Will you go out with me?

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"What's his name?" sis asks.

"Abhishek Mitra," I reply, moving my hand through my hair. It's a strange feeling, when you're told to say your crush's name who is now your boyfriend, and you don't want that. I want him to stay only my crush, nothing more than it...

"Abhishek? That guy who is in our school football team?" asks Sid, surprised.

"You know him?" I raise an eyebrow. I didn't expect it. I mean, I know he saw him that day, but I didn't know, he knows something about him too.

"Of course, I do. And I also caught you to pro-"

"Oh, great! You know!" I cut him off. How can he expose that embarrassing moment to everyone! "So, I don't think there's anything I need to explain."

"Actually, there is," says sis, leaning on the table, "When did it happen?"

"I also want to know," demands Sid.

Everyone stares at me with curiosity, waiting for me to say something.

I'm really not in mood to explain that story. I want to forget everything, I want to forget that he ever said those things to me, and want to be like before. Friendship has comfort what I can't get in any other relationship, that's what I believe.

"Today, he......." I start explaining the whole story to them, and they keep listening without interrupting.

"That's it," finally I'm done. After ending that, I look around to see others expressions. All of them are giving me blank looks except Sid.

I don't know how to explain his expressions. He looks angry at the same time....jealous? Maybe. I don't know, but he definitely has no reason to be jealous, he isn't my ex or something like that.

"He kissed you?"finally he says something, breaking the silence.

"On cheek," I clarify. "I won't let him kiss on my lip. It looks so disgusting when I see the couples kissing in the Hollywood movies. Who knows, how many germs they share. Ew," I say, wrinkling my nose.

"Hey! Don't say like that!" shouts Shreya. "Kissing is a way to express love. There's nothing disgusting about it!"

I roll my eyes,"I think there are many other ways to do that than sharing germs and saliva."

"You're heartless, Renuka. You can never love anyone."

I don't say anything else, maybe somewhere she was right. I don't really want to fall in love. It makes people weak and stupid. Plus, it's a waste of time, it distracts us from important works, and slowly, destroys everything. And that's what I don't want. I'm not brave enough to destroy myself for anyone else.

"Shreya, don't you think that you said something, what you should not have said?"says Sid, glaring at Shreya. "Say sorry to her."

"I didn't say anything wrong, so-"

"Say sorry to her, Shreya."

Giving up protesting, she turns to me. "Sorry," she finally says, but her face is saying something else.

"It's ok," I say.

"Hey girls, I don't want to play further," Sid says, standing up from the sofa, "I'm waiting for you all outside." He walks out of the house. Shreya calls him from behind, but he ignores.

Why did he leave, did my comment about kiss upset him?

Nah, definitely not. He isn't Shreya. Plus, he isn't an enthusiast in love, so this can't be the reason. I need to find it out.

Till my last breath [Completed ] Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin