He liked movies, he had his future planned out,

Phillip, even from the beginning (by the beginning I meant when he was just Zero), he didn't talk much. I mean, I clearly remember those heartbreaking one worded answers I got from him. Then, he was suddenly that one person who pulled me by force to the school's indoor pool and fought with me as Captain America. And let's not forget about that one time with Hess. The first time I actually felt like I really knew and was friends with Phillip was at that moment when I saw a part of his world.

But, what did I really know about him? He's a good and smart person. But everyone knew that.

And he talked to me because that's what friends did. But usually, he showed that he didn't care. Like, when he does talk to me, it's either with a blank tone or his eyes reading something on his phone or his brain somewhere else. And there are times when his focus is all on me. Like, I'm suddenly so interesting.

"Phillip Emmett," I said slowly.

His head turned to me a couple of really quick times as he tried to keep his eyes on the road.

"Why? Your tone makes me nervous."

You're a mystery. You confuse me that's why. I thought.

I shook my head. "Nothing. You're just stubborn and rude sometimes."

"I get the stubborn part but, the rudeness is what I don't get."

I remembered having this same conversation with him over email. And he still didn't understand.

I thought for a minute. "Well, you once said I am no fun-"

"It was the truth." He interrupted.

I continued anyway. "And you act like you don't care when you talk to me sometimes."

"But, I still listen to whatever you say." Phillip defended himself. "Oh wait, didn't I apologize about this already?"

He did. "Yes, but that was Zero Who apologized. Not Phillip."

We stopped at a red light. "But I am Zero."

"You're Phillip now since you're not behind a screen and an email address."

He let out a deep sigh before looking at me with his dirty brown hair brushing just on top of his eyes, like always. "Do I have to?"

"You should know that this is my revenge."

"I apologize for my rudeness."

"It didn't sound sincere."

"I'm gonna kill you."

My hands flew in the air. "See?! That is just more than rude! That is murderous!"

"Well, you attempted to make me extra large pancakes! That would've killed me." The traffic light switched to green and we were moving again.

"Thought of it. Not attempted."

"Yes, but it was still a murder plan."

Actually, he didn't need to apologize. Even when he acted like he didn't care sometimes, I know he did. The way he'd answers my serious questions are just comforting. Honest, but comforting. He knew when to joke around and when to not. Honestly, I love to seeing more of his joking side than his sarcastic, serious, blank toned side that I often get.


He groaned in response. Probably had enough of me.

"Stop being so awkward," I said.

Call Me Zero [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now