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"Petunia I can't believe you kept him in your room for a month and a half." Mrs. Walters shouts at Petunia who stares at her feet in shame. "Why would you do this? We let him go and his job calls to ask why he hasn't shown up to his job yet and asking if we've seen him."

"Mom I-"

"I don't want to fucking hear it!" Mrs. Walters stomps her foot harshly. "I'm calling Anne she's probably worried about her son."

"Mom he doesn't know."

"Oh dear." She pushes her hair out her eyes before slapping Petunia across the face. "Dear I'm so sorry I treated you wrong in the past. You need to go talk to Melody and then you need to talk to Anne."

"Y-you know my mom?"

"Just go."


I knock on my mothers door breathing in the humid, slightly polluted air of my old neighborhood feeling slightly nostalgic but it's hard to enjoy with my nerves on edge.

"Who is it." Her muffled voice says from the other side of the door.


The door opens the second the words leave my lips. She engulfs my bottom half in a hug, she looks up at me with a big smile which quickly fades once she sees my expression she lets go and stops smiling.

"You know don't you?"

"No but you're going to tell me." I say firmly walking past her straight to her into my old sitting room. I sit down on a pillow on the floor staring at my mom who still stands in the doorway with a shocked expression.

"You've changed."

"I've been through shit."

"Watch your mouth."

"I guess I should get some advice from you, you've been keeping a secret for nineteen years."

She purses her lips and sits down on a pillow next to me. I remember the couch that used to be in the living room and the night it got stolen. The one time I forget to lock the door we wake up to an empty living room, the only thing they left was the lamp. Which still sits on the floor in the same spot where it used to be on the corner table.

"I have somewhere else to be after this so tell the truth so I can go."

She sighs and ties her hair back. "I'm not your mom." She pauses waiting for a response but I gesture for her to continue. "I'm your aunt. Anne is your mother, I'm her twin sister Melody."

"Ok..." I trail off not really in the mood for her to drag on this story. "Look just tell the whole story. Don't wait for me to say anything, just talk so I can know the truth."

"Ok. Your mom and I were purchased by the Styles family when we were 18. We were both 4s, Anne cleaned and I was in charge of keeping the styles boy happy. The problem was I couldn't satisfy him because he was in love with someone. As you can guess that was Anne, they had an affair which led to her getting pregnant."

She sighs, fiddling with the corner of the pillow. "Since Styles loved Anne I wasn't needed anymore, so they made me leave the house. I got releveled and they made me one of the people who takes the babies to the nursery or the morgue. I happened to be working the night Anne was giving birth to you and Gemma. I went into the room to take you both to the nursery, but I was told that little Edward, you, were a stillborn. So I took Gemma to the nursery and I was getting ready to take you down to the morgue when you started moving. I thought it just was your little body releasing air, which tends to happen after someone dies, but then you opened your eyes."

She tugs on the end of her ponytail stalling slightly. "I turned around to take you to the nursery and let Anne know you were ok but then I thought of how Anne always got everything she ever wanted and I had nothing. So I hid you under my scrubs and went to the locker room and took all my stuff out, put on my coat, went to my boss and quit. I took you here and raised you as my own. But I was so paranoid that someone would find you and take you, I thought I avoided the problem when you turned 18. I figured you would get sent far away and the problem was avoided."

"Well it wasn't and I had to find out through the family I was purchased by. Do you know how hard it is to hear that your mom is some woman you only met last year?"

"Last year, has it really been that long?"

"Yes Melody." She gasps when I call her by her first name but after all I know I don't think she deserves the title. "I spent my life hiding for reasons that I thought were out of my control, but I find out they were all being dictated by you. You fucked up my life, all the things I've been through could've been avoided eighteen years ago."

"I'm sorry. I was just a stupid nineteen year old."

"So what! You could've at least told me the truth when I got older. It's not like I would've just left like I can now."

"I didn't want you to hate me."

"Well it's a little too late for that now." I say dryly tangling my fingers through the thick pink curls on my head. "I'm going to go talk to my mother. Goodbye Melody."

She nods weakly staying silent and letting me walk out the door without any argument.


What feels like for the millionth time I stand on the Styles' porch knocking on the door. The door opens slowly and Joey peeks his head out.

"Hey buddy! We missed you at the wedding." He gives me a rib crushing hug. I wheeze and he lets me go. It makes me uncomfortable knowing that he married my sister after what I've seen and heard him to Tobi. "We just finished eating dinner, Gemma and I are about to leave."

"Ok." I walk past him and walk straight to the sitting room instantly making eye contact with Anne. "Mom."

She chuckles and stands up holding her arms out for me. "Took you long enough."

More drama coming soon :)

Happy reading


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