I Became Stupid

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I'm feeling really lonely right now. Debina and Nasima are absent today. Well, I already knew about that. Debina has her cousin's wedding to attend, and Nas went for a trip to Goa with her family. So, today I've no one to spend time with. I keep sitting silently resting my chin on my hand.

Suddenly, I feel like, someone sits beside me. I turn there to see the person.

It's Abhi.

"What's your problem?" I ask, frowning.

He gives me a sweet smile. "I'm here to give you company."

"Thank you, but I don't need that," I say turning away from him.

"C'mon Renuka, you can't turn away from me like that. I know, what I did was wrong, and I'm sorry for that," he says, "I was too obsessed with Anna. I just wanted to get her back somehow. But I chose the wrong way. I understood my fault, Renuka. Shouldn't I get a second chance?"

I look at him, he is staring at me hopefully. Abhi was always a loyal friend, even he helped me many times without thinking about himself. He made me laugh when I felt down, he is that kind of friend, who even fought with his other friends for me. It'll be really unfair if I end our friendship just because of this stupid reason. He deserves a second chance.

"I forgive you," I say under my breath.

"What? I couldn't hear that," he says, leaning in.

"I said go hell!" I know, he heard me but pretending now.

"Nah, I'll go heaven," he smirks, "I'm a good person."

"You're a burden on earth," I stick out my tongue.

He cracks up. "You're really childish, Renuka. That's why you still didn't figure out that you've a thing for Sidharth."

"I'm not childish. By the way, I've no feelings for Sid," I inform, crossing my arms.

"Oh really?" he raises an eyebrow.


He stares at me, narrowing his eyes. Then, suddenly-

"Look Sidharth is there!" he shouts pointing behind me.

"Where? Where?" I jump up, and look behind me. This must be the most embarrassing thing I've ever done in my entire life. There's only one thing behind me, that is- the wall.

I sit down on the bench, glaring at Abhi. On the other hand, he is laughing at me insanely. This was the first time when he was successful to fool me.

How did I become so stupid?

"I can't believe this," he tries to speak, controlling his laughter, "What happened to my smart Renuka? I don't know this girl."

I roll my eyes, "Shut up. I was..just thinking about something."

"Something or someone?"he smirks. "My little Renuka is in love."

"How many times I need to tell you, that I don't love him?"

"You don't love him? Then why did you do that last night?"

"How do you know, that I kissed Sid last night!"

His eyes widen, "You really did that?"

"Yeah- Wait! you didn't know about that?"

"How would I know?" he says, curling up his lips into a smirk,"but now I know."

Cool, he fooled me again.

"Please don't tell this to anyone. Not even my friends," I say.

"Don't worry, your secret is safe with me," he says with a boyish grin.

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