Chapter 2

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"Good morning Mulligar! I'm your host Daisy and don't I have some news for you. The weather for the next week is going to be 96F. Today there will be scattered thunder storms so don't forget your umbrella." The woman on the news said.

I poured two cups of coffee into a mug and handed Ry her bagel and drink.

"So are you coming to work with me?" I asked taking a sip of my drink.

Keith was still passed out on the floor, thank god.

"Yah! Cuz who doesn't want to spend the day with sticky kids?!"

"Hey! They aren't sticky! They're adorable!" I snapped.

"Hahaha! I was just kidding. Yah I'll-"

"BREAKING NEWS! Teen sensations One Direction member, Niall Horan, was just abducted last night in his own yard." The tv man said.

Ry gasped and dropped her cup and did a barrel role toward the couch. The camera went to downtown and showed a house. Harry Styles' face popped up on the tv screen.

"Yah. We all went out last night and I dropped him off in his yard. I tried to call him, but he didn't answer so I came over. And he.....I'm sorry. I can't talk anymore." Harry stuttered.

"Oh no! My baby! He's crying!" Ry said.

"I seriously think you might have a problem." I said.

"Don't act like you're not worried about Niall." Ry snapped.

The truth is, I'm actually super worried. My heart sank into my stomach and I smiled.

"Yah. You're right. Let's go before the perv king wakes up." I said grabbing my car keys.

* At the Daycare Center *

"Hahaha! When did you guys get a Niall doll?" Ry asked holding up the doll.

"I don't know. This is the first time I've seen it." I said zipping up Emily's jacket.

"Thank you!" She squealed and ran outside.

"Hey thanks for coming with me Ry. I owe you."

"How about helping me find the slut that kidnapped your man."

I laughed.

"You have yourself a deal."

"Hey girls. The kids' parents are coming to get them, and I have to go pick Sydney from school. Can you lock up for me."

"Sure thing. Have fun with Sydney!" I said.

"Thanks Cassandra. Bye guys!"

After all the kids left and every table was washed we sat down on the floor. Lightning lit up the sky and I sighed.

"Hey! They found Niall! Turns out he just went for a walk and fell in a hole." Ry said looking at her phone.

"Yay!" I said looking at the picture on her phone.

We got up and grabbed our jackets. I grabbed my purse and thunder erupted again. I saw a red glow coming from the preschool room so I gave Ry a look. Then we heard a smash and we both jumped.

"Hello?" I called out.

We slowly inched toward the room and with each step the glow got brighter. We stepped in the room just as lighting lit it up, and the red glow went away. I looked around and saw that a basket just fell off the shelf. I laughed nervously with Ry. I stepped over to it and picked it up and put it in its place. I turned to go, but tripped over a doll. I picked it up and looked at it, it was the Niall doll. All of a sudden the doll started to glow red and it vibrated. I tried to throw it down by it was too late. Everything was red then I saw black.

-----------------------------Thanks for reading! Sorry it took so long and that it was pretty boring.

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