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Since Luhan confessed his feelings to Sehun, he don't know why but he feel challenged. He wanted the CFO even more. So why don't he try to get him, right?

Now Luhan is standing in front of Sehun's room. Waiting for the time to turn into straight 12. Yup, he's going to have lunch together with Sehun, whether he like it or not.

He glances at his wrist watch and when it shows a straight 12, he smiles widely before knocks on the door without a single hesitation.

"Come in." He hears Sehun's voice behind the door. And he already imagine himself having lunch with the CFO, so he couldn't hold his smile.

He enters the office and smiles as Sehun looks at him, eyes wide. "Luh- Mr. Lu?"

"Just call me Luhan, Sehun-ah." Luhan chuckles before walks toward the seat in front of Sehun's table and sits casually. Sehun looks at him with amazed looks.

"So, what do you want, Luhan?" Sehun asks with a grin, playing along with Luhan's casualness.

Luhan smiles before put the lunch box in front of Sehun. "I want you to eat with me, Sehun-ah." He says with a sweet sweet smile, earning a surprise look from Sehun.

This guy seriously have the gut to be this bold.

Sehun clears his throat. "Sorry?"

"I made you food. I don't know it's good or not. But I tried." Luhan chuckles, sending weird feelings to Sehun.

He opens the lunch box and Sehun could already smell a delicious food.

"What is this?" Sehun asks, he never see Korean food like this before.

Luhan chuckles, "If you think that it was a Korean food, you're wrong, Sehun. It's a Chinese food. We call it fuyonghai." Luhan opens the other box and there's a red sauce. And Sehun also didn't know what is that.

"And this is the sweet sauce, we usually eat the fuyonghai together with this sauce." Luhan explains, making Sehun nods in enthusiasm. He don't know why, but he really want to taste that Chinese food.

Sehun stare at the food called 'fuyonghai'. It looks like omelette but the thickness and the color is different. Plus, it has sauce with it.

They both shares the fuyonghai and the rice before eat silently.

Once Sehun munch it and gulp it down, he quickly looks at Luhan, "It's great." Sehun give him a compliment, and Luhan smiles at it.

"Is it?"

Sehun couldn't say anything because he already fill his mouth with another scoop, so he just nod.

Luhan chuckles, "Slow down."

Sehun seems shy because he quickly puts his head down.

What the hell is wrong with me?

Suddenly, in the middle of their lunch, Sehun spots a rice on the edge of Luhan's lips. He grabs a tissue and unconsciously clean it with the tissue.

Luhan looks at him, quite shock, but then he smiles shyly, "Thanks."

Sehun seems flustered, "S-Sure."

What. The. Hell. Is. Wrong. With. Me?! Sehun sighs secretly before he finish all of his food so he can command Luhan to quickly get off from his office.

But he's not.

Once they finish, he even let Luhan looks around his office. He didn't feel annoyed or anything.

He usually feel annoyed if people stay in his office even for a freaking 10 minutes. He love to be alone when he's working. But Luhan..

Seeing Luhan here making him feel excited and and.. He can't even describe it.

And then the both of them ended up forgetting their works by walking around at the nearest park.

Luhan didn't know that Sehun is quite a talker. He talked a lot today. Especially when they walked at the park. He talked about how good was Luhan's food, he even asked Luhan about his family and his hobbies, which is weird. Sehun is not the type of person who asked a lot. But with Luhan.. He's different.

He's not sure why did Luhan made him like this. But one thing; he likes talking to Luhan.

And so did Luhan. He love it.

"Oh god.." Sehun suddenly murmurs after he stare at his wrist watch for almost 10 seconds.

"What's happening?" Luhan asks with a frown.

Sehun shakes his head, "We already walked like about 2 hours." He says, but there's no regret in his tone. Instead, he's chuckling.

Luhan smiles, "Well, it didn't feel like 2 hours. It more like 20 minutes."

Sehun laughs. Luhan's right.

"I guess we should be going now. They'll wondered where did we go in the middle of this windy day." Luhan says, earning a chuckle from Sehun.

"I agree."

Luhan smiles.

And when they separate their ways toward their own office room, Sehun feel empty and he have the urge to talk to Luhan again and again.

He sighs before finally realize one thing; he likes Luhan.

Two tall guys walked their way toward a five star restaurant. Both are not talking but they got a lot of things to tell on their minds.

Once they enter the restaurant, one of the guys spot two old men sitting at the corner of the room.

"Chanyeol, Sehun." One of the men said with a smile.

"Abeoji." Sehun smiles to his dad before take a seat, while Chanyeol didn't say anything and take a seat beside Sehun.

"I want to tell both of you about something." Now Chanyeol's dad turn to talk.

"What is it?" Sehun asks with a curious expression.

"You two already know that we're working hard to build such a huge company, right?"

Both of them nod.

"We realize that one day we will have heirs and of course it's both of you." Chanyeol's dad said.

"And we already decide that Chanyeol will be the next CEO." Sehun's dad declares.

And at that moment, both of their eyes widened. Sehun looks at his father like he was a ghost. And Chanyeol look at his uncle with his mouth wide open.

And after the conversation, Sehun decided to pull his dad to his car.

"Abeoji." He calls. "Are you guys being serious about Chanyeol hyung will be the next CEO?"

His dad nods with a weak smile, "I think it's the best for us."

"What about me, abeoji?" Sehun asks with a disappointed face.

His dad shakes his head, "I'm sorry, Sehun. I guess my brother already made the best decision for all of us."

Sehun clutches his fist, "But I'm your son. Why did you choose him over me?"

"It's not like that, Sehun." He shakes his head in depression.

Sehun rolls his eyes. His real attitude starts to show up. "Then why?"

"You just don't understand!" His dad shakes his head in frustration.

Sehun snorts. And since that he knows that he will not see his hyung the same way again.

A/N : Ugh the story it's getting uglier in each chapter I should end it up ASAP.

And there you go~ a little bit of flashback about why sehun is being envious(?) over his hyung.

Hope you still enjoy this~

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