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A/n: Can't sleep so I guess I'll just update

5 months, 29 days. I count every second of everyday that I'm here, and I know that tomorrow is the second and last 18s day of the year. I can do nothing but hope that I will be replaced with someone who's better than me. As much as I love the new friends I have made, I miss my mother even more. I miss waking up in the morning and baking bread for her to eat before work, I miss working in the garden behind our housing unit, and kicking around a ball with my neighbor's children.

A loud moan brings me out of my thoughts, I blink harshly staring at the pink ceiling above me. I tug on the handcuffs holding my hands above my head, I breathe deeply when they don't give in and my hands are still stuck above my head. My body jolts involuntarily from the cold air nipping at my skin, but Petunia takes it as a sign that I am enjoying myself and starts to move her hips faster along mine.  Load moans leave her mouth in between the small puffs of air. Her back faces me as she keeps her hands on my knees, I feel her shudder nearing her end as she squeezes my knees tighter her body jolting with pleasure.

She pulls herself off me, my e.rection still prominent and coated in her arousal. She unlocks the handcuffs and I immediately pull my boxers up from around my ankles, soon after I soothe the burning sensation from the cold metal on my wrists. I pick up my pants off the floor, knowing the Petunia will get mad if I'm still here when she finishes cleaning herself up. I fix her covers and walk out the room closing the door gently.

I feel so disappointed with myself, the way my body means nothing to her. As I walk myself down the service stairs and back to my room for the night, there is this feeling of embarrassment in the pit of my stomach. I know my mother would be so disappointed if she knew what I doing, it hurts me to think that this how I'm going to spend my life until she get tired of me and sends me back. I just really wish there was a reason for me to get sent back or at least a reason why I should want to stay.

I grab my night clothes off the edge of my bed and go into the bathroom to rid myself of Petunia. I walk in the bathroom and head to the empty shower stall in the back, as I walk by some of the maids in the showers giggle peeking over the stalls at me. I rid myself of my clothes putting them down the laundry chute, I grab a towel and put it on the hook outside the stall next to my clothes.

I stand under the water rubbing the measly bar of soap over myself since they won't give us wash towels. The door opens again and Lebbie's voice echoes throughout the large bathroom.

"Darlin' are you in here?"

"Down here!"  I shout spotting the top of her head  through all the steam. During the time I've been here Lebbie and 33006 have been really nice to me, even though 33006 doesn't talk he's a great listener and Lebbie gives amazing advice. I wish they could come home with me too but knowing that I won't be leaving anytime soon I know that I don't have to think about bringing them anywhere with me. Lebbie stands behind the stall door and only the top of her head can be seen. I walk over and lean over the door looking down at her. "What's going on?"

"Well since 33006 and I don't have work tomorrow until the evening , we were thinking we could have breakfast in the gardens." She looks up at me waiting for my answer.

"That's sounds great but why don't you guys have work tomorrow?" I reach over and pull the towel off the hook to dry myself waiting for Lebbie's response.

"Well because the Walters are taking Joey out to pick a 4  for his birthday and then they'll be gone all day to celebrate."

"It's kind of weird how both of their birthdays fall on 18s day." I say slipping my nightshirt over my head.

"Their birthdays aren't on 18s day. Joey's birthday was yesterday but Mr. Walters was busy, and Petunia's birthday was two weeks before you came." I nod my head and walk out of the shower stall now fully clothed, but my feet still bare as I try to avoid the puddles of 'water' on the tiled floor. "I'll see you tomorrow." Lebbie wraps her arms around my waist squeezing tightly before walking to her room and I walk to mine.


"I don't understand why they made Elva leave. Now she has to share a room with Susanne and she hates her." Lebbie continues to pace around the room and 33006 and I sit on her old roommate's bed our eyes moving watching her walk back and forth in the small room.  A small knock at the door makes us all turn our heads, Lebbie walks over to the door peeking her head out. She opens the door wider and the silver haired girl stands in the doorway her hands loosely holding onto a bag similar to the one I got 6 months ago.

She walks in and we get off her bed and walk past her to leave but she grabs my arm. "I don't understand why I'm here."

"Were you at the auction?"

"No. I worked at the facility, I was one of the people who helped everyone get ready to be auctioned. I was working when some 9  boy pointed at me and now I'm here." She furrows her brows looking up at me in confusion. My stomach hurts knowing what she'll have to do now, I open my mouth to tell her why she's here but I can't. I pull my arm from her grip and walk out the room to mine across the way.

I open the door and look over my shoulder one more time at her and she just looks at me with pleading eyes, but I can't find the courage to tell her why she's here but I don't want her to find out the hard way. I sigh and walk into our room gently closing the door behind me.

I'll tell her tomorrow. 

What do you guys think of Harry's decision? Do you think he should've told her?

Happy reading.


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