Maddie laughs. "You will be," She says. "You'll enjoy your time here." She adds.

"I hope so." I say getting comfy.

She smiles. "So, tell me the gossip on you and Joe." She squeals.

I smile but shrug. "I guess we're kinda like friends but we do couple things." I try and explain the best I can.

"Has he not popped the question?" She says with a wide mouth.

I shake my head. "Nah." I laugh.

Just then I heard someone come in the house. "Maddie?"

"In here!" She yells back.

Just then Caspar walks in. "Oh good evening Aria," I just wave at him while I watch the TV. "Joe is outside, do you girls care to come and look at the car?" Caspar says.

I look up at Maddie. She nods before jumping up. "C'mon!!" She yells pulling me up from the sofa and begins following Caspar outside.

Josh, Mikey and Oli was over at the pool while Joe was leaning against the bonnet of the car. One of his legs was crossed over the other while his arms was crossed over his chest. His eyes locked onto mine before standing up straight.

Oh Jesus, the boy has rented a pure ice white Range Rover. It was so pretty, and it made it a thousand times better with Joe stood next to it.

Maddie drops my arm which I then quickly crossed my arms over my body. "Damn, this is so nice!" Maddie says walking over to the car. Joe kept his eyes on me.

I watched as Maddie examine the whole car until Caspar spoke up. "Mads, come on. I need you to help me film a video." Caspar whines.

"Alright Caspar, just stop moaning about the video. That's all I've heard all day!" Maddie says walking over to me and Caspar. I can vouch her on that.

Caspar sighs. "Shut up, come on." He laughs turning on his heels and heading inside.

Maddie smiles. "Talk to you later."  She says putting her hand on my arm before running inside.

I smile as I turn my head to watch her go inside before making eye contact with Joe.

"C'mere." Joe says holding his arms out. My smile grows wider before running into them.

I hook my arms under his armpits while resting my head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around my neck.

"How long you been awake babe?" Joe asks. I lift my head up and look him in the eye.

"Ages." I lie smiling.

Joe raises an eyebrow. "I'll take that as five minutes." He laughs pulling me closer to his body causing my head to rest back on his chest.

"Hey!!" I laugh looking back up at him.

He just smiles before leaning down to kiss me. "Hey, let's go for a drive?" Joe offers.

"Dressed like this?" I ask. I was wearing some Nike sweatpants which were tight and gray. I was also wearing Joes 'Sugg Life' hoodie which was green. My hair was in a messy bun and my makeup was coming off.

Joe nods. "You look beautiful, and plus we will be driving. So you'll be in the car the entire time with only my eyes on you." He says.

I felt my heart miss a beat. "Fine." I say laughing.

He smiles while handing me the keys. "Go on and get in the car, I just need to pick something up." He says kissing my forehead and pulling away.

I begin heading towards the wrong side of the car when Joe pipes up. "Babe, we are in America. Passenger seat is the other side." I hear him laugh.

I spin on my heels before beginning to walk back around. "Totally knew that," I laugh. "Oh Joe, could you please grab my black shoes from our bathroom please?" I ask remembering I'm not wearing any.

"Of course. I'll be two minutes." He says running inside.

I unlock the car and jump in. The car had that new car smell which was weirdly a comfort. Inside the car was very big and very posh. It was black leather seats and the back seats was like a sofa.

I begin fiddling around with the radio until I finally heard a song I knew. I turned the music down as I waited for Joe which he soon came out as soon as I relaxed back in my seat.

He only had my shoes in his hand which I was pretty sure he said I had to pick something up. I'm not even going to question it.

He opens the door and hops in. He drops the shoes on my lap. I smile at him before putting them on my feet.

I hand him the keys which he soon then turns the engine on and begins driving once he puts his seat belt on. As he drives out the driveway I put mine on also.

We've been driving a while now. Joe has shown me some of the famous sightings in LA. It's just ever so beautiful here.

Joe is now driving up the hill so we can get the perfect view of the city.

He had one hand on the wheel and the other placed firmly on my knee. He had his eyes focused on the road while mine was focused on him. I saw his jaw clench a couple of times, his eye lids closed ever so often. It was like his was in slow motion.

He looks beautiful, even just sitting there driving he just looked beautiful.

The car soon stopped knocking me out of my day dream. He smiles as he takes his hand of me to take his key out of the car. "C'mon." He says taking his seat belt of and getting out of the car.

I shake my head to bring myself back to reality. I whip my seatbelt of and get out. Joe stood with his hands in his jean pockets looking out to the city.

I dragged my feet across the pebbles to stand next to the boy. Once he felt my presents he let his arm droop over my shoulders and my arm hooked behind his back, holding on to his waist.

"It's so pretty." I say looking out to the city. It was getting dark but the street lights was on. You could hear the traffic very faintly. I would live up here.

I hear Joe sniffle and I feel him move closer to me. "Guess what tomorrow is?" He whispers.

I look up at him. "Friday?" I ask slightly confused. Why on earth is he asking me questions like that?

He laughs. "Yes, but last Friday was the first time we met." He says.

I make an O shape with my mouth. "Oh yeah, of course." I say with a slight chuckle.

He shakes his hand while he removes his arm away from me. I turn to face him and he does the same, we was now face to face.

"And because of that reason, I want us to do something," He says putting his hand into his back pocket. He pulls out an white paper envelop. I frown at him. "Go on, open it." He says.

I gulp while unsealing the envelop. I pull out to tickets. I begin reading it. My eyes almost pop out of their sockets. "Disney Land?!" I almost yell.

Joe laughs while nodding. "So, what do you say?" He asks.

"Is this a joke? A prank? I've seen the extreme you go to for a prank." I say pointing at him.

He laughs while resting his hands on my waist. "No not at all babe. This is legit."

I squint at him before smiling widely at him. "Then yes. I'll go to Disney Land with you tomorrow!" I squeal with excitement.

"Hahaha yes!!" He cheers while picking me up and twirling us both around. He places my feet back on the ground before kissing my lips.

Tomorrow is going to be amazing!
Instagram - suggsnap

Love Found - Life Made (JoeSugg)Where stories live. Discover now