Chapter 3

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(Taylor's POV)

I am currently lying in bed just thinking, about nothing really until I remember the slightly weird incident that happened today when I was reading on the balcony. I saw it from the corner of my eye, four boys sat directly in front of my house all turned around and staring at me. I didn't know why and I wasn't sure if I wanted to know. After they all turned around I decided, after 5 minutes of contemplation, to look up and check them out. But, just my luck that the moment I look up I lock eyes with one of them.


Shit. What do I do? I don't wanna be extremely awkward and look away but I don't wanna look creepy and overfriendly and wave. I settle on a small, closed mouth smile, which I'm not even sure he would be able to see but, thankfully, he mirrors my smile before turning back around to his friends.

My glance was so quick I didn't have time to look at any features of any of the boys, not even the one I made eye contact with. My thoughts were soon interrupted by the sound of my phone ringing


From: Amanda

Hey! I just got in, breakfast tomorrow?

I quickly typed my reply and agreed to meet up with Amanda at a diner. Amanda is my best friend. I've known her my entire life. Our moms grew up together. The only problem is that she lives in Connecticut and I live in New Jersey. Neither Amanda, our moms nor I liked being separated year round, so we decided on annual summer family vacations to LBI. This started when we were 7 and its being happening ever since. I finally give in to the comfort of my bed, close my eyes, and fall asleep.

I'm woken up by yelling and my bed shaking.




I open my eyes to see Amanda jumping on my bed

"I'm up, I'm up stop screaming." I moan.

Amanda immediately stops jumping and lands Indian style on my bed. I hop out of bed and get dressed.  Since we are only going out for breakfast and most likely gonna hit up the beach after, I only put on minimal makeup: concealer and mascara. I take my hair out of its braid and let it fall in its natural curl. I grab my phone, my bag and my sunglasses, slip on my shoes and we're out the door.

We walk to the diner and are soon greeted by a huge line that snakes outside of the tiny diner.

"This is what we get for picking the most popular breakfast place on the island" Amanda complains

I nod and laugh "And the smallest. Why the tiniest diner would also be the most popular we'll never know. I honestly don't understand how things like this happen."

Amanda sighs in agreement and we take our spot in line.

"This line is so long it's literally out the door. You stay in line; I'll find us a table before we order. We don't wanna be holding trays of pancakes with nowhere to eat them," Amanda suggests. She tells me her order and walks away to find us a booth. I take the time to scan the menu. I usually get the same thing every time: chocolate chip pancakes. After 5 minutes of trying to pick something new, I decide on blueberry pancakes.

This line is so fucking slow oh my god. I'm starting to lose my patience and Amanda is nowhere to be found. My mind starts to wander off into thoughts about nothing when I feel a nudge from behind me. I jerk forward but, luckily, I don't fall.

"Shit, I'm so sorry." I hear a voice say. I turn around to see a tall blonde boy in an All Time Low tank top, black skinny jeans and flip-flops. He's blushing and I didn't feel so annoyed anymore.

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