The secret revealed

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Time for the secret to get revealed.

"Wow! The poster looks awesome!" praises Sangita.

The poster is done and they all are staring at it like I made a picture of an alien, but technically it's true. I made portrait of my E.T. Wait, did I say my? What's wrong with me?

"The guy in this poster looks so familiar," says Shreya, narrowing her eyes at it. Let's see if she can recognize her boyfriend or not. She comes closer and takes a closer look of it. Every girl in the room is staring at her, and waiting for her to say who it is. Suddenly, her eyes widen, I think that she finally recognized who it is. "Isn't this Sidharth?" Yes she did!

"Yeah," I answer with a smile.

"Why did you draw him?" she frowns.

"Oh Shreya, stop asking stupid questions," says Sayani, "he suits for the poster. I like it."


"I think we should tell Sid about it," says Disha, cutting off Shreya in the middle of her protest.

"No, he looks so ugly here," remarks Shreya. "He won't be happy to see that."

Sis picks up the poster, and looks at it closely, "I don't think that he looks ugly here," she says, "I think he'll be happy to see that his girlfriend chose him for this."

Shreya doesn't say anything after this, but I can feel that she's not happy.

"Hey Shreya, why don't you call Sid and tell him about it?" says Disha.

"No, no, there's no need of it," I shout. It'll be so embarrassing if he knows about it. I don't want to make him feel that I'm completely infatuated by him.

"But I think he'll be happy to know that," remarks Disha. There's no doubt that he'll be happy, and that's what I don't want.

"No, Disha I- "

I'm stopped in the middle by my phone. It's ringing. Now, you must be thinking that why didn't I use my phone for finding the reference photo. Well, my this phone is a bar phone, and maybe I'm the only one who still use bar phone in this generation. However, my another phone is at home which is at least an android model. Only my best friends know the number of this phone.

I look at the caller ID, it's Debina. I hurriedly receive the call.

"Hey, what's up?" I say.

"Where are you? You weren't responding when I called to your other number." she says, almost squeals.

"Well, I'm at my sister's friend's home. I was helping them on their project."

"Why are you helping them? They are older than you. Whatever, I called you because that idiot told me to tell you that he had cancelled the puja," she says all at once.

"How can the idio- I mean, Abhi cancel the puja like that? It's a puja not a party."

"Look, I don't know," she informs monotonously.

"Okay then, see you on Monday."

"Not Monday, today," she says, and I can feel that she's smiling.


"Renuka Sen! Don't tell me that you forgot!" she snaps very loudly.

Remember, Renu, remember or she'll eat you up alive.

I hit my head on the wall, and try to remember what's today, but unfortunately, my head isn't working right now. Only his face is coming on my mind. I've lost my mind, I don't understand what is wrong with me.

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