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Debina is absent today. Sid is ignoring me like I'm invisible. It's not like he talks with me all the time when we're at school, but at least he looks at me, and sometimes smiles, but today.....


Hey, I forgot to mention that I'm in my class, and completely ignoring the lecture of our math teacher, Mrs Gupta.

"Renuka Sen, stand up!"

That was Mrs Gupta. I don't know why, but she has an intense hatred for me. She always tries to punish me, but unfortunately fails. Well, it's not my fault if I'm so intelligent and people get less chances to punish me. Okay, enough praising myself, now time for listening to my dear math teacher.

I stand up as she ordered. "Yes ma'am."

She gives me a sinister smile. "Were you listening anything I was saying, Renuka?" she asks in her snake like voice.

The class is pin drop silent. Everyone is staring at me as this is a rare incident that I was inattentive in class. I'm also a human, guys. I can't be attentive all the time. Especially, when someone suddenly barged into my life and made it complicated than ever before.

"I'm sorry ma'am," I say, "I wasn't listening to you." Look, I'm so honest. Yeah, not every time, but most of the time. Okay, not most of the time but sometimes.

Her sinister smile gets wider, after all she has got an opportunity to punish me. She turns to the white board, grabs the marker and writes down a sum. "Solve it."

I stare at the sum for a few seconds. A smile spreads across my face. I did the exact same sum last night. Let me tell you an important thing about me- I'm the topper of the class. I don't spend all the time thinking about a psycho guy and his alleged crime. I study too.

I walk over to the white board. I grab the marker, and start solving it. It takes me a few seconds to solve it.

I give a sweet smile to my dear teacher. "Ma'am, done. Can I go back to my seat now?"

She narrows her eyes at me. Then, hides her real expressions with a fake smile. "Good, you can go back to your seat."

I nod and walk over to my seat. She continues what she was saying earlier, and this time I try to be as attentive as possible. After all, we come to school to learn, not to think about some people with mental illness.

For some reason, I can't concentrate in the class. I feel like someone is staring at me, someone with wrong intentions. When Mrs Gupta turns around, I grab the chance and look beside me to see the person staring at me. My eyes widen when I find Abhi staring at me intently. He immediately looks away, when he finds me looking at me.

That's strange, I think to myself.

Abhi is of course a below average student, and he is lack of intelligence. Still, he tries to give his best, and never becomes absent minded during class. But from a few days I'm noticing, he is behaving kinda strange. If I'm not wrong, it started after my stupid confession. He comes to me to say something, but then remains silent and keeps staring at my face, like he is trying to see the core of my soul. The changes of his behavior sometimes scares me. I've enough psycho people in my life and don't want anyone else to join the group.

The rest of the periods went smoothly, I didn't do anything embarrassing.

I put my books inside of my bag, and get ready to leave the class. Unfortunately, I get stopped by Nasima.

"You're taking bus, right?" she asks with a skeptical look. I bet she's expecting me to go with Sid, but I've my dignity. I won't forgive him for what he did yesterday, he has no right to shout at me like that.

"Of course, I'm," I simply reply.

She nods silently. "Then see you tomorrow," saying this she walks away from me. Before leaving she waves me good bye. I wave back at her.

I walk out of the school and start walking towards the bus stand, when someone grabs my arm and makes me stop. I turn around to see the person, and find Abhi looking at me nervously.

"Hey Abhi, what's the matter?" I ask.

"Are you mad at me?"he asks, running his hand through his hair.

"Why this stupid thought came in your mind?"

He licks his dry lips, then smile nervously, "I thought you were angry because I cancelled the puja without informing you by myself."

"It wasn't a big deal," I say. "I've many other things to be angry with," I mumble to myself, remembering Sid's face.

He lets out a sigh of relief, and smiles at me. I also fake a smile even I'm not in a mood of smiling.

"Are you done? Can I go now?"I ask.

"Actually I've something else to tell you."

"Say anything you want I'm listening," I say in a monotonous tone. For some reason, I'm feeling so tired and want to be at home as soon as possible.

"I like you."

"Oh, ok, I'm leaving now- wait, WHAT!?" Did he just say.....nah, I must be hallucinating again.

He laughs in a strange way. "Remember that day when you confessed your feeling to me," my cheeks turn red remembering that awfully embarrassing incident. "I told you that I took it as a joke, but the truth is.....I knew that you were serious...but..I di-didn't know how to react...so I laughed at it and ran away from there. Actually, I was shocked, Renuka. I didn't expect you to have a thing for a guy like me. But when you said that I felt like....I felt on  the top of the world....sorry for that day," then he takes a deep breath and puts his hands on my shoulder, "Say Renuka, will you...be..my...girlfriend?"

Am I dreaming? If I'm then please wake me up, I'm not enjoying it. I stomp on my own feet to see if it's really a dream or reality, but it turns out reality, because my feet is hurting so much. But the worse thing is- I've to face this situation, I've to answer.

Yes, there was a time when I had a huge crush on him, and that led me to the confession what I made that day. But now, I feel nothing like that. It's nothing more than a childhood stupidity to me now. I don't want him....more than just a friend....

Life is ridiculous, isn't it? Sometimes you want something so much and do crazy things to get it, but soon the craziness fades away. Maybe you get it after some time, but when you get that, you don't want that anymore. This is life. It changes in every single second, you change in every single second, your desires change in  every single second. New things come, old things start to fade away. You try to save them, but you can't, because you actually don't want. This is life which changes with a blink of eyes.

I never mean that I don't like Abhi anymore. He was a great friend, and he'll stay that forever, but Sid made me realize...I never had that kind of attraction towards Abhi...like I've towards him.....

Till my last breath [Completed ] Where stories live. Discover now