Chapter 33

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(Taylor's POV)

It's been 3 weeks since the show. 3 weeks since I've seen Luke. I've been avoiding him, which I know is cowardly but I don't want to see Luke. He had to have seen me run away, I know it must have hurt him badly but I can't take the tour talk and bribing anymore. I miss Luke though; I miss him so much.

Summer is over next week. One week until I go home and Luke flies back to Australia to start rehearsing for the tour. One month until I start school and Luke goes to London for the start of the tour. In just a week, we'll be living separate lives, doing separate things, seeing separate sights.

"Taylor, you have to face Luke eventually, you can't just ignore him and let him leave without saying goodbye" Amanda sighs. This must be the 50th time she's said this to me. I agree with her, but the thought of what happened and Luke leaving hurts too much. If I see him, it becomes more real and I'm not ready for it to become a reality. I don't say anything, just shrug my shoulders; the response I've given Amanda every time.

(Luke's POV)

I haven't left my room in 3 weeks. I'm wasting the end of my summer isolating myself but that's what heartbreak does to someone. Taylor ran away at the end of She Looks So Perfect, the first song of the set, the song I wrote about her and I have no idea why. I thought she would love it, but she hasn't talked to me since so I don't feel the need to move. The first week I called and texted her everyday, she never answered so I eventually gave up.

"C'mon Luke, you gotta leave your room. We leave in a week" Calum sighs. I nod, I know I need to leave but I can't

"I lost her" I reply, my voice hoarse

"Just go talk to her, find out what happened"

"She doesn't wanna talk to me" I say "I'm not gonna push her to talk to me if she doesn't want to"

Calum groans and rolls his eyes, clearly annoyed with me. He doesn't understand, he's never been in this position before. Calum leaves my room and closes the door, leaving me alone. I open my songbook, flipping the pages to She Looks So Perfect. It's a love song of sorts, a happy one. I scan the lyrics, desperately searching for the trigger that sent Taylor running. I can't find anything.

A knock on my door breaks me from my searching.

"Go away, Cal" I groan. I hear the door open, so I snap my head around to yell at Calum. "Calum, I said-" I stop, my eyes landing on the person my heart has ached for for the past 3 weeks.

"It's not Calum"

(Taylor's POV)

I stand in Luke's doorway, taking in Luke's distraught appearance.

"Tay" Luke whispers. My heart skips a beat; I've longed to hear him say my name for 3 weeks.

"Hi," I reply, my voice weak "I missed you"

Luke laughs and walks over to me slowly. He pulls me into a hug, wrapping his arms tightly around my body, resting his chin on the top of my head. I bury my head in his chest, wrapping my own arms around him.

"I missed you too. Can you tell me what happened?" Luke asks, his voice shaking. I nod and Luke takes me to the pair of chairs in the corner of his room.

"I can't go on tour with you. I really want to, but I need to focus on myself, on my education, on my future. I need you to understand that" I explain, relieved to finally get it out.

"But I told you that my mom-" Luke starts but I cut him off

"I know, your mom said she could tutor me. But she's a math teacher, she can help with my math work but how is she going to help me with Shakespeare or Spanish conjugations?"

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