Cheater cheater

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Derek POV

Cassie shoved me, trying to oush me away from my desser that i was grabbing clothes from. "No, no, fuck you asshole! You dont just get to fucking leave after all this shit!" she screeched as I pushed past her to my open suitcase. "I need to think." I mumble, trying my best to focus on my task.

I can believe she...

I just shove them in the bag and go back to the dresser. Immediately, Cassie pours the clothes I put into the bag on the bed but I continue to ignore her. When i turn to face her with another armful of clothes, shes blocking my way. Cassie glared up at me with determination, I knew she was going to make this hurt.

She always makes me hurt.

"Move." I say forcefully and she crosses her arms. "Where are you going?"

"To my friends until we figure out what this is." I motion between me and her and hurt flashes in her eyes.

You don't get to be hurt, Cassie.

You did this to us.

"I thought we did have everything figured out..." Cassie said hesitantly and I frown. "I did too until last week." i snap.

"You said you forgave was an accident. ." She reaches out for me and I flinch away. How many times had I let her hurt me? I need to think. "I just need some space to think,Cassie. " I move around her and shove my clothes in my suitcase. She stands there silently as i pack some clothes and necessities.

As I walk out the room her quiet words give me pause. "It was all your fault, Der. I was never like this before you. I wish I never met you. You poisoned me." Cassie is so quiet i almost think I imagined it until I turned to look at her. Cassie is staring at me, her eyes filled with tears and anger. "And you drowned us." I hiss before slamming the door behind me.

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