Chapter 4 - Suprises

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Hi guys! i'm in a SUPER mood today! One Direction are in AUSTRALIA! they're peforming right now but i'm not there. since i didn't get tickets :( anyways! since i'm happy that one direction are in australia, i'm going to put up another chapter! hope you guys like it! and if u like 1d then post below, and we'll have our own discussion on them! 

well, here you go! lots of suprises in this chapter :) & thanks for the fans and votes guys! I LOVE YOU ALL!

p.s. this chapter is extra long, a treat to you all! thanks for the support, again! :)




(**Three months later**)

“It’s the party of the year, Annie, we have to make an appearance.” Gabriel stood at the mirror, his hair gelled up to make a nice 45 degree curve, while he pulled on his blazer. 

“I don’t get it. Why do I have to go? I don’t want to go!” I whined, watching him spray on his cologne. 

“At least you get to go.” At the door, stood a twelve year old boy. His brown hair was messy, his bright blue eyes were wide with an open longingness, and his face was identical to Gabriel. Sharp, high cheekbones, strong jaw, and skin that looked like it glowed in the dark.

“Gabriquez Claret. Have you ever heard of knocking on the door?” Gabriel teased. Gabriquez ignored it.

“Annie, can you try and convince Gabe to let me go? Please? I’ve done everything you’ve asked me to do! Please!” He ran up to me, tugging on my arm. 

“Sorry Quez, unfortunately, I’m not allowed to do anything around here. Why don’t you watch a movie at home? Or you know, play C.O.D or something.”

Quez looked disappointed, his smile fading into a grim frown. His eyes lacked his usual enthusiasm. 

“I don’t play C.O.D” He whispered, clutching purposely onto his latest Naruto manga novel. 

“Ah, cheer up kido. You’ll go one day.” Gabriel said, ruffling Quez’s hair. Quez moved away from Gabriel and plopped down next to me on my bed. 

“I hate you and your age rules. Just because your eighteen doesn’t mean you get to do everything by yourself.” Quez mumbled. 

Gabriel turned arround and crossed his arms around his chest, one eyebrow raised. Quez and I knew this move too well.

“Quez, mum and dad are too busy to worry about us. They have our family business company running, financial problems and much more on their minds that they don’t have enough time to check up on us. So I have to take over.You should understand that!”

“So they don’t even have enough time to just call up and say hi? They don’t have enough time to ask me how school is or how my friends are? Oh wait, I don’t have any friends, and school sucks at the moment, as if they even care.”

“Quez, mum and dad love you!” Gabriel egged, trying just to convince Quez that he was loved. 

“You say that like its a good thing! If this is the way they love me, I’d rather them not love me at all!” Quez’s glasses were lopsided and his face flushed red of anger. I had never seen Quez like this. My innocent little brother had never said or done anything to my parents. I quickly pulled Quez down and hugged him tightly, glaring at Gabriel while I was at it.

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