Chapter Ten: The Dreaded Curl

Start from the beginning

I started to blush and didn't bother to look at him "I-I need your help."

Gilbert tilted his head "With?"

"W-When you accidentally touched my curl, I sorta got um....." I looked at Gilbert and he was grinning "I-I'm guessing that you know what I'm asking.....?"

"Maybe~But I rather for you to ask anyway~" Gilbert was still grinning.

He is so evil! I sighed and just kissed

Gilbert POV
Birdie is so easy to read~ I pulled him closer to me, feeling his erection on mine.

Matthew parted his lips a bit.

Instantly knowing what he wanted, I slipped my tongue into his mouth.

"Gil bear....~" Matthew quietly said.

I really wanted to laugh at the new nickname, but I don't want to ruin the moment. I just picked Matthew up and sat him on the counter, moving down to his neck.

Matthew gasped a little "G-Gil~"

I sucked on his neck and left a hickey.

"Gil!" Matthew placed his hand on the hickey "It's noticeable!" He started to turn read like a tomato.

"That's a good thing~ now let's make this quick before the food gets cold." I kissed Matthew and started pulling down his pants and boxers.

Matthew's member was dripping a lot of pre-cum.

"That curl is really something else~ Quite awesome~" I grinned and took all of Matthew's member into my mouth, starting to bob my head up and down.

"N-No....not a-awesome at all!"Matthew put his hands on my shoulder's and started to lightly squeeze them "G-Gil~!"

I started to suck harder and picked up the pace.

Matthew squeezed my shoulders much harder "Gil-bear~!"

I went much faster and sucked harder.

"Gil~" Matthew is now squeezing the life out of my shoulders and threw his head back.

I took his member out of my mouth and started to jerk him off for the finish.

"I'm about to- Ah~!" Matthew came all over my face and is lightly panting "S-Sorry"

"It's fine Birdie~ It's a little bj quickie, so it was expected. " I grabbed some paper towels, wiped Matthew's cum of my face and some that is on his member "Let's eat~"

Matthew looked at me and nodded.

I pulled up his boxers and pants, then helped him off of the counter. I threw away the paper towel and washed my hands in the sink.

"Thanks Gil" Matthew kissed me and went to the dining room and sat down.

"No problem Birdie~" I dried my hands and took the plates to the dining room "Hopefully the food isn't too cold."

Matthew's POV
I feel so much better now. Thank you Gil bear! I looked at the plate and was amazed at what he made "You really out done yourself."

"Anything for my Birdie~" Gilbert smiled and started eating.

My cheeks flushed a bright red and I start to slowly eat. After a few minutes, I jumped a little when I heard the clanking of a fork being put down on a plate. I looked up at Gil.

Gilbert laughed a little "Did I scare ya?"

I pouted and looked down at my food, which I barely put a dent in "Not at all...."

"What's wrong Birdie?" Gilbert asked. I could hear the worried tone in his voice.

I looked up at him "It's nothing, Gil bear." I smiled to look convincing. Honestly, I've been very down lately because I'm constantly thinking about it I'm going be a good parent and raised our baby or babies right..... I've been trying so hard to hide my sadness from Gil, but is seems like every single day.....he notices it. I rubbed my firm stomach.

Gilbert stood up and walked over to me. He got on his knees and held my hands in his "If you're thinking that you won't be a good parent, you're being unawesome. I know that you'll be an awesome parent. We'll be awesome parents together! So please cheer up Birdie, or I'll tickle you."

'We'll be awesome parents together' Those words were music to my ears. I looked at Gilbert and smiled a little.

"I love that adorable small smile of yours, but I want an awesome one!" Gilbert started to tickle me.

"Oh my maple! Gilbert! Stop!" I laughed really hard and squirmed in the chair since I am veeeery ticklish.

"Until you give me an awesome smile~" Gilbert continued tickling me.

"Okay! Okay! O-" I doubled over, covering my mouth and stood up, bolting to the nearest bathroom. I bent over the toilet​ and threw up everything I ate. I groaned, sitting down by the toilet waiting for the next round"Being pregnant sucks!"

Gilbert walked in and leaned on the doorframe "Do I sense mood swings~?"

"Put a maple leaf in it, Gil....." I crossed my arms and pouted. These next 6 and a half months are going to be hard.....

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