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I tighten the bow holding the tulips as I fumble with the keys, I haven't used in what seems like forever. I can barely keep a straight face, I'm smiling so hard that my cheeks hurt.

The door finally unlocks and I walk inside, raising my brows at the silence that fills the room.

"Hello?" I take step forward kicking off my shoes. "Anyone home?" They should both be here, Tobi always got home from work before me and Louis was always eating before leaving for work. But it seems that no one is here, so I go into the kitchen to get a vase for the flowers so I can sit them on the table in our bedroom. Hopefully it's still our bedroom, I pour some water into the vase and slip the flowers inside.

I walk down the hall to the room when I hear a grunt. I walk faster seeing that the door is closed slightly but not all the way. I grip the vase tightly and peek in, I quickly drop the vase and pull Louis off of Tobi.

"Hey what the fu- Harry? Wh-what are you doing here?"

I punch him in the stomach making him double over in pain, I rush over to Tobi who still lays on her side with her skirt bunched at her hips. I pull her skirt down and put the covers over her kissing her gently on her tear stained cheek. I lean down and grab Louis by his shirt and drag him out the room, and down the hall and outside. He stands up once I let him go and I slam the door in his face, quickly locking it and putting the bolt down. I walk back to the bedroom to check on Tobi, but she has fell asleep so I lean down to pick up the flowers that I dropped and walk back into the kitchen to fil them up with water again and grab a towel to get the water out the carpet.

I throw the towel over the water spot and sit the flowers down before sitting down next to Tobi. I rub her back gently making her stir in her sleep, she quickly rolls over but calms down when she sees it's just me.

"Harry what happened to you?"

I sigh rub my forehead not ready to explain the last two months. Well it's not all bad news I get to tell her that I'm now a 9 and that we can move into our new house if she wants to. I just want her to be happy and now maybe she can be. I take a deep breath and start explaining everything from the letter to what I found out about Anne.

When I finish she purses her lips and tucks a hair behind her ear. "I-I have something to tell you too." She smiles weakly pulling at the sleeve of her shirt.

"What is it?"

"I'm pregnant." My eyes immediately drift to her stomach. "With twins."

"They're mine right?"

"Yes Harry, they are yours. I made sure."

"Wow that's nifty." She snorts and punches my shoulder. "Gosh I missed you."

"Oh don't get all squishy on me." She pushes hair out my eyes and smiles adoringly.

"Do you want to stay here? Or do you want to move to the new house?"

"New house, I can't spend another moment in this place." She says quickly her whole demeanor changing. "I don't want to raise them here."

"Do you know what they are yet?"

"Two girls." She smiles once again intertwining her hands with mine. "I don't have any names yet though."

I bite my lip in thought. "Diana?"









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