Old friends

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I don't want. I really don't want to go, but I have to, because this is what I chose. If I started a relationship with him, then I've to do it. And it can't be that uncomfortable, because we are friends. I don't think, it'll be that bad to date a friend. At least it's better than going out with a complete stranger.

"I'll go with you, Abhi," I answer with a fake smile.

A smile appears on his face, "I'm glad to hear it." He glances at something behind me, then he looks back at me. "See you today at 5?"

"Yeah, it'll be okay."

He winks at me before leaving. After his leaving, I turn around to see what the thing is he was glancing at. I find Anna chattering with her friends.

Now, you must be thinking: Who is Anna? Well, Anna is Abhi's ex. She is beautiful, dumb and self-obsessed. I don't know, why even Abhi liked her. I mean, if we don't count her amazing looks, then there will be nothing to like her. Yeah, that's a different thing, for most of the people it's enough to like someone.

Well, all I know, Abhi broke up with her the previous month, that's why I thought, that I got a chance and did that stupid thing. I hope you understood what I meant by 'stupid thing'. I don't exactly know why they broke up, but I think, it was because Anna started liking another guy. But Abhi actually liked her. He was too obsessed with her. I was completely shocked when he told me, that he broke up with her.

I don't waste my time in thinking about them anymore, and start  walking towards my classroom.

As I enter the class, I find Debina talking with Nasima. I'm kinda surprised to see Debina, actually I wasn't expecting her to be here today. She's a sensitive person, who takes much time to get out of that kind of situation. But I'm happy to see, that she managed to come out.

I walk over them. I put my bag beside Nasima, and join their conversation.

"So, you finally came," I say to Debina, smiling.

"No, I'm still at home,"she says sarcastically. "By the way, I'm still angry with you," she states.

"I don't get your reason, Debby," I reply, emphasizing her pet name that I gave her when we were in fifth grade.

"You know my reason very well, Ren."

"Ren? You know, I don't like that pet name. You can't call me that. I won't-"

"Ok, ok, Renu, I got it," she says, cutting me off. "But I hope, you don't meet that boy anymore, do you?"

I look at Debina, then glance at Nas, both of them are waiting for me to reply. There should be no lying in friendship, that's what I believe, but I'm the one who is breaking this rule every time. But I believe, there's nothing bad in lying, unless anyone gets hurt.

"No, I don't," I lie.

"That's my best friend," Debina pats on my head.

"By the way, Debina, why do you hate Sidharth so much? I mean, he killed his father, he didn't do anything wrong with you, so what's the reason of your hatred?" asks Nasima.

I look at Debina. I can see her pain in her eyes clearly. She stays silent, looking down at the floor. Then, she finally opens her mouth.

"He was a good person," she says in a low tone, then she looks up at us with watery eyes. "He was my best friend, and that boy killed him. Isn't it a good reason to hate him?"

Oh Debina, if I could tell you the truth.

I wish, if nothing had happened. If Sid's father had never changed, if he had never behaved wrong with his wife, then he wasn't killed by Sid, Debina would never lose her best friend, Sid would never live in guilt for all those years, everything would be just perfect. That's why, life is unfair. It changes suddenly, sometimes in a good way, and sometimes bad....


The bell has rung, we all start walking out of the class. Fortunately, my friends don't follow me after school, or they would find out, that I was lying.

I walk towards the parking lot to find Sid. Getting there, I find him standing alone, and staring at the ground. I walk over to him.

"I thought, that you wouldn't come today," he says, still staring at the ground.

"Then why were you waiting? And why did you even think that?"I ask, punching him on his arm.

He doesn't react against my punch, keeps standing still. "After all, you got a boyfriend," he finally looks at me, "and in general, boyfriends take their girlfriends home."

I narrow my eyes at him, "Sid, I've already told you, Abhi is just a friend. Why don't you get it? And what's your problem with him?"

He keeps staring at me silently. I don't know why, but for some reason, I'm having problem to maintain eye contact with him. I look away from him, and cross my arms.

"I think, we should leave," I say.

He nods, and opens the passenger seat's door for me. I get into the car. Soon, he also takes position on the driver's seat. Then we drive off.

I keep staring out of the window silently. I don't know, what to say. I'm feeling strange, so awkward, like I'm doing something wrong, cheating on him, or something like that. I don't know how to explain.

Why am I having this kind of feeling? I'm not cheating on him. We're just friends, nothing else, then why this kind of feeling?

"How was your day?" finally he says something, and breaks the silence.

"It was fine," I reply. "How was yours?"

I notice the corner of his mouth slightly twitches. "Why are you talking so formally? You sound really unfamiliar, when you talk like this, Rudie."

"You were the one who started. I'm not that kind of person who talks formally. You know that."

"Yes, I do. I just wanted to break the silence, and start a conversation. I don't like, when you stay silent."

"I don't like to stay silent either,"I chuckle.

"Wanna go to our place?"

"You mean the ice cream parlor?"



We head towards the ice cream parlor. In a few minutes, we get there. Getting out of the car, we enter there. Today the parlor is quite empty, so we've enough vacant seats to sit. We take our seats.

"What do you want?" he asks.



"Water," I repeat. "Are you deaf?"

"Why suddenly water? The person who can eat four items at once, now wants just water? It's weird."

I smirk, "I want to know how it tastes, that you order it every time we come here."

He smirks too, "To be honest, everything tastes great, when you stay with me."

I laugh, "Are you flirting with me, E.T?"

"If my truth sounds like flirt to you, then it's not my fault, Rudie."

We start laughing. It sounds so strange, when I hear those kind of words from Sid. I can't deny, that I like it, but I don't want the feeling it gives me.

Suddenly, he expressions change. It's like he saw a ghost. I follow his gaze, and find him staring at two boys standing at the order section.

"We need to leave," he mutters, staring at those boys.

"Why? What's wrong?" I ask.

"We just need to leave," he grabs my hand, and drags me with him.

"Where you going my friend?" we hear a voice from behind us. We turn around, and find those boys standing. "How are you, Sid? Forgot us?"

Instead of answering his old friends or something else, he holds my hand more tightly, and makes me run away with him.

Thanks for reading, and don't forget to vote 😊
Keep reading it, in the next chapter I'm gonna add some action.
Love ya,

Till my last breath [Completed ] Where stories live. Discover now