Chapter 2 | TheFlash

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DEO Headquarters

Alex and Hank watched the video feed from Kara following the streak. She managed to follow him for a long distance, but then she suddenly crashed.

"What is going on? Why has she crashed? Did he use Kryptonite?" asked Alex who was more concerned than ever before for her sister

"She must have burnt through her powers. This blur must have lured her into this forest knowing that she needs sunlight." Answered Hank

Then they saw the Flash running directly in front of Kara coming to a hold inches in front of her. To their surprise they saw the look of concern in his face. He kneeled down next to her and said:

"Hey, hey don't give up on me now. I have enough blood on my hands already. Please don't do this to me."

Hank and Alex could see the desperation in his face. Panic was written across his face and it was even more obvious when he removed his mask, only to reveal a normal human behind it.

"Gideon what is happening to her? How do I help her?" asked the man

"Who is he talking to there is no one there." Said Alex

But then a blue face appeared from his wrist only to answer him.

"It appears that she harvests her power from the sun. I suggest that you move her somewhere where the sun can reach her."

The man nodded and the video became blurred for a few seconds. When it focused again it revealed that the man had carried Kara on top of a mountain. He placed her carefully on the ground and sat down a few feet beside her.

"Gideon have you found a way to get home yet?"

"I am sorry Mr. Allen. Without a direct internet connection, I will need at least a day to scan enough sources to find a way back home."

The man sighed and looked back at Kara. He looked up and down on her what made Alex a bit uneasy. She knew that he just saved her but her sister was defenceless and he could do whatever he wanted at that moment.

She was relieved when he just kept on talking: "You know I have saved many women before. But you are the first and most beautiful one who fell out of the sky for me."

"Gideon how long will it take to process all of the information?"

"It could take up to a month or even longer. I'm sorry if this is a long time for you. I would suggest that you search a place to stay and a job until I have processed all of the needed data."

The man sighed again. He seemed lost in thoughts until the built in device on his hand spoke again.

"I am sorry to interrupt, but it appears that "Supergirl" is waking up."

The man quickly put his mask back on and helped the blonde to sit up.

"You scared me there."

On top of a mountain (Barry POV)

The blonde was slowly getting up. Of course I helped her to sit up. She was even more beautiful than before. Her hair was amazing and her face was nothing compared to what I have seen before.

"Why haven't you killed me, when I was weak?" asked the blonde

I smiled back at her: "Why would I do that? I don't really know you. Just that you have gone mad apparantly."

It seems like I hit a hard topic there because she looked pretty sad when she said: "It was this stone. He controlled my mind and brought the bad side up. Not that someone would understand that."

Barry was about to say something, when Gideon decided to speak up.

"Actually we have dealt with this before. If my programming is corrected you were influenced by Rainbow Raider. If my data isn't corrupted, you tried to harm your "sisters" boyfriend."

That got Kara's attention. Not the blue face that emerged from his wrist. She had seen such things on Krypton before. But she was relieved that someone would finally understand how it feels to be controlled.

"It was hard. No one trusted me before and then I attacked this detective. Didn't really help my reputation. They created a task force just to stop me. Not that there was something to stop me from, you know I am one of the good guys. But with time things have settled down and nearly everyone is happy to have me around."

I could tell that this Supergirl was one of the good ones. The way she looked, you could see the regret in her eyes. I could tell that she was new in the hero business. But she tried it with her whole heart.

"Where are you from? I get it that you aren't around here." Asked the blonde

"Well it's rather difficult to explain, so Gideon will explain it." He smiled at the girl. "Even I don't really understand how I got here."

Barry activated Gideon again and the artificial intelligence started to explain what happened.

"Mr. Do I need to use superhero name or can I refer to you with your real name?" asked the blue face

"I would prefer the flash if you wouldn't mind." He mouthed a sorry to the girl who just giggled and waved it off.

"The flash tried to improve his speed with the use of his newly developed tachyon device. He reached a speed beyond my measurements and he created enough energy to open up a breach in the universe."

"That would explain the strange readings we had back at our base. But did you just say universe? That means you are from another earth." Said the blonde

"Exactly, this breach made it possible to run between earth 1 and this world earth 3."

"Why is my earth, earth 3?" asked the blonde with a smile on her face

"Well I discovered the multiverse first and I have travelled to one other earth before. So this is the third earth I have been to."

"I am sorry to interrupt your talk. But I need to be charged in the next few minutes. Or I could lose all of my previously acquired knowledge."

"Looks like I got to run. It looks like I have to spend some time here, until I figure out a way to get back. Maybe we can team up, when we have the chance?"

"I would love it. See you soon Flash." Said Supergirl when she laughed at me

I couldn't help myself but grin when looking at her face. It just made me happier than I had been for a long time.

SuperLove | SuperFlash | Barry Allen/Kara DanversWhere stories live. Discover now