twenty seven

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Jacob was seething. If it weren't for an injured Troye standing in front of him, he'd more than likely being flipping things over. Or at least in his mind he would be, because as an agent, he usually had to keep a level head.

"Tran isn't letting me?" Jacob snarled. "What the hell does that even mean?"

"I don't know, Jacob," Adam said softly. "Agent Murs said that yesterday when he was called into Tran's office, they were talking about you. Murs managed to avoid the most important stuff, but Tran... Tran still told Agent Murs that it'd be best if you weren't there."

"I'm coming to talk to him," Jacob said firmly. "Today."

Troye huffed at that, clearly disapproving. He pointed to Jacob's injured arm with a scowl. Jacob simply grabbed Troye's hand and tangled their fingers together.

"Jacob..." Adam warned. "If Tran is having suspicions then-"

"Then I'm going to get rid of them," Jacob grumbled. "And I'm going to Troye's court hearing, and he's not going to jail. Agent Murs hasn't even spoken with him yet! What about a lawyer for him? What about-"

Troye had gone rigid, his jaw clenching as his eyes widened. Jacob could feel Troye's hand tighten in his own, but Troye remained silent as he waited for Jacob to get off the phone.

"Alright, Jacob..." Adam said softly. "Just don't do anything rash."

"I won't."

Jacob hung up the phone, slowly slipping it back into his pocket as his eyes fell on Troye. Troye's eyes searched Jacob's face, and the hand not clutching Jacob's wrapped around to press carefully over his injured ribs, "...What?"

"That was Adam," Jacob forced his voice to remain steady. "Your case is on Monday."

Troye's eyes widened, and he swallowed hard, "Right, right... my case. I'm technically arrested right now. That's why I'm not allowed to leave the floor and why guards are standing in front of the stairs and the lift. I probably wouldn't even be allowed to leave the room if it wasn't necessary for my recovery."

"Let's walk," Jacob said softly, slipping his arm around Troye again. He moved his arm from Troye's upper back down to Troye's waist instead.

Troye pursed his lips as they walked, "And you were saying something else about the case? About going to my court hearing?"

"Yes," Jacob bit his lip, unsure of how Troye would react to the news he was about to reveal. "Tran said I couldn't go."

"He said what?!" Troye stopped immediately even though Jacob kept walking, resulting in Jacob almost pulling him over.

"Shit, babe-" Jacob gasped, hands seizing Troye's hips to steady him. "Are you alright, I'm so sorry!"

"What do you mean he said you couldn't go?" Troye screeched.

Jacob glanced around them anxiously, gently hushing him, "Shh... I'm going, I'm going. I said I was going to go talk to Tran today and convince him to let me go. I don't know if I can do anything there but I'm going to be in that room with you."

Troye's hands were latching onto Jacob's shirt as his breathing grew more rapid, "But what if he says no?! What if you can't be in there, too? Jacob, I need you in there, I don't think I can- I don't like confrontation, what if... what if they..."

"Breathe," Jacob reminded nervously. "Do we need to go back to your room to talk about this? Actually, yes, yes we do. It's more private and you're making me anxious breathing like that. You're going to hurt your ribs."

Jacob slipped his arm around Troye's waist, guiding him slowly and carefully towards Troye's room. The nurse frowned as she spotted them, and she met them in front of Troye's door, "Done walking already?"

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