Chapter 12

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(Taylor's POV)

"Taylor, calm down. You're gonna sweat your make-up off if you keep pacing" Amanda teases. I glare at her and sigh, collapsing back onto the bed.

"I just don't know what to expect. I'm so nervous. What if he decides I'm not who he thought I was and stops liking me? What if he never liked me? What if this is a prank or a bet? What if I'm being punk'd?" I ramble

"Taylor, he likes you. It's obvious. I see the way he looks at you. Plus, he told me he does" Amanda says and my eyes widen

"He told you he likes me?" I gasp and Amanda nods

"Yup, when we were buying the cake for the party" She informs me and I relax slightly.

"I can't believe Luke Hemmings likes me. He's so wonderful and I'm so... well, me" I state and Amanda laughs

"Well, you better believe it. But I know how you feel. That's how I felt about Ashton originally. But I know he likes me and I know Luke likes you." Amanda says

"So don't blow this because I want double date nights" Amanda teases and I roll my eyes at her.

"It's already 6:30. Luke will be here in half an hour" I begin to panic again.

"I'm gonna go then. Text me after to tell me how it goes! Good luck, Tay!" Amanda hugs me goodbye and leaves me room to go home and I'm left alone in my nervous state for the next half hour.

I step into my dress and sit in an armchair in my living room to wait for Luke. I unlock my phone and scroll through twitter since what feels like ages although the last time I was logged on was this morning when Calum posted that picture of Luke and me. My mentions tab has that little blue dot under it, telling me I have a notification. I tap the icon and what I expected to be a single notification turned out to be hundreds, maybe thousands, of interactions. My mentions are completely filled with hundreds of tweets and literally thousands of new followers. The tweets are all from 5sos fans asking me about the boys and asking me to clarify dating rumors about Luke and me. My heart sinks at the small amount of hate I get but my heart is lifted by all the nice things the other fans have to say to me. I reply to some fans and even follow a few. I click on the me tab and my mouth literally drops from the follower increase. I went from 280 followers to 6,174 followers in 2 days. Holy shit. I click on the tweet button to say a welcome of sorts to all of my new followers

@tay_brunna: hello new followers! Where did you guys come from? Are you lost? I'll try not to bore you guys! Tell me if I do hahah ;)

I press tweet and watch as my mentions again fill with 5sos fans replying to me. I chuckle at some of the replies and reply to some of them.

"Honey you look so beautiful! Where are you going?" my mom compliments me as she walks into the living room. I didn't tell her about my date with Luke. She's never even met him or any of the other boys. She knows who they are, though. I'm not even sure if she ever knew about Brian. I've been so busy with my new friends that I haven't spent any time with my family.

"I'm uh going on um a date" I blush like mad and her face is filled with surprise

"A date? With who?"

"My friend Luke. I told you about him. He's in the band with the other guys" I explain, incredibly embarrassed.

"Well, he's obviously not just a friend" my mom teases and my cheeks grow more red than I thought humanly possible.

"Is he coming to pick you up?"



"7. So soon"

"I have to meet him!"

"Mom, no"

"Taylor, yes. I want to see who you've been neglecting you're family for" my mom says and I feel slightly guilty

"I'm sorry" I say and my mom laughs

"Tayl, I'm joking. I'm happy you and Amanda have finally made some friends here besides each other." I laugh at my mom's annoying joke.

I open my mouth to retaliate when there's a knock on the door. Luke.

"Go put your shoes on. I'll get the door" my mom states and leaves to open the door before I can protest

I quickly strap on my sandals and fast walk to the door.

(Luke's POV)

I knock on the door and my heart starts beating at a rapid pace. I'm so nervous for this date. I really like her and I don't want to ruin it.

The doorknob turns and I prepare myself but my eyes widen in shock when a woman opens the door. She looks like Taylor; she must be her mother.

"Hello, I'm Taylor's mom. You must be Luke" She smiles at me

"Yes, I'm Luke Hemmings. It's a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Brunner" I smile back at her.

"Please, call me Lori. Come on in. Taylor should be out soon" Mrs. Brun... Lori informs me and I nod

I hear footsteps coming from the living room and Taylor enters the hallway.

"Hey" she smiles at me and my eyes almost fall out of my head at the sight of her. Her hair is straightened and some of it is pulled from her face. She's wearing a dress that's tight at the top but flares out in the middle of her stomach. She looks absolutely beautiful. I mean, she always does. She is breathtaking.

"Hey" I answer

"Oh this is so cute! Let me get my camera!" Taylor's mom squeals

"Mom! No picture" Taylor protests

"Yes, picture!" Taylor's mom runs into the kitchen to get her camera

"I'm sorry" Taylor says to me and I laugh at her embarrassment, it's so cute.

"It's 100% okay" I say and Taylor's mom returns with her camera

"Okay! Picture!"

I stand next to Taylor and wrap my arm around her back and she does the same to me. We smile as her mom takes the picture.

"Done! Aw it's so cute! Wanna see?" Taylor's mom smiles at the camera screen

"I'll see it later. Bye, mom" Taylor tugs at my arm, pulling me towards the door.

"It was great meeting you!" I say to Taylor's mom

"Hope to see you around!" she replies as Taylor shuts the door

"I'm sorry about that" Taylor blushes

"Don't be. Your mom is really nice" I grab hold of Taylor's hand and lead her to my car.

"You look gorgeous" I say to her as I open the door for her

"Thank you. You clean up pretty nicely yourself" Taylor winks and climbs into the passenger seat

"I didn't know you had a car" Taylor says

"We rented one for the summer" I reply and she nods

"Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise"

"Please tell me"

"No, I have this all planned out. You don't get to know about any of the places we're going ahead of time"

"Places? Plural?"

"Yes, places. More than one place. No more questions. I don't wanna ruin the surprise"

"Fine" she gives in and turns up the radio. I have this entire night planned to the tee. It's going to be perfect.

"Oh! I love this song!" Taylor squeals as Pompeii by Bastille blasts through the speakers. She begins to belt out the lyrics and I laugh and join in.







I quickly glance at her as we sing; she is tapping on the dashboard to the beat and bopping her head up and down as she sings the words. She looks at me and I turn away, embarrassed at being caught staring and focus on the road as we sing the rest of the song.

The song ends and she is laughing hysterically at our outburst and I laugh along with her.

"We're here." I announce as I pull into the restaurant parking lot

"Luke. This place is so expensive! You don't have to take me here" Taylor whines

"I might not have to, but I want to. Don't worry about the price." I smile at her and she sighs before smiling back at me.

I park the car and hop out and jog to the other side of the car to open the door for Taylor. She blushes as she steps out of the car

"You're such the gentleman, Lucas. Thank you" she kisses me on the cheek and I laugh at how she calls me by my full name.

"Anything for the lady. Now let's eat" I grab her hand and lead her to the restaurant.

We walk up to the reservationist, a young short brunette around 25.

"Hello. Welcome to Spade." She smiles at me

"Hey. Reservation for two under Luke Hemmings"

"Right this way" she grabs two menus and leads us to a table by a window with a view of the ocean.

Taylor sits in her seat and brings her hands up to the window. "This view, oh my god. It's so beautiful" she gapes at the view

"Not as beautiful as you" I wink at her and she blushes

"You're being quite the charmer tonight" she raises her eyebrows at me

"Just call me Prince Charming" I smile at her and she rolls her eyes

The dinner portion of the date goes perfectly. We order, we eat, we joke, we talk, I pay and we leave. We're currently on our way to part two of date night. Taylor is humming along to the radio with her head rested on the window, staring out the window. I pull up in front of an ice cream shop and her head shoots up from the window

"Ice cream!" she grins at me and I nod. I get out of the car, but by the time I walk over to the passenger door, Taylor is halfway to the shop.

I jog over to her to catch up. "I was gonna open up the door for you" I pout

"It's the thought that counts." She laces her fingers in between mine "Besides, romance can wait. We have ice cream to eat" Taylor jokes and I nudge her with my elbow. She nudges me back and we have a mini nudge fight of sorts until it is our turn to order.

We order our ice cream; I get cookies and cream and Taylor gets pistachio. We sit down at the table and eat.

"I can't believe you actually like that flavor" I scrunch my face in playful disgusts

"What happened to my knight in shining armor?" Taylor pouts, referring to the first time we had ice cream and Michael relentlessly judged her for picking pistachio and I told him to stop.

"I'm off duty" I tease and she giggles

"But seriously"

"Seriously what?"

"Seriously, how is that even good?"

"Have you even ever tasted pistachio?"

"No, but I know it can't possibly taste good"

"Try it"



"Fine" I huff. Taylor hands me her cup and I bring the spoon to my mouth. Fuck, it's actually pretty good.

"It's alright" I say and bring another spoonful to my mouth

"It's more than alright and you know it!"

I smirk at her and take another mouthful

"LUKE! Stop eating my ice cream!" Taylor pouts and I hand her cup back. She smiles and continues to eat.

We finish eating and now we're back in the car for the third and final phase of the date. This part is my favorite. I'm going to bring her to the beach. I have a picnic blanket and some candles set up. I also brought my guitar.

"Final stop" I say and Taylor nods

I retrieve my guitar from the trunk and open the door for Taylor.

"Is that your guitar?" she asks

"Yup" I reply and we make our way to the beach

We walk to the blanket and she gasps

"Luke. This is so beautiful. Thank you for all of this" She turns to me, her face illuminated by the glow from the candles.

"Anything for you" I look into her eyes, her beautiful, blue-green eyes. She stands on her tiptoes and pecks me on the lips. I grab onto her hips and pull her closer to me. Taylor wraps her arms around my neck and I kiss her again, this time being more passionate. I part her lips with my own and my tongue enters her mouth. She threads her fingers into my hair and tugs, causing me to moan and dig my nails into her hips. She moans and I trail my hands to the back of her thighs and lift her up. Taylor wraps her legs around my waist and kisses me harder. I squat and sit down on the blanket, Taylor now straddling me and sitting on my lap. She brings her hands to the bottom of my shirt and begins to lift it but stops and pulls away.

"I forgot we were in public for a second" Taylor giggles a breathy laugh and removes herself from my lap.

"Me too" I chuckle and remove my guitar case from my back and take my guitar out of the case.

"Play me something" I smile at her and she looks at me like I have seven heads

"Me?" Taylor asks

"No, I was talking to the fish" I tease and hand her the guitar

"Ok. Uh, I'm gonna play one of your songs. Try hard. I really like that one. Is that okay?" Taylor asks timidly

"That's more than okay" I smile at her.

Taylor sets up, and begins to play (video of song on side).

I watch as she sings, her voice is beautiful, angelic almost. I never want her to stop. She looks so calm and confident while she plays. I love the way she bites her lip as she focuses on the chords and smiles as she sings the words. My eyes are locked on her and she blushes when she occasionally makes eye contact with me. My heart swells at her choosing to sing one of my songs. She sings it so well. I thought it was really clever how she turned all of the female pronouns to male pronouns, making it more a girl-song. She's so talented and passionate. Taylor finishes the song and looks at me, waiting for a response. I open my mouth to speak but find myself speechless.

"Wow" is all I can manage to say. She giggles and hands me the guitar

"Taylor that was just wow. You're incredible" I gawk and she blushes

"Thank you. Now you play me something" I take the guitar and think of the perfect song to sing. I clear my throat and begin to play If These Sheets Were The States by All Time Low. I watch her the entire time, my eyes never leaving hers. I finish the song and she claps for me.

"That was awesome. I love that song" Taylor praises and I thank her.

We talk for about 2 hours about everything and nothing at all. I tell her basically everything about me and she does the same.

"What time is it?" Taylor asks me as we end our debate on tacos vs. burritos.



"I know, right?"

"Time flies when you're discussing the ever important debate of Mexican cuisine" Taylor jokes. I extend my hand and help her up.

"Tacos" I laugh

"Don't even start this again" she warns and we laugh

We walk back to the car and I drive her back home, wishing tonight would never end

"I don't want tonight to end" Taylor confesses exactly what I am thinking

"It doesn't have to. Wanna come back to my place for a bit?" I ask with a burst of confidence. Taylor nods and I turn onto my street.

We enter the house and I practically drag her to my bedroom. The moment she steps in the room I push her against the door, causing it to slam. I smash my lips to hers and she instantly parts them, her tongue entering my mouth and her fingers tugging on my hair. I moan as she tugs and lift her up so she can wrap her legs around my waist. I walk backwards and sit on the bed, scooting to the headboard with Taylor on my lap. I rest my back on the headboard and kiss the beautiful girl straddling my lap harder. She removes one hand from my hair and fists the back of my shirt, pulling my closer to her. I unwrap my arms from her back and squeeze her hips. Taylor moans and rocks her hips. She removes her lips from mine and attaches them to my neck. She sucks on the skin just above my collarbone and continues rocking her hips. I moan a little too loudly as she bites my skin and I hear her chuckle. She brings her lips back to mine but I latch mine onto her neck. I start to suck and she pulls on my hair and moans. I feel myself getting hard and bring my lips back to hers. I bend my knees up, bringing her closer to me and she digs her nails into my scalp.

"HOLY SHIT" I hear a voice yell from the doorway. Taylor screams and jumps off my lap. I look up and see Ashton standing in the doorway.

"I thought you were home alone I was just coming to ask how the date was" Ashton explains. "Obviously it went really well." he adds with a smirk

"Luke was just about to take me home" Taylor stutters, her cheeks bright red and her chest still rising and falling at a quick pace from our intimacy. She hops off the bed and walks past Ashton and downstairs.

"Have you ever heard of knocking? Fuck you, man" I groan at Ashton and he lifts his hands in defense.

I know nothing further than what we were doing was going to happen, but I didn't want it to end.

I meet Taylor at the front door and walk her to the car. The car ride is silent as we make the short trip to her house. I pull up to the front and walk to open the door for her. We walk to the front door and turn to face each other.

"I had an amazing time. Thank you so much for tonight" Taylor smiles at me

"I'm glad you had a good time. I did too. I really like you Tay" I smile at her and her eyes sparkle at me calling her by her nickname

"I really like you too, Luke"

"Good night, Tay"

"Good night, Luke"

I kiss her goodnight and she walks inside her house.

I smile the entire drive home, I smile when I walk into my house, I even smile while brushing my teeth. I don't think I'll ever stop smiling.


HELLO! this is my favorite chapter so far, it was real cheeky ;) but it made me really happy because yay dates :)

yes btw that was actually me singing in the try hard cover lol


please vote/comment please please please

follow me on twitter- @snowmanluke

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