Something about past

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I've been standing outside for ten minutes, and she's still not here. The sun is burning my face, but I can't go inside of my house, because of my lie. This is the price I've to pay for my lie.

I call Nasima for the sixth time. She again cuts the call. I don't understand, what she's doing. She told me that she would be here in twenty five minutes, and thirty minutes had passed, but she's not here. Suddenly, a honk draws my attention. I turn there, and see a red Alto coming.

Nasima can't drive, it can't  be her, I think to myself. 

Suddenly, the car stops in front of me. The windows go down, and a really familiar face reveals, which actually surprises me................

It's Nasima.

"Nas, since when you started-" I stop in the middle, when my eyes fall on the driver. It's weirdo aka Aditya. 

I walk over there.

"What are you doing here Aditya?" I ask him.

 "To tell you something important," he simply answers.

"And how are you going to do that?"

He smirks.

"By telling you some unknown facts about Sid."

"How do you know those facts?" I ask, crossing my arms across my chest.

"Get into the car, Renuka," he says, gesturing at the back seat. 

I don't say anything else, just open the door, and slid into the back seat. 

"Aditya, you didn't answer me," I remind him.

"I'll tell you everything really soon, Renuka."


The car stops in front of a blue colored house. All I know, that I don't know the owner of the house. I don't interrogate them about that, because I didn't get the answers of my previous questions. They were as silent as statues. So, this time I'm not going to waste my energy in asking them any question.

I open the door, and come out of the car. 

"What you guys think about my house?"asks Aditya, putting his hands on his hips.

Great! I got my answer without asking.

"It's okay," Nasima and I answer in unison.

He doesn't say anything else after that. He walks over to the entrance, we follow him. The door is already opened, so we enter the house without wasting any time. 

Entering the house, I find a woman fully engrossed in watching T.V. I can easily assume that she's Aditya's mother. I ignore her, and keep following him. He brings us to his room, which is perfectly clean, just the opposite of Sid's room. I sit on the chair. Nas drags a chair beside me and sits. Aditya sits on the bed. 

"So, Aditya what did you want to tell us?" asks Nas.

"Sid was an ex-student of our school," he informs. "He was in my class."

"Why didn't you tell us this before?" I squeal. 

"I thought, that was unnecessary," he explains, "I've never thought, that I would ever meet him again."

"But I was wrong," he continues, "I was really shocked to see him in the hospital that day. He looked really...different, almost like a completely different person." 

Till my last breath [Completed ] Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat