room.

When she saw me sitting there, her face immediately lit up and she rushed beside me.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you."

We continued to eat breakfast until Kara had to leave for work. Of course I wanted to tag along and spent even more time with her, but it was Winn's time to work that day. So I made her a few more compliments before she left the apartment with a big smile.

I can't wait to meet her for lunch, but until then I need to figure something out at the DEO.

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