Chapter 8

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(Taylor's POV)

"Oh my God, Tay. I'm so sorry! That's awful. I'm awful. I should've been there for you! I'm so sorry, are you okay?" Amanda cries

"Don't be sorry! You were on a date, that's why I didn't call you. I'm fine, really" I comfort her and I feel as if the roles have been reversed.

"Ugh, I feel so bad. You were home alone after that and I was out. I'm a sucky friend" She says. I haven't told her the whole story.

"I uh wasn't home alone after. Or home at all for that matter" Amanda looks at me confused

"Where were you?"

"With Luke"


"Yeah, Luke"

I tell her about last night with Luke. How I turned up to his house crying and he let me stay the night and then the uncomfortable breakfast with all the guys. After, she tells me about her night with Ashton. They went out for pizza and ice cream and took a walk on the beach. He told her about his past and she told him about hers. They really clicked.
"He walked me back to my house and we were saying goodbye at my door step when he kissed me. It was a quick peck but it was amazing. I like him so much, he's amazing" Amanda gushes.

"That's awesome, I'm so happy for you" and I mean it. She deserves it. At least one of us had a good night.

"Well, we have to get ready for the boys' show. It starts in 2 hours." Amanda claps her hands and leaps to her closet. We pick out our outfits, slip them on, do our makeup and hair and bike to the show.

The venue is a small makeshift stage on the beach. There are 3 guitars and a drum kit with the 5sos logo on it set up on the stage. There's already a small crowd formed in front of the stage. Amanda and I push our way to the front and wait for the boys.

"I'm really excited to hear them play!" Amanda says and I nod

I've refrained from all Internet research on 5 Seconds of Summer so I have no idea what to expect. The boys walk on the stage; Luke, Michael and Calum strap on their guitars and Ashton takes a seat behind his drum kit.

Luke's eyes scan the crowd and settle on mine. The smile on his face grows and I smile back.

"Good luck" I mouth

"Thank you" Luke mouths back. His eyes leave mine and he turns to Ashton. They exchange a few words before he turns back around. He opens his mouth to speak and I prepare myself for the show.

"Hello! We're 5 Seconds of Summer. I'm Luke"

"I'm Calum!"


"Sup, I'm Ashton. I hope you beautiful people are ready to rock!" I hear Amanda giggle next to me and I nudge her shoulder.

Ashton counts them down and the boys begin to play.

They're so good. The music is catchy and the lyrics are well written. They're kind of pop rock which fits into my music taste. Safe to say I'm a fan.

"But now who knew? She's in the crowd of my show"

I look up at Luke and see Luke looking at me. The butterflies in my stomach start to flutter as he continues to sing, his eyes still on mine.

"Nothing to lose, she's standing right in the front row.

The perfect view, she came alone on her own.

And there's something that you should know.

You're so out of reach."

Luke breaks our eye contact, focusing somewhere in the crowd to finish the song. Luke is so confident on stage. I've never seen him smile bigger. It's amazing to see him so happy. He's so into his performance, it's really cute. Stage Luke is definitely my favorite Luke. He's sweaty and bites his lip when he plays guitar and it's really hot. Did I just call Luke hot? Well, I mean he is. I don't think anyone can deny that. He's an extremely attractive person. What am I saying? I blush at my thoughts and refocus my attention on the concert.

When the show ends Amanda and I meet the boys backstage.

"You guys were amazing!" Amanda compliments as she makes her way to Ashton, pecking him on the cheek.

"Agreed, awesome show! The crowd really loved you guys." I say as I bend down to help Luke close his guitar case

"Thank you, Tay" Luke smiles at me. Tay. He's never called me that before. It sounds so nice when he says it. I feel the heat in my cheeks.

"No problem" I smile back and stand up. Why am I blushing? Why is he making me feel this way all of a sudden? I don't even know how to describe what I'm feeling.


"You're really talented, Luke" I say to Luke as we make our way to the 5sos house. Luke and I have been walking at our own pace and have fallen behind the rest of the group.

"Thank you. That means a lot"

"You're welcome. I wish I had a chance to perform, it seems incredible."

"It is. You should perform with us at our next show" I stop and turn to face Luke



"Oh my God, thank you so much that would be amazing! Thank you thank you thank you!" I scream and hug Luke.

"You're welcome." He chuckles and hugs me back


"So, Luke. The big 17 is coming up" Calum nudges Luke's shoulder

"Yeah, next Friday" Luke replies and Amanda gasps

"No way! My birthday is next Wednesday!" Amanda exclaims

"Wow, two birthdays calls for a party" Michael declares and we all agree

"Alright, next Saturday it is. 6 to when the fuck ever." Michael has basically planned this whole thing. "Luke and Amanda are in charge of pizza and cake. Me and Ash will get the snacks and Taylor and Calum will get the drinks"

"Sounds good, ringmaster" I tease

"So what drinks should we get, Cal?"

"I was thinking water, beer, vodka and soda" Calum lists calmly. I don't drink often and I've never had to get it myself.

"Alcohol? How are we supposed to get it?"

"Fake ID" He shrugs

I wonder what these boys are like drunk. This party should be interesting.


hello! i hope you enjoy :) i already started the next chapter and im really excited about it :)

party woo and a couple of surprises ;)

the next chapter is gonna be kinda weird bc its gonna switch POV a lot between Taylor and Luke but its the best way i can convey the story of the next chapter sorry lol

sorry this one is so short btw /: next chapter is gonna be long i promise!!


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