Chapter 15

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(Taylor's POV)

"Hello, earth to Taylor" a hand waves in front of my face, bringing me back to realit

"Sorry, what?" I turn and see my coworker Brittany laughing at my space-out

"You need to refill the gummy worms"

"Got it" I nod and bend down to the drawer where we keep all the extra toppings

"Whatcha thinking about?" Brittany prods as she helps me lift the huge jar of candy

"Thanks" I huff as we place the heavy jar on the counter. Brittany looks at me expectantly, waiting for my reply

"Luke" I answer

"Awww!" she coos and pinches my cheek

I roll my eyes at her as I finish refilling the gummy worm tin.

"When do I get to meet him?"

"I dunno, whenever he comes into the shop" I shrug and she nods happily

Brittany and I spend the next few hours at work helping costumers, me telling her everything about Luke and the drama with Emily and her gushing about her boyfriend of 3 years, Kyle.

Brittany is 3 years old than me, making her 20. I've been working with her since I started 4 summers ago. She's become the big sister I've always wanted.

"...I was so drunk. I didn't even realize the guy taking shots off of me wasn't Kyle until we were 5 shots in. Ky got so pissed he punched the poor guy in the face" Brittany raps up her story of the college party she went to Friday night when the door chime rings, signaling a customer has entered the shop.

"Hello, welcome to Meltdown. How can I help you?" I greet the customer. My happy work smile twists into a frown when my eyes meet a face full of smug delight.

"Hello, Taylor. Fancy seeing you here" Emily grins at me.

"Hi, Emily. What can I get you?" I seethe through my teeth

"Well, I would like cookie dough and Brian here would like peanut butter and a word with you" Emily says and my eyes widen as I look up and see Brian behind her. I didn't even notice him until Emily mentioned him.

"Well I can get you the ice cream but the word will have to wait seeing that I'm at work" I state as I plug the order into the cash register

"You can go talk to him, Tay. I'll watch the shop while you do" Brittany chimes in and I shoot her a glare. She realizes she shouldn't have done that and mouths an apology.

I sigh and walk out from behind the counter and stand in front of Brian

"What" I say, void of emotion

"Let's take this outside" Brian suggests and I roll my eyes in reply. Emily sends me an evil grin and I turn away, following Brian to a bench outside.

"What do you want, Brian?" I cross my arms, hoping this talk will end soon

Brian doesn't reply, but instead he tugs me by my waist and smashes his lips onto mine. I squirm in his grip, trying to pull away but he won't allow it. He pulls me closer and kisses me harder. I knee him in the groin and he yelps in pain, loosening his grip and allowing me to escape it

"WHAT THE FUCK" We say in unison

"Why did you kiss me?" I yell and wipe the moister of the kiss from my lips

"Why did you fucking knee me?" Brian yells, rubbing where my knee made contact

"Because you shoved your tongue down my throat! Why?" I retaliate

"I thought you wanted me back" Brian replies and sits down on the bench

"What? Why? What would make you think that?" I ask completely confused

"Emily said you told her that you did" Brian confesses and a pit of anger forms in my stomach.

"Well, Emily is a liar" I say. My anger falters for a second when Brian's face fills with sadness and I sit next to him

"I'm sorry, Brian. I don't know why Emily said that. But I don't want to get back with you. I actually like someone else" I sooth Brian by rubbing his arm but retreat when his hands tense into fists

"You like someone else?" He stares into my eyes, his once sad face is replaced by a look of anger

"Yeah" I whisper



"WHAT THE FUCK TAYLOR. That asshole from Australia?" Brian jumps from his seat and stands in front of me

"I-uh Brian" I try to form a sentence

"Fuck you Taylor. You're a fucking whore, jumping from one guy to another. You'll regret leaving me for him. You will" Brian threatens. He storms away and I'm left at the benches speechless and furious from what just happened.

I walk back into the shop alone, Brittany's face is full of confusion and Emily's face is full of satisfaction.

"Talk go well?" Emily smirks

"What the hell is wrong with you? Why did you tell Brian I wanted him back?" I scream

"Isn't it obvious? I was doing both of us a favor. You can have Brian and Luke can be free for me. You should be thanking me for solving this little dilemma between us" She replies calmly. My anger returns but now it's 10 times amplified.

"Luke doesn't like you. He likes me. I don't want Brian. I want Luke. I like Luke and if you think you can do immature shit like this and it'll change anything you're wrong" I spit

"We'll see" Emily replies. She takes her ice cream and walks out of the shop

"BITCH" I scream and kick the wall. I yelp in pain and collapse to the floor, regretting my impulsive action

"Woah, Taylor are you okay?" Brittany runs to my side and gives me a worried look

"I'm fine" I reply, rubbing my aching foot before standing up and returning to my position behind the register

"That's the girl trying to steal your man?" Brittany asks and I laugh at her words, calming down after my outburst

"Yup. That's Emily"

"What a fucking psycho"

"Tell me about it" I groan

Work drags on but eventually 5:00 rolls around and I get to go home. On my way home I get a text from Luke

From: Luke
Hey tay sorry we couldnt visit today. Amanda was helping the boys and I figure out shit for the next show. we planned on doing one friday!! and i didnt forget my promise, youll be singing with us so get pumped!! :D come over after work ok? xx

My stomach turns at the thought of performing with the boys. Sure I've performed before but that was at coffee shops and talent shows, not my own concert. It's insanely nerve wracking to think about but incredibly exciting at the same time.

To: Luke
oh god i'm nervous hahah. cant wait tho! should be really fun :) on my way see you guys soon

From: Luke
don't be nervous. you have an incredible talent its about time you properly showcased it. plus the boys and I will be with you the entire time! you'll be amazing :) see you in a few

The idea of performing consumes my thoughts as I walk to the boys' house. I go to knock on the door and see they left it open for me. I walk in and find everyone on the couch watching How I Met Your Mother.

"Hey guys" I say as I walk into the living room

"Why are you limping?" Calum asks me and everyone gives me a worried look.

"I didn't even realize I was" I shrug and sit down next to Luke

"Well, you are. What happened?" Calum asks and my cheeks redden. I don't want to talk about what happened today. I thought I could get away with no one knowing but obviously I was wrong

"It's nothing, really" I reply. I rest my feet on the coffee table and cringe when my right foot lands too hard

Luke bends down and pulls my converse off my right foot

"Taylor what the hell happened?" Luke stares at me and I look at my foot. My big toe is completely swollen and red

Michael runs to the kitchen and grabs an ice pack from the freezer. He returns with it and hands it to me.

"Thanks Mike" I suck harshly on a breath as the freezing cold ice makes contact with my hot, swollen toe. "I kicked a wall it's no big deal"

"Why did you kick a wall?" Ashton asks

"I was bored?" I say and it comes off as a question as I try to avoid talking about what happened at work

"Taylor" Luke snaps, obviously impatient with my reluctancy.

"Fine I'll talk. Emily and Brian came into work today and Brian said he had to talk to me so I went to talk to him and he kissed me and he said Emily told him that I said I wanted him back but I don't and he got pissed and threatened me that I would regret leaving him and I got so mad that I kicked the wall" I huff

"Did you kiss him back?" Luke says, his voice cracking a bit at the end

"No! God no. I kneed him in the balls" I boast, receiving a laugh from Michael and Ashton and a high-five from Calum

"Emily is a fucking horrible person" Amanda says

"Let's just watch something and stop talking about this" I groan

"I have a better idea. Truth or dare" Michael smirks and we all agree on playing

The 6 of us gather in the middle of the floor in a circle.

"Cal, truth or dare?" Michael starts

"Dare" Calum replies

"I dare you to stick your dick in the ice box for a minute"

Calum stands up and walks to the freezer. He pulls his pants and boxers down and waddles closer to the freezer. He yelps as I'm assuming his manhood makes contact with the ice and Michael begins the timer. The timer rings a minute later and Calum sprints to the sink. He twists on the hot water and warms himself up under the water. We burst into hysterics at Calum and I'm surprised at myself for not being the slightest bit phased at casually seeing a penis

"A-amanda, t-truth or d-d-dare" Calum shutters


"Who was your first k-kiss"

"Ashton" Amanda blushes.

"Aw!" Ashton coos and kisses Amanda on the cheek

"Truth or dare, Ash?" Amanda asks


"I dare you to do the cinnamon challenge"

We follow Ashton into the kitchen. He grabs a spoon and the cinnamon
and places it on the counter. Ashton pours the cinnamon onto the spoon and brings it to his mouth. His eyes go wide and he starts choking. He spits the cinnamon out into the sink and his face is surrounded by a cloud of brown. We burst into laughter as Ash chugs 3 glasses of water.

"Taylor, truth or dare?" Ashton asks me when we sit back down

"Dare" I gulp and prepare myself

"I dare you to play Too Hot with Luke" Ash smirks

"What's that?"

"You guys have to make out without touching each other. First one to touch the other loses" Ashton explains

I turn to Luke to see if he was okay with this. He smirks at me and says "game on"

Luke and I sit criss-cross in front of each other and lean in. Our lips touch and I instinctively reach out for his hair but quickly move my hand back before I do

"Come on Taylor. The game just started and you already almost lost!" Amanda whines

"Sorry" I mumble against Luke's lips

The game has been going on for a few minutes and we're still both going strong.

I decide to pick up the pace and kiss Luke harder, he moans as my tongue enters his mouth

"Luke twitched! Go Taylor!" Calum cheers

"Luke don't fuck this up my money is on you" Michael says

"Team Taylor!" Amanda exclaims

"Team Lukey come on mate" Ashton yells

I giggle at my friends' childish behavior and I feel Luke smile

I sit on my hands and kiss him harder. I allow a moan to escape my lips and I feel Luke's hands creep up my back. He begins to pull me closer and I pump my fists in the air and pull away

"VICTORY!" I scream and high-five Calum and Amanda. Michael and Ashton groan and I flip them off

"I can't believe you didn't have faith in me!" I pout at Michael and Ashton "And you betted against me!"

Michael rolls his eyes as he hands Calum a 20 dollar bill who happily stuffs it into his pocket

"Mike, truth or dare?" I ask

"Dare" He grins

"I dare you to drink a cup of ketchup"

"Easy" Michael declares and walks into the kitchen. He fills a cup with ketchup and chugs the whole thing without pulling a face or gagging

"And that's why they call me the Truth or Dare King" Michael gloats and skips back into the living room

"And finally I get to wrap up this game with my good friend Luke. Truth or dare?" Michael asks


"Do you have a boner right now from too hot?" Michael smirks

"Yeah" Luke blushes profusely and I can't help but blush as well at the thought that I caused it

Luke looks at me hungrily and I know I'll be paying for the teasing game later.

"Dinner and a movie?" Ashton suggests because we finished our game

We all nod and move to sit on the couch. We order pizza and decide to watch The Hangover.

"Taylor and I will be right back. You can start without us" Luke says and grabs my hand, practically dragging me up the stairs

We walk into Luke's room and he slams me against the door

"The beginning is boring anyway" Luke says before crashing his lips onto mine. Heat radiates through my body as he digs his fingers into my sides. His kisses are eager, him being incredibly turned on due to the game. He puts his hands just below my butt and lifts me up. I wrap my legs around his waist and thread my fingers through his hair and pull. Luke moans and walks back to the bed. As soon as Luke sits down my fingers find the hem of his shirt and I lift it up. Our lips separate so he can remove his shirt. Luke yanks mine off before reattaching our lips. My fingers travel to the waistband of his jeans and I toy with the button. After successfully unbuttoning them Luke eagerly pulls them off. I unbutton my own shorts and slide them off before straddling Luke again. He squeezes my hips, causing me to moan and roll my hips. Our groins touch through the thin material of our underwear and Luke hisses. I can feel the already present bulge in Luke's boxers and I continue to roll my hips, getting lost in all things Luke Hemmings. My hand travels back to his waistband of his boxers and I slowly stick my hand inside. Luke gasps when he realizes what I'm doing and stares at me

"Taylor" He pants

"I'm done teasing you" I whisper in his ear and latch my lips onto his neck. I suck on the skin and begin to pump his length. Luke moans my name and I quicken my pace, getting turned on by the way he pants my name. I massage the tip with my thumb and Luke tenses. He collapses back onto the bed and brings me down with him. I remove my hand from his boxer and see it's covered in cum. I blush and slide off the bed to wash it off and leave Luke to catch his breath. When I return, Luke is calmed but is staring at me lustfully

"Your turn" He whispers and slides his hand in my underwear. I gasp as Luke's fingers enter me and start to pump

"Luke..." I pant. He chuckles and brings his lips to my neck. He nibbles at the skin and my hips buckle off the bed. He uses his other hand to keep my hips down

He increases his pace and the ball of fire burning inside me bursts and I moan loudly. Luke removes his fingers and kisses me on the forehead. I breathe heavily, trying to recover from my euphoric state.

"You're so beautiful" Luke whispers. He wraps his arms around me and I cuddle into him

"We should head back downstairs before someone walks in" I say and Luke pouts

I try to sit up but Luke tightens his grip on me and I giggle

"Let's just stay here" He mumbles in my hair



"We need to go downstairs"

"Fine. But only if you stay the night" Luke grins

"I would love to" I kiss him on the cheek and get off the bed. I throw Luke his clothes and he groans. We get dressed and walk down back to our friends

"What happened up there?" Calum asks

"Nothing really. We just talked" Luke answers. We sit down on the empty couch. Luke slings an arm over my shoulder and I cuddle into him

"Really? Because your hair and hickeys say otherwise" Michael smirks and I gasp. I look at Luke's neck and see the fresh love bite I left on his neck and my fingers find the one he gave me. We both turn bright red, our blushing sends Michael into a fit of laughter

The movie ends and we all part our separate ways: Michael goes to his room, Calum goes to his, Ashton and Amanda go to Ashton's room and Luke and I go to Luke's room.

"Luke?" I begin to ask

"On it" Luke smiles and walks to his closet. He returns with two sets of sweatpants and a tshirt. He throws a pair of sweatpants and a tshirt at me and I change into it

When I turn around I see Luke dressed in just the sweatpants. I gawk at his appearance; his sweatpants hang loosely off his hips and his perfectly toned stomach is completely bare.

"Like what you see?" Luke smirks at me and I throw a pillow at him.

"Shut up" I roll my eyes and laugh. Luke slips into the bed and opens the covers in front of his as a gesture for me to lie down. I lie down and Luke wraps his arms around me. I nuzzle my face into his bare chest and breath him in. His smell is intoxicating, its a mixture of mint and nature. It's my favorite scent.

We lie there in silence. Luke plays with a strand of my hair and hums softly. I sigh in relaxation and kiss his shoulder.

"I'm so happy I met you" Luke whispers

"Me too" I say

I fall asleep to the sounds of Luke's quiet humming, happily wrapped in his arms.


hello! this chapter was so action packed so much happened omg. thoughts/feelings/opinions on anything that happened in this chapter?? LEAVE A COMMENT BELOW :D

don't forget to vote, tell your friends about my story!! tweet me or ask me on tumblr any suggestions or feedback i love to hear it all!!

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