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I sit in the back of the car with my hands folded neatly over the bag I was given at the facility before I left. Mr. Walters continues glance at me through the rear view as if I'm going to jump out the back seat and attack him. I keep my eyes trained on him subtly raising a brow challenging him. He frowns looking back out to the road.

We stop and Mr. Walters rolls down the window sticking his hand out before we move again. The soft sound of gravel crunching under tires cuts through the silence as the car comes to a stop and Mr and Mrs. Walters get out. I scramble out of the car following the up the steps. Before Mrs. Walters can reach up for the handle the door swings open and a raven haired man opens the door, a large 4 stitched into the pocket on his suit.

"Took you long enough 33006." Mr. Walters shoves his jacket into the man's hands, he turns around and hangs it on the coat hook behind him. Mrs. Walters hands her jackets to him gently and pats him on the cheek looking at him with adoration. His eyes flutter closed making his long lashes rest on his cheeks.

She pulls her hand away when she see I'm watching, but she continues to look at him lovingly. "Let's go you little rat." She turns to me for a moment giving a good look at her. Her dark brown hair accented with lighter parts which accent her sharp features her icy blue eyes hold no emotion when she looks at me. She purses her lips waving her hand making me follow her to the staircase in the foyer. "Here put this on."  She shoves a blue sweater at my chest before walking the staircase, I stay at the bottom not wanting to get in trouble.

I slip the sweater over my white shirt smoothing it out, I run my fingers through my hair trying to fix it the best I can before Mrs. Walters comes back down.  I fold my hands behind my back rocking on the balls of my feet keeping my eyes trained to the floor.

"No way! You got me a 4 ?" I look up to see a young girl standing at the top of the staircase next to Mrs. Walters, I look around to see what she is talking about but see no one else. I glance down at the sweater to see the large 4  stitched into the front corner. My mothers words ring in my head all of a sudden. "If you don't come back it only means you've moved up."  I never really understood what she meant until now, but why would the want me to be a 4 ? 4's are usually helpers like butlers, maids, and cooks. I can't do any of those things maybe I'm going to be that girl's personal servant.

My head snaps up when I hear light and quick footsteps coming down the steps. The small girl squeals clapping her hands and jumping around making her dark brown hair fall into her face.  She pushes the hair out her way looking up at me with her big blue-green eyes, her face is round and her features are soft. My eyes divert to the small amount of cleavage that spills out of her silky nightgown as she jumps around.

Mrs. Walters clears her throat. "Petunia darling calm down." She makes her way down the stairs leaning on the rail at the bottom.

"Oh but mother I cannot I'm just so excited he's perfect, so tall and handsome." She looks at me in a way that makes me uncomfortable.

"Well let him get settled in and then I'll have him sent up to you." Petunia nods slowly and reluctantly walks back upstairs, looking back down at me when she gets to the top.

"Come."  Mrs. Walters walks under the staircase and stops at a door that you cannot see easily because of the shadows cast down by the stairs. She pulls out a key unlocking the door, when it opens a dimly lit flight of cement stairs are revealed. "Well go on." She pushes my back making me walk onto the first step, when I get about three steps in and she slams the door making flinch. Continuing down the steps faster curious of what is at the bottom, walking down the last step I see that I'm standing in a circular room.

There are seven doors and only one of them is labeled, it has BATHROOM written on it in neat black letters. One of the few words I can read. The rest are blank so I'm guessing they are bedrooms, I walk to the first door on my right and turn the knob but it doesn't move. The next one opens and I step inside, the room is very simple two circular beds are pushed into the far corners of the room, with two night side tables in between them, the walls painted gray and the plush black carpet under my feet.

Someone clears their throat behind me and I turn around to see a petite woman with dyed blonde hair her dark roots matching her eyebrows. She places her hand on her hip eyeing me skeptically.

"What are you doing in my room." Her accent signaling that she was from maybe like the 17th or 18th area. She purses her lips cocking her head scanning my face. "You're her toy aren't you?"

I furrow my brows shaking my head, bringing myself closer to her small frame.

"What are you talking about? Who are you talking about? What toy? What is goin-"

"Woah slow down there newbie." She gently pats my chest before letting out a small sigh. "I'm talking about Petunia, are you her toy?"

"Don't you think she's a little old to be playing with toys?"

"Her sex toy darling."

Happy reading


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