Chapter 9 | Goodbye earth

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Telling Alex | DEO Base (Kara POV)

Once again Alex, Hank, Barry and I discussed how he could get back to his earth. To even think about it saddened me although I played with the thought of coming along with him. Once the cycle would change we could still go back.

"What would happen if you ran back in time on our earth? Maybe you could prevent the tachyon device from burning through in the first point." suggested Hank

"No, that won't be good," sighed Barry. "I think it burnt thorugh while traveling between the universe. No reason in trying I would just anger the time wraiths."

We looked at Barry slightly confused. He seemed to notice the way we looked at him because he explained.

"Do you have the frighteners here?," Alex nodded, "Sorta like that just, scarier, faster and it's after speedsters who mess around with time."

"So you are saying these things prevent speedsters from time traveling, how?" I asked

"Well if they come in contact with you, they will suck out the live inside you. Happened once for a few seconds. An experience I don't want to have again." said Barry

"These things are as fast as you?" asked Alex

Barry simply nodded. I could tell that he just got an idea because he started to zone out on us completely.

"Gideon. I know how I can stop Zoom. Make an entry for me!" Barry practically shouted

Hank, Alex and I simply ran after Barry who was furiously typing something into the computer.

"What's your idea Mr. Allen?" the AI asked

"Zoom always taunted me and said that he created time remnants from himself. But these time wraiths never came after him. So if I fight him, I will mess with time just briefly to get their attention. And I hope that they will go after Zoom instead of me."

"That's brilliant Barry." I said and hugged him

"Just one more problem, you need to get back first." said Alex

"I might have found a way to help you with that." said Gideon

"What spit it out!" Barry said surprised

"To open up a breach, it doesn't require a certain amount of speed. It requires a certain amount of energy." said Gideon

"What are you saying?" I asked

"Gideon suggest that we both run together at the same time. I am so stupid why haven't I thought of that before." said Barry holding the back of his head

"No,no,no. Kara is not going anywhere. It's way too dangerous." Alex said immediately

"Actually I have already thought about going with Barry once he leaves. When the cycle turns again I can simply return." I looked at Barry and he smiled at me

I will go wherever he goes.

DEO Base (Alex POV)

Of course Kara took Barry's side. I knew she was in love with him. And by the looks they both shared he was in love with her aswell. It happened so fast. The shy and naive Kara found someone. Was it normal for a speedster to move on in a relationship that fast?

"You said that your team has the relevant information to create a way to get back to this earth, once you travelled there?" asked Hank

"Yes we have, after all we have a pretty stable way to earth 2 and back. It shouldn't be a problem to find a more permanent way than the tachyon device." Barry assured

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