Luke yelled for the driver to stop the car and drive over to the fence. He rolled the window down and called her name before he could make a plan. Taylor whipped her head around, her eyes widening when she saw him. Taylor was frozen in her spot, seeing Luke in person for the first time in a year froze her body. Taylor looked to her friend, Sabrina, asking her what to do. Sabrina told her to go and that she would cover for her. Taylor thanked her and walked over to the car, stumbling with fear.

Luke opened the car door for her and she slowly climbed in, still in shock about what was happening. As soon as Taylor sat down Michael pulled her into a hug, rambling about how much he missed her. Calum did the same and so did Ashton, who then proceeded to ask how Amanda was. Ashton and Amanda agreed before the summer ended that they were going to break up, long distance being neither of their thing. Luke sat back and watched her reunite with everyone, too nervous to actually talk to her. Luke notice how much she has changed in the year they were apart. Although he didn't think it was remotely possible, Taylor had gotten more beautiful. Taylor noticed the same thing when she finished updating Ashton about Amanda, when she returned to her seat next to Luke and looked at him. She was right, Luke's eyes had gotten more blue.

After a night of storytelling and catching up with the boys, Luke and Taylor found themselves alone in the hotel room Luke and Calum were sharing for the night. They talked for a while but it eventually got very quiet. Silence took over and the two stared at each other, unaware of what to say next. Instead of words, Luke kissed her. Taylor immediately kissed him back and the two found themselves making up for lost time.

After they were done, they were cuddling in the bed naked. Luke was playing with her hair and Taylor was playing with a necklace around Luke's neck. It had to be new because he never wore it that summer but it looked strangely familiar. It suddenly hit her, the pendant attached to the chain wasn't a pendant at all. In fact, it was the silver guitar pick Taylor got Luke for his 17th birthday. It was engraved, the script saying "Remember me when you're famous. Love, Taylor" A hole was punched through the top and a chain was strung through it, turning it into the necklace that Luke was wearing.

Taylor asked Luke about the necklace and he blushed. Luke told her about how he was searching for his suitcase one day when he was packing for the tour. He liked to check the pockets to see what has been left behind and he found it in the front pocket in the box she gave it to him in. He look it to his local jeweler and got it made into a necklace. This was November and he has been wearing it ever since. Taylor kissed him, her heart swelled at Luke's story.

The two fell asleep in each other's arms. When Taylor woke up the next morning, she almost cried when she realized where she was. She quietly untangled herself from Luke and redressed herself. She wrote him a small note and taped it to the bathroom mirror, hoping he would see it after she left. Taylor took one last look at her summer love before leaving the hotel room and heading home.

Luke woke up that morning 10 minutes after Taylor left. He had just missed her, though he didn't know that. He noticed he slept naked and that Calum's bed was empty. Luke was momentarily confused until he remembered everything that happened the night before. When Luke realized he was alone in the bed, he panicked. Luke searched around the small hotel room, checking under the beds even though he knew he was being ridiculous. He stepped into the bathroom and saw the note she left on the mirror.

"I had an amazing time last night, it was great to see you. Tell the boys I said goodbye! The show was great, I always knew 5sos would do great things -Taylor"

Luke grabbed the note and ran back into the bedroom, stowing it safely in his guitar case. Luke didn't know if last night was a sign of destiny or a lucky one night stand but he didn't care. He got to see Taylor again and to him that's all that mattered.

Taylor had to take the train home, Sabrina took the car home the night before. Taylor tried to focus on the music playing in her ears but her mind was cluttered with Luke. She didn't know how she felt about what happened, but she was happy it happened. It was great closure to see him again and she hoped it would help her move on. She knew she couldn't tell Sean though, he would be so mad and she didn't want to ruin anything when they just started to get serious. She knew that she cheated, but he had tried to get her to cheat with him before so it didn't seem that terrible. Taylor didn't even know if she wanted to be in a relationship with Sean. But he clearly did and he was there.

Luke started calling again and Taylor started answering again. They felt rekindled and reconciled and everything felt right. But, like the last time, they fell out of touch.

Their relationship was in the past, they were different people now. But, if they were destined like they thought they were, then maybe fate had some new beginnings for them in store.

this was just a little epilogue type thing to fill in the gap between destined and the sequel.

speaking of, new beginnings, the destined sequel, has been posted!! the first chapter is up so if you're a destined fan then thats the place to be ;)

Destined || Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now