Chapter 8 | Guy from another universe

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CatCo (Kara POV)

I was talking with Winn and James how I could earn the trust of the people once again. They didn't really come up with any good ideas and I deeply wished Barry was here. He would definitely have some advice for me. And it looked like my prayers were heard.

There was a knock on the door, what first surprised us three a bit. We have never been interrupted before. I slipped down my glasses to use my X-Ray vision and saw a familiar face outside.

I sighed in relief and got up to upon up the door for him.

"Hey Barry. Come in." we hugged shortly and I shoved him into the room.

He looked around a little confused taking in the whole equipment before him and then Winn and James who sat onto a couch.

"Kara what kind of room is this?" Barry asked a bit confused

"Well, when I first started I needed something to operate out of and Winn suggested this room."

Barry nodded understanding what she was talking about. Of course he would understand. Winn and James jaws were still dropped, they probably thought I was crazy because I let a guy I met two days ago in on my secret.

"S-So he knows?" asked Winn

"Yes, he does." I confirmed, while James just sighed.

"You know Kara, your cousin hasn't let that many people in on his secret and he is doing this thing way longer than you."

"You have a cousin?" said a surprised Barry

"Yes. I told you about Superman, haven't I?" I asked he simply shrugged his shoulders

James and Winn were even more confused than before. Who didn't know about Superman?

But then something in Barry's pocket vibrated. I saw that it was his mobilized version of Gideon. He looked at me like asking for my permission. I simply nodded and the blue face appeared once again.

"I'm sorry to interrupt Mr. Allen, but it seems like your suspicions were true. On the third of July the cycle will turn again." With these words the AI vanished again.

I looked confused at Barry. I didn't know what Gideon was talking about. Then I looked towards Winn and James who obviously didn't know what to do and think in this situation so I decided to explain.

"Well guys, I don't know how to explain it to you, I mean I know how, but I don't know how to sa-" I started but Barry interrupted me

"Although I love how you look when you rumble, it's ok Kara just tell them." Barry said

Did he just say that he loves seeing me rumble?

"So Barry is from another universe." I said

James didn't react at all, but I saw immediately that Winn started to geek out.

"So you are saying that the theory of the multiverse is true then?" Winn asked

"Oh yea big time." Barry answered

"Yeah, I still can't believe that he is here on our earth." I said

"What do you mean our earth?" James asked when he finally got out of his frozen state

Barry simply went to a drawboard and started to draw some cycles.

"So imagine there are multiple earths. One were the Nazis won WW2, one where Kennedy was never assasinated-"

"One where we are all evil." interrupted Winn

"Yeah, been there, it sucks. So all of this earths occupy the same place in space but they vibrate at a different frequency, so they can't see one another."

"But if you are fast enough, you could open up a "breach" and travel between those." Winn said

"Yeah." confirmed Barry

"But how could you travel that fast?" asked James

Barry just smiled and put the pen down. He ran out of the room only to appear a second later again. Each of us was holding an ice cream cone.

"Yeas." was all I said

"So, I was struck by lightning the same night a particle accelerator exploded and I became a superhero." finished Barry

"That's cool I guess." said James

"So you can just travel between dimensions?" asked Winn still looking excited as hell

"No this happened by accident. Although I travelled time before, but until I figure a way out to go back, I am stuck here." Barry finished

"What is that blue face from before? Is your earth like further developed than ours?" asked James now curiously as well.

"No. This is Gideon. A bad time traveller brought her with him. She told me that I apparently developed her in the future so I made a handheld version and now she is like a info guide for me."

"I still prefer artificial intelligence Mr. Allen." said Gideon

"I am sorry Gideon." sighed Barry and put Gideon away

"So ready for lunch, Mr. Danvers?" Barry asked me

"Of course Mr. Allen." I replied as we walked hand in hand out of the room.

"They are already holding hands?" asked Winn

"I think they aren't even realising it." replied James

Field of Arrival (Barry POV)

I decided to take Kara out for a picnic and what better place than the one where I arrived on this earth. I took her bridal style and rusher her to the outskirts of National City and dropped her gently on the prepared picnic blanket.

"Barry, this is so sweet from you." said Kara when she saw what I had prepared

"Only the sweetest for the sweetest." I replied making Kara blush

We enjoyed the date we had and talked a lot again. About our normal lives and our lives as a superhero.

"Barry, you are the only person I have ever felt so drawn to. I can't explain it but since the day you came into my life I have fallen for you." Kara said

"Kara, you are the sweetest person I have ever met. I would love to spent every minute I have by your side." I said

We both were silent for a moment simply staring in our eyes.

"I love you." we both said simultaneously

We both leaned forward and kissed. It was long and filled with passion. Quickly my tongue searched his way into Kara's mouth wanting to explore every bit there was of her, she did the same.

When our lips finally parted we were both out of breath, but I didn't care. I simply looked into her eyes and couldn't help myself and smile.

I am so lucky, to have stranded on this earth.

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