Chapter 6

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(Luke's POV)

It's currently 9am; the boys and I are sat at the table eating breakfast when we hear a knock on the door. We all look at each other expecting someone but ourselves to get up and answer the door.

"NOT IT!" Mike, Cal and I yell.

"Fuck you guys" Ashton rolls his eyes and walks to the door.

I hear the door open and a friendly exchange of hellos. I turn around to see who was at the door and see Ash walking back with Amanda. I was a little disappointed to see her alone and without Taylor. Don't get me wrong, Amanda's great but I actually don't really know why I was disappointed. I guess I just like being in Taylor's company. Maybe I'm just confused as to why she's alone. That's probably it.

"Hey guys!" Amanda smiles and takes a seat at the table.

"Helloooo" We all greet her and continue eating.

"Where's Taylor?" Calum asks with a mouth full of pancakes.

"Ew, Cal. She's at work." Amanda giggles

"I didn't know Taylor had a job" Ashton says

"Well, now you do!" Amanda replies with a laugh.

After breakfast we all sit in the living room to waste the day watching TV.

We've been watching TV for about 4 hours when my stomach makes a weird noise.

"I'm fucking hungry, let's eat" I announce and we all get up to leave

We walk to a pizza shop and my stomach grumbles again when we enter. We pay for our slices and eat them in minutes. Still hungry and now really hot from being outside, we decide on getting ice cream.

"Let's go there! Taylor says it has the best ice cream." Ash points excitedly to an ice cream shop across the street.

"Oh did she?" Amanda smirks and laughs to herself

"Yeah, she did. Why is that funny?" Ashton asks confused

"You'll find out" Amanda winks and we make our way to the ice cream shop

The line is ridiculously long when we arrive. I look to the front of the line and see a smiling Taylor behind the cash register.

"Taylor works here?" I ask Amanda

"Yup!" She nods. So, that's why she recommended this place to Ashton. Well, she better be right because I like me some quality cookies and cream.

I take one last look at her; she looks so cute in her uniform.

Did I just say cute? Yeah, I guess I did. She is really cute. And nice, funny, smart, and pretty. Snap out of it, Luke. She's just a girl you met a few days ago. She's just a friend. I need to stop thinking about her like that. Like what? This is stupid.

My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of my name.

"Luke. Luke. LUKE. MATE!" I feel a slap on my shoulder and I quickly return my attention to my friends.

"Sorry, what did you say?"

"I said, do you think we should do some shows while we're in America? You know, to get the word out about 5sos." Calum asks me

"Yeah, shows would be great. It would be pretty cool to have some American fans." I reply

"Hey! Taylor and I are your fans!" Amanda pretends to be offended

"You've never even heard us play!" Ashton adds

"True, I guess I only like you guys for your looks" Amanda winks at us and we laugh. We continue small talk until it's finally our turn.

"Hi! Welcome to Meltdown. What would-hey guys!" Taylor's smile grew even bigger once she realized it was us. We smile and wave and say our hellos.

"What can I get you guys?" Taylor asks us, returning back to role as a professional.

Ashton orders cookie dough, Amanda orders peanut butter, Cal orders rocky road, Mike orders double chocolate and I order, you guessed it, cookies and cream. After she takes our orders we hand her our money.

"I'm off in like 10 minutes, grab a table outside and I'll meet you guys out there! Eat slowly!" Taylor says and I chuckle

"Just warning you, slow eating and 5sos don't mix well" I inform her and she rolls her eyes at me. We grab our ice cream and find a table outside the shop.

By the time Taylor gets to the table, all of us have finished our ice cream. Oops.

"You guys suck." Taylor laughs as she sits down across from me.

"What flavor is that?" Mike stares at Taylor's ice cream

"Pistachio!" She smiles as she begins to eat

"Out of all the flavors in the shop you pick pistachio?!" Mike says as if he's just been told the most appalling thing ever.

"It's my favorite" Taylor pouts

"Mate, let her eat in peace" I say to Michael. He throws his hands up in defeat.

"My hero. My ice cream and I thank you" Taylor smiles at me

"All in a day's work." I say in my best superhero voice, causing her to giggle.

We're talking about future show details when I see some guy walk over to our table, his eyes on Taylor. He taps on her shoulder and she turns around.

"Brian! Hey!" Taylor says to the guy whose name I'm assuming is Brian.

"Hey, I was just leaving but I wanted to say goodbye and see you later." He winks at Taylor and, although she's not facing me, I know she's blushing.

"Can't wait" Taylor stands up and hugs him. Brian leaves and Taylor sits back down. Her face is bright red; she's smiling like an idiot and staring at her ice cream cup.

"What was that?" Amanda smirks at Taylor.

"Just some guy I met today" Taylor mumbles

"Are you guys going on a date tonight?" Amanda pokes Taylor and she smiles, looking up from her cup.

"Maybe" Taylor blushes again. The look of her getting flustered over another guy makes my heart ache. Why am I feeling this way? What is wrong with me?

"Taylor and Brian sitting in a tree!" Calum teases

"Shut up, Calum!" Taylor slaps him and they laugh. Taylor looks at me and I plaster a fake smile on my face

"So, uh when should we have our first show?" I say, changing the subject.

"Friday!" Ashton replies. We plan out all the details and I'm so excited. Our first show in America in 3 days!!

"You guys wanna come back to my house for a little?" Taylor asks and we all nod and follow her to her house. We get to her house and I get a weird feeling. Something about her house seems familiar. I shrug it off and enter her house.

Taylor gives us a tour of her house, ending at her balcony. I step to the banister and instantly realize why I had a weird feeling. The view. It's her. From the balcony. Taylor's the girl who was playing All Time Low from the balcony that day on the beach. I said I would be seeing more of her and here she is. But she isn't just any girl. She's Taylor. The girl that I've slowly been growing feelings for. The girl whose smile lightens a room. The girl who's going on a date tonight.

"Cal, Ash, Mike can I talk to guys for a second? I uh thought of a good idea for a setlist." I say to the guys and we step inside Taylor's room. I close the door and look back and see Taylor and Amanda talking.

"Can't this wait, mate?" Mike moans as he lies down on Taylor's bed

"I think I like Taylor" I blurt out and they all stare at me, shocked.

"Shit, really?" Ashton asks and I nod

"Yeah. I basically had a revelation when we stepped onto the balcony. Taylor's the girl from the first day. She was the one playing All Time Low we heard from the beach. It's been her all along."

"I knew the balcony looked familiar!" Calum exclaims

"But, isn't she going on a date tonight with that Brian guy?" Ashton asks

"That's the problem. What do I do?" I sigh as I sit down next to Mike on the bed.

"Wait. See how the date goes. For all you know it can be a bust and then you have a shot." Mike suggests

"But what if it goes well and I lose my chance? I can't ask her out now. I'll look desperate. She probably doesn't even like me or else she wouldn't have agreed to go on a date" Why can't these things ever be easy?

"Luke, you never know. Just wait it out. But, while we're on this topic I have some news of my own. I like Amanda and I'm thinking of asking her to hang out tonight." Ashton confesses

"Do it, Mate!" Calum gives Ash a thumbs up

"Yeah, Amanda's awesome. You'd be great together" I compliment Ashton. At least one of us should find love this summer.

"Good luck, Ash" Mike smiles and Ashton blushes

"Guys, you can discuss setlists later, hang out with Amanda and me for a bit!" Taylor moans and we all snap our heads in her direction, quickly ending our conversation.

Ashton leaps up from the bed and jogs out the door to Amanda.

"I have a feeling we should give them some privacy" Taylor says as she closes the door and sits down on the bed next to me.

We talk on Taylor's bed for a few hours until she kicks us all out to get ready for her date. I leave reluctantly, wishing I could somehow convince Taylor not to go.


Taylor's been out with Brian for 3 hours. She should be over soon. She said she would come over after the date. Amanda and Ashton are in Ashton's room and Michael and Cal are songwriting and I'm pacing my room. God, this is so fucking stupid. I'm acting so fucking stupid. What am I doing?

I hear the doorbell and I run down the stairs, my heart racing. I really don't wanna know how the date went, but at the same time I do. I open the door and see Taylor on the other side.

"Hey!" She pulls me into a hug and I hug her back.

"GUYS IM HOME COME DOWNSTAIRS" Taylor yells and I hear a stampede of footsteps coming down the stairs

"Taylor!" Calum pulls her into a hug

"How'd the date go?" Amanda asks

"Sit down and I'll tell you all about it" Taylor giggles and we all sit down.

Taylor sits down next to me and she opens her mouth to speak and I hold my breath, preparing for what she's about to say.

"It was great. Brian's great. Everything about tonight was great." She blushes and my heart stops. I'm too late.

Calum looks at me and I give him a look that I'm ok.

"Yay! I'm so happy for you, Tay" Amanda squeals.

"I'm happy for you too" I manage to choke out

"Thank you, Luke" Taylor smiles at me.

Mike flicks the TV on and all conversation suddenly ends.

I send him a 'thank you' look, thankful for not having to hear about Taylor's date anymore.

Don't give up yet, Luke. Just wait it out.


Hey! Poor Luke :( But don't give up hope yet, much more to come ;) well i hope you enjoyed!!

thank you so much for reading PLEASE COMMENT I FEEL LIKE IM WRITING TO NO ONE

make me feel loved :)

ps pistachio is my favorite ice cream flavor ik ik no one else likes it but i do

follow me on twitter- @snowmanluke


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