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We stand on the Horan's patio shivering in the cold, Greg and Petunia are in front of us in their swim suits staring us down angrily. I'm surprised they didn't call their parents but I'm not going to point that out, so I purse my lips and look down at Tobi who is calm as always.

Although I am afraid of what they might do to us, I'm kind of happy that they are together because if this plan works Joanne and Niall will be home free and they can raise their baby in peace.

"If you're so mad at us why don't you tell your parents?" I shake out of my thoughts and pinch her arm, she snaps her head up to look at me. I raise my brows in confusion wondering why she would give them such an idea, but when neither Greg or Petunia say anything and I slowly look at them.

With their cheeks tinted pink they rock on the balls of their feet looking at each other as if having a silent conversation. While they look at each other Tobi grabs my hand and we run off, I step carefully trying not to lose my footing. As we run I slightly bend down to get my sleeping clothes off the floor. Tobi skillfully swerves through the trees heading straight towards the open gate, the slight breeze against my cold skin makes me hiss quietly.

We run straight into the house but instead of going under the stairs and back into out rooms she runs up the front stairs and I pull back a little knowing that this could get us in serious trouble. When we get to the top she stops and crouches down peeking out through the slits on the banister, Greg and Petunia run through the door and their heads whip around looking for us.

"Watch this." Tobi whispers as she points to the double doors that go to one of the dining rooms. They swing open and four people stand in the doorway. Both the Horans and the Walters stare at the two swimsuit clad teens in the foyer.

"What are you two doing here?" Mrs. Walters asks stepping forward as she stares angrily at them. "You should both be in bed." Mrs. Walters continues to scold and Tobi pulls me once again but this time leading me to the service stairs and down into the kitchen. I then remember that I left my tea cup in the garden, I just hope someone doesn't find it before I go back and get it tomorrow.

I sit down at one of the new stools at the counter, we still don't have any legs on our table but at least now we have somewhere else to sit. "What are we going to do now?"  I ask drumming my fingers on the metal countertop.

"We have to wait until they're done talking."

"How did you even know they were in there?"

"I saw them going in there when I was going outside to gardens." She pushes a wet curl out her face and my eyes drift down to her exposed cleavage as we both sit on the stools in our wet underwear. "I'm really sorry though, I didn't mean to get you in trouble."

"Oh don't worry about it, I had fun." I say as I hold out my sleeping shirt when I see her shivering. She gladly takes it and slips the large shirt over her head, she smiles giving me a glimpse of her adorable crooked teeth. "Would you cover your eyes for a moment so I can take these off?"

"Oh come on I've seen you're ass before, what's one more time?" She says before bursting into laughter .

"Well it's different when you're taking a shower."

"Alright." She spins around her seat so that her back is to me. I pull down my boxers and fold them neatly placing them on the counter, I put on my sleeping pants and sit back down.

"Ok I'm done." She turns back around and smiles at me again. "What are you thinking about?"

"Oh nothin'." Tobi says in a sing song voice as she ties her hair back.

"Are ya sure?"

"No." She scoots her stool closer to mine and puts her hand on my thigh, and in an instant my cheeks heat up and I brush her hand off and put my hands over lap extremely embarrassed that something so simple would cause arousal. When I look at her, Tobi is looking down at my crotch and I clear my throat making her look up at me.

"So what were you thinking about?" I ask quickly trying to change the subject.

"Apparently the same thing as you." She looks down at my crotch once again but this time her eyes don't linger as long, instead she quickly looks up at me again, a glint in her eyes I can't explain. "Can I ask you a kinda personal question?"

I hesitate afraid of what she might ask, but after building up some confidence I slowly nod out of curiosity of what she might ask.

"Before Petunia did you still have your virtue?"

Without hesitation I respond. "Yes."

"So she's the only person you've ever done it with?" I nod wondering where she's going with this. "Do you like it?"


"Would you want to do it with anyone else?"

"I don't know, it depends on who it is. Where are you going with this Tobi?"

"I want to know what it's like to do it with someone I actually like."

"Tobi what are you talking about?"

"I wanna do it, but like with someone else."

"Okay..." I trail off not understanding why she would want to tell me what she wants to do with someone else.

She rolls her eyes and pushes a curl out her eyes. "With you Harry.  I thought that was obvious."

I stare at her in shock not actually believing her feeling as though this is some type of joke. She looks at me expectantly waiting for me to say something but I am speechless, I always thought about doing stuff with her but I never gave it a second thought because I thought she didn't feel the same. I try to think of something to say but I have no words, instead I grab her face and kiss her.

I get ready to pull myself away but her fingers tangle themselves into my hair. I pull her stool closer to mine not wanting to break the kiss but instead make it deeper, she pulls away gasping for air and I grab her thighs and pull her into my lap.

I'm not really sure what to do, when it comes to actually doing it Petunia does all the work. I squeeze the soft skin of her thighs in my hands without paying attention, but I guess she liked the simple gesture because a small sound leaves her lips and pulls herself further into my lap.

We both lean in but I place a gentle kiss on her lips,and press my hands on the small of her back. She pulls away and trails kiss into down my jaw stopping when she reached my neck. My eyes widen when she bites the skin and sucks harshly, and it actually feels good.

"Hey guys." Tobi quickly jumps of my lap straightening my shirt over herself. I stand up as well placing my hands over my front and look up and sigh in relief when I see it's just Lebbie.

I'm still embarrassed but it lessens the blow when it's someone who I know instead of one of the other servants. I grab Tobi's hand and brush past Lebbie, walking back to the sleeping quarters.

"Next time we won't be interupted." Tobi says before kissing my cheek  and walking down the stairs.

I wrote while I was walking home lmao. Happy reading


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