Chapter 14

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We walk into the restaurant and Emily discretely shoves me. I stumble a little, giving her the opportunity to rush to Luke's side in the booth. But, before she can sit Calum stops her

"Emily, I think you're shoe is untied" Calum says and she stops to check her shoes. I take the opportunity to rush past her and take my seat next to Luke.

"My shoes don't have ties" she stands and Calum shrugs, taking the seat on Luke's other side. Emily turns to sit and her eyes narrow when she sees me in her seat.

I smile at her and she sits across from me.

"Hi, Luke" I say, staring at Emily who's glaring at me

"Hey, Tay" Luke smiles at me

"You missed an awesome wave before. Mikey and I must've been up like 10 feet" I say and Michael reaches out to high-five me.

"I saw you guys, I'm so mad I missed it. I was watching you" Luke blushes

"You were watching me?" I giggle

"Yeah, you looked so cute jumping over-"

"OW!" I yelp, interrupting Luke. Someone kicked me really hard and it takes less than a second to realize who it was. Emily was smirking at me and I glare at her.

"Are you okay?" Luke looks at me

"Yeah, I'm fine. I kicked too hard and hit my heel on the booth." I lie and Emily laughs

"You know what that reminds me of? That story I told you, Luke, about my trip to Bermuda" Emily says, directing the attention to her.

"Oh god, yeah. That was so funny. You're quite the bad ass" Luke laughs

The waitress comes before anyone else can say anything else. She takes our order and leaves. She returns a few minutes later with our drinks and sets them down.

"Taylor, what the hell is your shirt?" Emily scoffs

"It's a band" I reply.

"5 Seconds of Summer? That's an awful name for a band" Emily laughs and I smirk to myself.

"That's my awful band name. Luke, Ashton, Michael and I are 5 Seconds of Summer" Calum growls and Emily's eyes go wide

"You guys are in a band? That's so cool!" she says, trying to save herself

"Yeah, Ashton plays the drums, Michael and Luke play the guitar and Calum plays the bass. Luke and Cal are the lead vocals" I inform her

"Luke, you sing and play guitar? All that and good looks, you're the whole package" Emily flirts.

"I do those things too. Am I also the full package or do my looks not cut it for you?" I smirk at her and everyone laughs. Emily fakes a laugh and her face twists into a evil grin.

"Oops!" she exclaims. She knocks her glass over and my lap is soon soaked in Diet Coke. I gasp and Amanda grabs my hand, pulling out of my booth and towards the bathroom.

"That fucking bitch!" I yell as I wet a paper towel in the bathroom sink

"What the hell was that? That certainly wasn't an accident" Amanda exclaims and dabs a wet paper towel on my shirt while I do the same to my shorts

"She wants Luke. She told me to back off but I'm not going to. So she kicked me under the table and split her fucking drink on me." I explain to Amanda.

"What a bitch!"

"I know!"

"Does she know Luke likes you?"

"She knows we went on a date last night. But I am going to make it damn clear that he does" I sit up and storm back to the table.

We return to the table and Emily is in my seat next to Luke

"You snooze you lose. Sorry girl!" Emily says and I roll my eyes. I don't need words to retaliate. The rest of the meal is spent by Emily making advances at Luke and me glaring at her.

"Luke, can I talk to you?" I ask him and he nods

"We'll be outside. Meet us there after you pay" I tell the table. Luke and I set the money to pay for our lunches on the table. Calum gives me a suspicious look and Emily glares at me. Luke grabs my hand and I smile at Emily when she notices.

I walk Luke over to the bench outside the restaurant. He sits down and I climb onto his lap.

"Taylor..." he gasps in shock but wraps his arms around my waist. I connect my lips to his. I passionately kiss him, threading my fingers through his hair and pulling lightly.

"Are we interrupting your conversation?" a voice says from behind me. I pull away from Luke and turn around; our whole group is standing behind us. The boys and Amanda our smirking while Emily holds a glare.

"We can finish it later" I say smugly and stand up

"Taylor, I think we need to have the same talk" Michael winks. I blush and giggle and Luke whacks the back of Michael's head

"Fuck you, Mikey" Luke rolls his eyes

We walk back to the beach and sit on the towels. Emily starts to sit down but is stopped by one of the most beautiful sounds I've ever heard.

"Emily, we're leaving! Say goodbye to your friends!" Emily's mom calls and I almost run up and hug her.

"Well, I guess I'm going. See you around guys!" Emily says and we wave her away

"Bye, Luke" she smiles and kisses him on the cheek. His cheeks turn bright red and he mumbles a "bye."

"Shit, Luke. You're a chick magnet today" Michael laughs and Calum punches his arm

"Geez. Today is not my day" Michael jokes and we all laugh and agree. We lay out at the beach for a few more hours before deciding on going back to the boys' house to watch movies.

"Luke, can I borrow a sweatshirt?" I ask as we walk into the house.

"Yeah, go get one from my room" Luke answers

"Come with me" I say and Luke smiles, grabs my hand and leads me upstairs

"Sweatshirts are in the bottom drawer of my dresser" Luke points to the dresser and sits on the edge of his bed.

Instead of walking to the dresser, I walk to Luke. I stand in between his legs, cup his face and kiss him. He tenses in surprise but quickly loosens and places his hands on my hips, pulling me closer. He stands up and turns us around so my back is to the bed. He lightly pushes on me, suggesting I lay on the bed so I do. I scoot to the top of his bed and rest my head on his pillow. Luke crawls on top of me and brings his lips to mine. Luke pulls away a few minutes later and rolls off of me. He lies on his side and faces me. I shift my body so I can face him too.

"Hello" I smile at him



"You've been very... well affectionate I guess today." Luke stutters

"Is that a problem?" I blush, feeling awkward

"No no, no it's not, not at all. I just want to know why. Like, why pull me away from lunch?" Luke asks and I sigh. I can't lie to him.

"You're gonna hate me" I say

"Doubt it. Just tell me" Luke looks into my eyes

"Well, Emily told me she likes you and started flirting with you and I guess I got kind of a little jealous, maybe and I wanted to show her that you liked me and not her and I knew she would walk in on us so yeah. I'm stupid, I'm sorry" I cover my face with my hands and I hear Luke chuckle

"You got jealous?" He asks smiling

"Possibly" I mumble

"Tay, look at me" Luke moves my hands from my face and stares into my eyes again.

"I like you. Not Emily. You. I like you, Taylor Brunner" Luke says and my heart swells

"And I like you, Luke Hemmings" I reply and Luke pecks my lips

"Now get that sweatshirt on and let's go downstairs"

I take a deep breath and sit up on the bed. Luke likes me, and no one else


hey guys! new update woo. what do you think of emily? drama uh oh

i hate to do this but i work so hard on these chapters and no one ever votes or comments so IF YOU WANT THE NEXT UPDATE I WANT 10 VOTES AND 5 COMMENTS ON THIS CHAPTER

10 VOTES AND 5 COMMENTS really isn't a lot please guys. feedback, favorite color, anything.

that's so exciting omg

thank you for reading :) tell your friends! ily all even tho none of you talk to me hahah

Destined || Luke HemmingsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora