I was having the same damn nightmare. All in one.

Damien and my parents. All in one.

I pushed the covers away from my body and stood up, reaching for a silk robe that I learned to keep on the table next to my bed. I was freezing, but all the windows were closed.

If I was this cold, I could only imagine how cold Niall was, so I picked up one of the sheets from my bed and moved closer to where he laid.

I was about to cover him, when his hand jolted up, and grabbed my wrist. I was taken aback when instead of baby blue eyes, I was met with Harry's dark green eyes.

"Oh. It's just you." He breathed, releasing my wrist. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you." He whispered, his eyes looking me over.

I felt my cheeks warm up, and just the thought of my cheeks warming up — blushing — because of Harry's presence made my face heat up even more.

Thank god it was dark.

I shook my head, coming out of my strange trance. "No.. I'm sorry.. I thought you were Niall. When did you get here?"

I took a step back, allowing him to stand up, but that wasn't a good idea, because our bodies were so close it was impossible to deny the tension between us.

I moved back toward the bed, slightly sitting on the edge of it.

"We got here a couple of hours ago." He studied me, he himself moving to sit next to me. Amusement coated his voice. "We had to figure out what was going on, and what was the best option. When I got here you and Niall were both asleep, so I woke him and told him to go rest." He explained.

I moved slightly away from him.

"Why'd you stay here though?"

He shrugged. "Too lazy to go back to my own room. Plus, yours felt.. warmer."

"Ah.." I nodded. This was so awkward. "So what are you guys going to do? Is D going attack anytime soon?"

Part of me wanted to know. The other, just wanted to distract his lingering eyes on me. I felt like his eyes were devouring me. But this time he did look worried, and he broke his stare.

"We are going to take you somewhere safe." He replied, not explaining any further.

I raised a brow. "Elaborate?"

He sighed, shutting his eyes. "I own a couple of islands. Louis and Niall are going to be staying here at the mansion, waiting for any sort of attack, while you, Liam, and I will relocate. They only want to attack this mansion to get to you. We need to prevent that." He fully explained, although I knew he kept a lot of those details to himself.

I couldn't help myself. I had to ask. "Are you ever going to tell me why they want me so bad?"

He sadly nodded. "Eventually. All you have to know for now, though, is that it's nothing good."

I stared ahead. Everything they told me always confused me more.

His eyes synchronized me, and I knew he had taken in my confusion, and slight, very very very very slight fear. "I'm not letting anyone hurt you, Angioletto." He whispered, his hand finding mine.

I looked down at our hands, and then back at the eyes of the man I had despised so much. Yet no matter how much I searched, I couldn't find any sort of ill feelings toward him anymore.

Quite the opposite actually, for his gaze caused something in the pit of my stomach to flutter.

And I'm sure he knew so too, because in that instant, he looked away, and took his hand away. "I'll let you rest." He nodded in acknowledgement, and began to walk away without waiting for a reply.

I was sent down a spiral again. My heart was telling me to tell him to stay. While my head, like always told me that emotions were dangerous.

And I was crossing the line.

But I didn't listen.

Before he had closed the door, I mumbled, almost inaudibly, "stay?"

And he stopped, hand on the door, and looked back at me.

"I can't." He replied, sad smile on his lips.

Now I felt like an idiot.


His eyes lingered on mine for a second, before the lowered down to my gown, and then back up to my eyes. "Because I don't think I can stay another minute in this room without feeling your lips — your body — on mine."

And then he was gone.


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It's short because it's a continuation to chapter 19!

Hope you enjoyed!

If you like my writing please follow my wattpad account @musicnotes

Love love love

Delilah xoxo

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