Chapter 19

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(Amanda’s POV)

“Taylor Brunner, will you do the honor of being my girlfriend?”

“Yes, I’ll be your girlfriend, Luke”

Luke kisses Taylor and a huge smile spreads on my face. Finally! I watch my best friend beam at her new boyfriend with nothing but happiness in her eyes. I’m so happy for her.

They close the show, leave the stage and I run backstage to join my friends. Screaming, I tackle Taylor and engulf her in a bear hug. She hugs me back tightly, laughing hysterically.

“That was so cute! Yay!” I yell in her ear. Taylor winces, giggles and hugs me tighter.

“You know what this calls for?”

“What does this call for?” Taylor asks

“Double date night! You, me, Ash and Luke”

“That would be awesome! I’ll check with Luke” Taylor smiles and skips away to Luke. She speaks to Luke for a few seconds, he nods his head and Taylor shoots me two thumbs up. I send them back and feel a pair of arms snake around my waist.

“Hello, sweaty” I turn to face Ashton and kiss his cheek

“Hello, beautiful” he giggles

“How do you feel about a date night with Taylor and Luke tonight?”

“Sounds fun, I’m in”

“So guys, pizza and movie night?” Calum suggests as he closes his guitar case.

“Well, actually we’re having a date night” Taylor says, motioning to Luke, Ashton and me.

“Whatever, Calum and I will have our own date night. Team Malum all the way, baby!” Michael slings an arm around Calum’s shoulders and sticks his tongue out at us.


Taylor and I are sitting on her couch waiting for Ash and Luke. Tay volunteered her house since her family is staying at my house tonight, giving us the whole place to ourselves.

The doorbell rings and Taylor smiles excitedly at me. We walk to the door, open it and let the boys in. Ash wraps his arms around my back in a hug and pecks my lips, which I gladly replicate. I hear Taylor giggling like crazy and turn my head to look at her; Luke’s arms are wrapped loosely around her lower back as he plants kisses all over her face. They seem so happy. Ash squeezes my sides and I return my attention to my adorable boyfriend.

“We’re ordering Chinese food, what do you guys want?” I ask the boys

“I thought we were getting pizza?” Ash whines

“We always get pizza” Taylor replies

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