Chapter 29

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(Luke’s POV)

This is a bad idea


Luke, you shouldn’t be doing this


You’re going to make things bad when they just got good again


You have to do this


Better to be safe than sorry


No turning back now


Fucking hell.


I knock on the door and take deep, calming breaths. The door opens and Sean’s face drops.

“What do you want, Hemmings?” Sean barks. His right eye is black and swollen and his nose is extremely bruised.

“I came to sort things out with you, we left things at a sort of bad note” I explain

“Sort of? You broke my fucking nose!” Sean snaps. I knew this was a bad idea, why am I so stupid? This guy is a fucking asshole

“And you tried to break up my relationship!” I retort, “You said you would stay away from her claiming you followed some ‘bro code’ but that was all shit!”

“You’re the one who blew her off! She was fucking sobbing on the sidewalk when I found her! What was I supposed to do? Pat her on the back and walk away? No! She practically jumped into my arms, how could I not invite her over?” Sean steps outside of his house and closes the door, probably because he doesn’t want his parents to hear us fighting.

“You’re the one who took advantage of her! She was obviously upset and you kissed her, more than once might I add, and then you tried to get her to leave me!” my arms flail wildly, emphasizing my anger.

“Of course I took advantage of her, do you realize who we’re talking about here? Taylor Brunner was in my reach and I grabbed her. And I will be there to grab her when you fuck up again, which is inevitable” Sean says, crossing his arms over his chest and smirking.

“What do you mean it’s inevitable?” I ask, Sean’s last sentence hitting home.

“Face it, you’re gonna mess this up again. The summer is going to be over soon and there’s no way you guys can keep it up long distance when you live on the other side of the world. It’s a 14 hour time difference man, takes more than a day to fly from New Jersey to Australia” Sean says

“Not true, we’re in love. We can make it work. It will work because we both want it to work” I defend my relationship. What does Sean know about us?

“You’re in denial Luke” Sean sings obnoxiously

“Whatever, Sean. I didn’t come here for advice about my relationship. I came here to ask you to back off and to see if we can maybe be civil towards each other” I shake off his snide remarks, he doesn’t know shit.

Destined || Luke HemmingsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя