Finding the truth- Part-2

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"Is there anything wrong?" asks Sid's mother, putting her hand on my shoulder.

"Nothing," I answer, remembering the scene when Debina said that Sid had killed his father. I still couldn't believe that Debina could lie like that.

"But it looks like you're in deep thinking," she says, scanning my face. "By the way, I forgot to ask why you came here and your name."

"Well, I'm Renuka and" I look around, and try to make up an excuse. Unfortunately, I've nothing to say. I don't even know myself, that why I came here.

"Um...I...was-" I'm about to answer something when I get interrupted by a sweet voice.

"Mommy, brother isn't at home, right?" a little girl comes down from the stairs, rubbing her eyes like she woke up just now. This is the same girl in the photo, standing next to Sid. That means, she's his sister.

She squints her eyes at me, like I'm a creature from another planet. She walks over to me, and stops in front of me.

"Who are you?" she asks, crossing her arms across her chest. By the way, I've to say, Sid's sister looks nothing like him. She looks totally like a cute doll! I can play with her plumpy cheeks all day. 

"I don't even know," I mumble to myself, then I look up her, "I'm Renuka, your brother's frie-schoolmate." I didn't get any better word than it to explain my relation with Sid.

"Schoolmate? This sounds so odd," she says, "I thought you would say 'friend'"

If I could say that, just if...

"By the way, you wanna see something interesting?" she asks with a sweet toothy smile.

"How I can deny?" I smile back at her. "But what are you going to show me?"

"Just come with me," she grabs my hand, and drags me along with her.

Finally, she brings me to a messy, stinky room, which looks like a stupid kid's room. Yeah,my room is also messy, but not that much. I keep walking, removing the books on the floor, and putting it on the table.

Did I come here to clean this room?

Well, after almost cleaning the whole room, I finally get some space to sit. I sit comfortably on the sofa, and yawn, it was really a tiresome job.

"So, now tell me why did you bring me here?" I ask the small, soft and cute creature, who is now finding something in the  drawer.

"Something really important," she answers, throwing things out  from the drawer. I just keep watching her with a blank expression. I just cleaned the room!

Finally, she takes out two sketchbooks from there, and runs over to me. 

"Look, this is my sketchbook," she hands me the first one. "Tell me how they are," she says, sitting beside me.

I open the book. A painting of a flower comes on the first page. I remember, when I was like her age, I also loved making pictures of flowers. I turn over the page to see the other paintings. 

After seeing every painting of her, I understand that she has the potential. Making this kind of sketches or paintings in this age is truly amazing. 

"You draw really well," I say, as sweetly as possible.

"You think?" her face brightens up. "My brother also says that."

I smile, "Your brother is really supportive, isn't he?"

"Yes," she again shows her beautiful smile. "He's the best brother in the world, but he just spends more time  outside than home," she adds with a sad face.

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