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Everyone looks up at me, a little surprised by my actions. Lebbie stands up and leans her head on my arm.

"We heard someone scream and we came outside to find her like this." I look down at her feeling nothing but remorse for her. Her once long dark curls have been cut around her ears, her clothes have been removed so she lay on the ground in her undergarments. Every part of her exposed skin is covered in either a bruise or a cut. Her bottom lip is cut and her top lip is swollen, although looking at her like this is disturbing, what bothers me is that she doesn't move at all. I can't tell if she's even breathing, everyone tends to her and she doesn't even move.

"We're not what happened to her." Tobi says appearing at my side making me jump. I look down at her and she holds a pile of folded cloths in her hands. "We think it was Greg."

"I mean I've seen the things he does to her but this is a little much. Why would he do this?"

"Petunia was going to run away."

"What?" I turn to her fully, those six words grabbing my full attention.

"I just went up to her room and there was a letter on her bed. I glanced at it and got a glimpse of a few words."

"And..." I trail off waiting for her to finish.

"She was going to run off to find Niall and Joanne."

"Does she still have feelings for Niall?"

"Harry. It was never about Niall."

"I don't follow."

"Petunia is a lesbian."

"But that doesn't make any sense." I whisper pulling her away from the group so I don't cause a scene. "Then why would she do all those things to me? And why would she look at Niall that way?"

"Have you ever read the rules Harry?" She says handing the pile of clothes to Elva who walks over and reaches out for them.


"Well, the only way a woman of 8  or above can inherit money is by marrying the son who is to inherit the money when the parents die, and since that was to be Niall, Petunia had to pretend to be interested in him so that way if they were to get married her parents would get the all the Horans money as well."

"Ok so where does Greg play into all this?"

"Since Niall left their parents had no choice but leave the money to Greg. Once the Walters found out they made Petunia pretend to show interest in him but I don't think they know that she was never really interested in him for a whole other reason."

"How do you know all this stuff."

"I spend more time up stairs than you do, and when people are high they don't care who's around when they talk about personal things."

"So does she have a thing for Joanne?"

"Yeah why do you think she always wanted the Horans to come over. Greg always wanted to show off his little toy."

"Oh goodness! Is that the real reason why they ran away so soon? Did Petunia try something?"

"Hmm, I didn't think of it that way, maybe she did."

"So what do you think is going to happen when she wakes up?"

"She'll still probably leave again once she's better and if she goes so will you."

I smile at the thought of going home, seeing my mother again and maybe getting a job at food facility with her. I look down at Tobi and my smile quickly fades if I go I'll never see her again but if I stay and have to deal with so much worse but at least I'll have Tobi.

"What about Joey?" I ask hoping that is he gets sent off then I'll get to be with Tobi and we could really be together-well if she wants to- I give her hopeful glance.

"Gemma, but I don't think they'll be getting married anytime soon."


"Joey isn't ready yet."

I stare at her and she looks so beautiful even in the dim lighting, I don't know if I'll ever be happy again if I were to leave, but if Petunia goes so do I. I need to make sure to make every moment count with Tobi. I push one of her beautiful silver curls behind her ear, making her smile and press her cheek to my hand. I let my other hand run over the soft fabric of her sweater and over the curve of her hip, my fingertips dragging over the side of her cotton dress. I pull her closer and she stands on her tip toes, I lean down and place a soft kiss on her lips. She laces her fingers into my hair and presses our lips together even harder.

"Hey guys she's up and asking for you two." I groan turning to Lebbie who seems to always show up at the worst times. I let go of Tobi and walk back over to the crowd of people.

"Harry! Tobi!" The second Petunia looks at me her face lights up and she holds her arms out for me. "Can you help me to my room? And tell Tobi to come too." I sigh looping my arms under her small body. Tobi opens the door for me and I trudge up the steps back to Petunia's bedroom.

When I get to the top Tobi opens the door for me again and I put Petunia down on her bed and get ready to walk away when she grabs my wrist.

"You guys have to help me get out of here."

"What?" I ask brushing her hand off me.

"I can't stay here another day. I want to be free."

"Why should we help you?" Tobi speaks up from behind me, her arms crossed over her chest.

"Because if I'm gone my parents won't keep either of you. Whatever they get me they match it for Joey, if I'm gone they'll kick Joey out and he won't be able to take care of you if he can't take care of himself."

"How do I know you're telling the truth?" I ask thinking about everything she's done to me.

"I understand now." She looks up at with glossed eyes. "I never looked at you as if you were a person, I didn't understand that what I was doing was affecting you. Please if I don't get out of here soon Greg might kill of me, I got lucky this time."


"What?" I turn to Tobi wondering why she would want to help her.

"We have to get her out tonight, because one of the maids will definitely tell Mrs. Walters. If we get you out tonight you can get to the 5  city limit by morning."

"I-I can't leave tonight I'm in too much pain."

"Only tonight. I'm already changing my mind, I'll help you leave tonight and that's it."

Petunia stays quiet and my mouth hangs open watching Tobi be all firm with her.

"I can't."

"Well then you better find a way because I'm not getting myself in trouble." Tobi turns around and walks out leaving me alone with her.

"I'm sorry Petunia but there isn't much we can do once the morning comes. Your mom will find out that you tried to run away and you won't be able to leave."

"I k-... you know what? Get Tobi I'm leaving tonight."

Happy reading -Kai

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