Chapter 32

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(Taylor’s POV) 

“Have you made a decision yet?”

Luke has been asking me if I’ve made a decision about the tour everyday the past week.

“Nope, not yet” I sigh, shrugging

I keep telling him that I’m still thinking, even though I know my answer is no. There’s no possible way I can go on this tour. I even asked my parents if I could go, just to humor the idea and they literally laughed at me. I would absolutely love the opportunity to travel the world with Luke and the boys and I wish I could, I really do but I can’t and I know Luke isn’t going to be easy with handling it.

“If this is any help, I talked to my mom and she said she would be able to teach you your curriculum” Luke suggests. I shrug my shoulders again, giving him a tired smile. It doesn’t help at all, only makes it harder. He keeps bribing me with things like this and it’s driving me crazy. I feel like a time bomb, my patience is ticking away and I’ll explode any minute.

“I have a surprise for you tonight” Luke whispers in my ear, kissing under my earlobe

“Yeah?” I turn my head to him with an excited smile

Luke gives me a small nod and kisses me. I kiss him back, cupping his face and pulling him closer. When Luke kisses me my insides melt. I love him so much, I can’t imagine going home without him. Luke has become my entire world. No matter what rough patches we go through, we always come out stronger than before. Which is why I know we’ll be okay being apart while he’s on tour and I’m home.

When we pull away, Luke tells me to get changed for the beach.

“Is this part of my surprise?” I ask as Luke stands behind me, tying my bikini top.

“You don’t get to know!” Luke laughs “But kinda”

“What does ‘kinda’ mean?” I quote the word “kinda.” Surprises make me antsy, I get too excited and I have to know what the surprise is.

“It means kinda! I can’t say anything else, I’ve already said too much!” Luke says, still laughing

“You’ve said nothing!” I throw my arms in the air, trying, but failing, not to laugh. Luke giggles, then quickly clasps his hands over his mouth in embarrassment.

“You giggled!” I exclaim, pointing at him. Luke shakes his head furiously, his hand still covering his mouth, his face bright red. “Yes you did! Luke Hemmings just giggled and it was probably the cutest thing I’ve ever heard”

“I don’t wanna be cute!” Luke pouts, “I wanna be hot and manly”

“You’re hot, manly, and cute” I reply, throwing my arms around his neck and linking my hands

“So are you, besides the manly bit” Luke chuckles, resting his forehead on mine

“Good, because if I was manly that would be really weird” I joke

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