Panic Disorder

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Finally,we reach in front of our car, but I suddenly feel a hold on my other wrist, which makes me and Sid stop. I turn around and find one of the boys with whom we just met, or better to say, one of the boys, we were running away from. I'm just about to open my mouth, and ask the guy what he wants, when the other guy arrives. He has a sinister smile on his face.

"Why are you running away  from us, Sid?"he comes near to us. Then, his eyes move on to me, a smirk appears on his face. "So, your girlfriend is here too. That's great."

"Stay away from her," says Sid, standing in front of me, and guarding me from those goons. "If you want to fight, then fight with me."

The whole scene looks like a movie scene. Just like the hero saves the heroine from the goons, Sid is trying to save me from these unknown boys, who actually look like the goons in the movies. But one thing I want to change: I'm not gonna stand still like a statue and watch the hero to fight. I don't know who these boys are, and how they know Sid, but all I can understand, that they've bad intentions, and they're quite dangerous, but I'm gonna fight with them. For both of us.

I push Sid aside, and face those boys.

"Hey look, I don't know your problem, but you can't follow us like that!" I snap at them.

Their smirks get wider. The taller one comes closer to me. "Your girlfriend is so brave, Sid," he leers at me, "I like her."

Sid grabs his collar angrily,"You-"

"You're not going to like me after this," I say to the unknown, disgusting, bastard, stopping Sid from beating him up.

"After what?"asks that guy, raising an eyebrow, and removing Sid's hand from his collar.

I take a step closer to him, "this" I punch on his nose as hard as possible.

My unexpected punch hurt him too much. He starts groaning in pain, and glaring at me. The shorter one comes to punch me, but I dodge it. Sid comes forward to fight with that guy. I turn to the other side to see the condition of the taller guy. I find him picking up a broken wooden cricket bat from the garbage area. I look around to find a weapon to fight with him. Unfortunately, there's nothing, that I can use as a weapon.

He starts walking towards me. I glance at Sid, he is busy in fighting with the shorter one, so I can definitely not expect any kind of help from him.

You can do it, Renu! You can fight with him alone, just think how to beat him without getting hurt.

He is now just a meter away from me. Suddenly, my eyes fall on his knees. Knees are one of the weakest joints where you can hit, and you've the highest chances to win, but it depends on how you hit that person. Your target has to be almost perfect, or the result can be negative. Fortunately, I've two advantages in this case - 1. The boy is too tall, even taller than Sid.

2. He's kinda heavy.

We all know, that the taller and heavier people are less stable. So, I can easily win this fight if my kick hits the right point.

I run closer to him, and kick directly on his right kneecap. My sudden attack hurts him too much, as expected. He starts groaning, grabbing his knee. His bat falls on the ground. I take the chance, and hit his neck with my right elbow. It hurts him more. Now, he is vulnerable, I pick up the bat, and hit him with that. He groans louder.

I pity on his condition. Beating with bat, is actually way too much. So, I put that down, and use my legs instead of the bat.

This kind of boys need to learn a good lesson.

Till my last breath [Completed ] Where stories live. Discover now