At that moment four vehicles were speeding onto the far end of the road, headed towards his house. He clicked the door shut and tried to make himself look miserable rather than fairly looked after. He rumpled his clothing, mussed up his hair, and he didn't even have to try to look stressed. Because he could only hope that Troye had gotten far away. The cars pulled up to his house, and several agents piled out. He recognised them as the men from Agent Murs team, and he watched through the peep hole as they all hurried towards his house. Before they could even knock, he opened the door with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh. Agent Bixenman," the one in front said in surprise. "How did you-"

"I heard your vehicles," Jacob murmured. "I was just watching the news. I know that Grimshaw is looking for me."

"Yes... Tran put us on the case," the man nodded. "Since it's a direct threat to you."

"A second direct threat," Jacob chuckled. "He didn't mind the first one. I'll have to file a report for Tran, talk to him. I can handle the case. Once I'm back at the bureau I'll have a talk with him. It's not really necessary for you to be here."

"Sir, don't you think it would be best if we bugged your house? For your own safety of course..." the man asked.


"Agent Owen," the man replied.

"Agent Owen," Jacob sighed before he forced a grin. "I honestly dare Nick Grimshaw to try to get in my house. First off, he's never going to find out where I live. You guys probably had trouble finding it, yes?"

"Well we took a wrong turn, but-"

"Turned on street rather than lane?" Jacob asked.

"Yes..." they nodded.

"Yeah," Jacob chuckled. "You don't need to bug my house. I'm safe."

"Can we at least look?" the agent asked. "Just so Tran is satisfied."

Jacob sighed dramatically, stepping aside and waving his hand, "Fine, fine... have at it. You won't be finding anything. But please hurry, my torso hurts like a bitch."

"We'll split up," the man offered. "Three of us in here, four of us out there."

Panic lurched into Jacob's throat, but he kept his face clear, "What's the point in looking out there? It's bloody cold, anyone out there is crazy."

But then his heart was aching, because Troye was out there in only pajama bottoms and a jumper. Agent Owen shrugged, "I know, but it's mandatory..."

"I know, I know," Jacob chuckled. "I'm an agent, too..."

"Right," Agent Owen shook his head. "Sorry. We'll search and get out of your way. No bugging?"

"No bugging," Jacob replied firmly.

Jacob went and sat as calmly on his couch as he could manage, but with four men out in the trees behind his house, he couldn't exactly relax. He could almost imagine hearing them give a shout, and then they'd come bursting into the house with Troye forced in front of them his hands behind his back. They'd shove him onto his knees and he'd look apologetically up to Jacob. Or even worse, they'd think he was threatening them, and he'd never see Troye. He'd just hear the shot ring out.

But they weren't even looking for Troye, he had to keep that in consideration. They were looking for Grimshaw. He vaguely noticed the other three agents searching the closets and corners of his house carefully. Something in him wanted to snap at them, ask how on earth they expected someone to get into his house if he was in it.

But then Agent Owen was standing in front of Jacob, "We finished searching the house... we're just waiting for the people outside to finish."

"Oh," Jacob murmured. "Right. Okay."

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