A Secret Can't Be A Secret

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So, now u can enjoy this chapter where I'll reveal the most important secret of Sidharth💝

Slowly, his expressions turn into a frown. I know, he isn't  happy to see me, but not sad either. I exactly can't read his face right now, it's a mixture of many expressions which is confusing me.

"Why are you walking alone in the rain?" he asks breaking the awkward silence.

"The reason is asking me the reason, that's strange," I smirk.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you remember the bus incident?"

He opens his mouth to say something, but then closes it. Probably, now he remembered that incident.

"Sorry for that," I hear him mumbling. "Let me take you home."

"There's no need," I say. "I've legs, I can walk. I don't need your help anymore, Sid. Sorry for bothering you," saying this I turn around, and start taking steps forward, but soon he stops me.

"Are you angry because of yesterday's incident?" he says from behind.

I turn around to answer him. "No, I'm not, I can't be. I don't feel bad because of a stranger's bad behavior." I've no idea why these words came out of my mouth, but this wasn't my brain, it was my heart who made me say that.

He stands up from the bench, and walks up to me.

"Stranger? Just stranger? I never knew that I'm just a stranger to you," he says, looking down at me.

"Then what should I say, Sid?" I scowl. "We're not friends. I can't even call you acquaintance, because I know nothing about you. You're no better than a stranger, Sid."

He stares at me silently for a few seconds. I still can't read his expressions. All I know, he is finding a good excuse to drop the topic.

"There are a few things which are better to stay secrets forever," he says.

I smirk, "A secret can't stay a secret forever, Sid. Everything has to come to the light someday. If we try to hold back something for a long time, then that'll start damaging us from inside...then we'll be isolated from the whole world, and soon we'll lose our existence...."

He looks away from me, and puts his hand on his forehead, which is clearly showing that he isn't feeling comfortable with this conversation.

"If I tell you the truth, then you'll leave me, Renuka," he says, not making eye contact with me.

I turn his face to me, and make him look at me.

"You can't do anything wrong," I say with a comforting smile, "which will make me leave you. For some unknown reason, I trust you."

A smile appears on his face. "I don't know, if after hearing the truth you will say the same thing or not, but still, I think, it's the right time to tell you everything."

My heart starts beating so fast, for some reason I'm so nervous. I know, Sid's father is alive, and he's definitely not a murderer, but there must be a reason behind  Debina's lie, Sid's silence and Joy's anger. All the answers I'm going to get from Sid, right now.

"I," he finally opens his mouth, "truly....killed..my father." This one sentence gave me a great shock. He can't be serious!

"Why are you lying, Sid? I know you didn't. I saw your fa-"

"He was my uncle, Renuka," he says, cutting me off. "The man you saw in the photo was actually my uncle."

"But your mother said-"

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