Chapter 4- The 'Crazy Room'

Start from the beginning

As I looked at the walls,I saw pictures of the royal family. These pictures were rare and were believed to be lost in the explosion. These pictures were quite exquisite and as I watched them, one of them took me by surprise.

It looked like a younger version of Kyra's mom next to an unknown man and I was beyond confused. There were other portraits along the wall and I was completely confused. What did this mean? Was Kyra's mom a princess? She had exquisite beauty and could pass for a model but I just thought that she was an ordinary civilian. How was this possible?

My mind raced as the nurse brought me to the dining room. I then began thinking of my parents.Were they okay? Were they looking for me? Would I ever get out of this place?

We approached the door and I saw Kyra sitting on a chair, looking off into the distance. She looked really depressed and frustrated. Her hand was wrapped with bandages but she looked as if she needed more bandages to wrap herself in before she fell apart.

This wasn't your average kidnapping. Most times the kidnapper would have you ransomed for money or torture you for sex. But this one was just torturing me for no good reason. This had to do something with Kyra and her mom and I had to tell her of my discovery and my thoughts on this whole situation.

Kyra seemed physically okay compared to me but mentally, I could not tell which one of us would go insane first.

Kyra heard the nurses as they wheeled me in and her head turned to face us. Her face lit up as she saw me.

"Lisa!" Kyra cried out and ran towards me, hugging me. Tears were in her eyes as she observed me.

I had a broken ankle and was still in a lot of pain. My head had been wrapped as I may have cracked it when I fell. It's a miracle I was even alive and able to sit up. Then again, I had been unconscious for about four days so I guess I had to wake from that slumber at some point.

Kyra sat next to me at the table and we spoke with our eyes, trying to decipher why this was happening to us. When the maids and nurses exited the room, Kyra and I took shaky breaths as we had gone through hell and damnation and we could not believe that we were finally seeing each other for the first time since being kidnapped.

"Lisa, you think we're ever going to get out of here?" Kyra whispered to me sadly.

"I'm not sure. I need to get out of here. Look at what he did to me. I almost died." I cried out with tears streaming down my face.

"He did that?" Kyra said completely shocked and her face went pale.

Maids then entered the dining room, with platters of food and placed it all on the table.

"Kyra, do you know where we are?" I asked her as I wanted to tell her what I had discovered about her mother.

"In some sort of castle I believe. I still can't believe this is real. I'm still trying to wake up from this nightmare." Kyra responded, shivering.

"The doctor who helped me told me I was in the Henderson's Castle and in the hallways there were portraits of royal families from all over the world." I informed her.

"I thought that Kings and Queens were make believe stories. I mean, didn't they all die out in some kind of bombing?" Kyra responded.

"I thought so too, but then I saw a portrait which took me by surprise. It was a picture of a your mom when she was younger with an unknown man." I told Kyra.

"My mom? I...I always thought that....I can't believe it."Kyra said in shock and her face had bemusement written all over it.

"Kyra, your mom might be the reason that we were kidnapped. You need to find out more about this place and try to get us out of here." I said with an urging in my voice. I was beyond desperate to go back to my normal life.

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