Chapter 9

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We all sat down by Tod's mat and waited for Nap Time to be over.

"You think that this'll work?" Ry asked.

"It has to." I said.

The music clicked off and one of the workers rang a bell softly.

"It's time to wake up guys! Put your blankets in your cubbies." She said softly.

Tod rolled over and looked at us. He wrapped us in his blanket and stuffed us in his backpack. It was really hard to breathe in here and I started to mentally have a panic attack. My breathing got ragged and I tried to unravel the blanket from around me.

"Cass? Are you ok?" I heard Niall ask.

"Not really. It's really cramped in here." I replied, still breathing deeply.

"I think she's having a panic attack. Try to make her breathe normally Niall." I heard Ry muffle out.

I felt someone grab my hand and I jumped a little.

"Cass? Am I touching you?" I heard Niall ask.


"Ok. Listen. Everything is going to be ok. Just breathe. Follow my breathing." Niall said as he managed to pull me through the blanket and against his chest.

I closed my eyes and listened to his heart beat. I let my chest rise and fall with his.

"Think of something else." Niall muttered.

I imagined me being in a bed, sleeping. Right next to Niall Horan himself. The real sized one. Oh how I wish things weren't like this. Soon I fell asleep to the sound of Niall's heartbeat against my ear.

I awoke to the feeling of falling through air.

"What's going on? Where am I?" I called out.

"Cass. I think we were just thrown somewhere." I heard Ry say.

What? Thrown? Then everything came rushing back. We're dolls and we need to get to Niall Horan's house. Wait. Niall Horan. Niall Horan's arms are currently wrapped around me.

"Hey." I heard him mumble.

"Hi." I replied.

We heard a car engine rumble to life and I smiled. My genius plan is working.

"Are you better?"

"Yah this is all just kind of stressful." I sighed as I buried my head deeper into his chest.

I was kind of hoping I'd wake up and this would all just be a dream. If it was though, I never would've met Niall and this is probably the best thing that's ever happened to me. I just never imagined that I'd meet him like this, on such a personal level. It's more than I could've ever imagined. If someone told me the day before that all of this would happen, I would've laughed in your face and walked away.

"It shouldn't take long to get there." Niall said.

"I had no idea you lived so close." I said.

"Management makes sure nobody really knows anything. You know what they let you know. No one really knows us, you know?"

"Personally? No. But I understand what you're saying. It must suck never just being normal."

"Don't get me wrong, this is the best life I could've ever asked. I love every minute of it, but I would like to walk around without a body guard or go out on a date with a girl not afraid of my fans. To be honest this is the most normal I've felt in a long time."

"Wow. This is probably the most fun I've had in my whole life. Also, probably the most stressed out."

I laughed and Niall laughed along with me. He sighed and my stomach flipped as I felt his breath brush against my cheek.

"Thank you Cass."

"For what?" I asked, curiously.

"For making me feel normal. Even if it is only for a little while."

"Oh. It's nothing." I said as I looked up.

I haven't been looking at him this whole time and he was a lot closer than I expected. I got lost in his eyes once more and he glanced down at my lips. No way. This isn't happening. He moved in closer and his nose brushed mine. I closed in the space between us and I felt his lips on mine. They were so much softer than I imagined. He kissed me softly, nothing extremely hot and heated but it still took my breath away. He pulled away and I frowned a little. I wanted that moment to last forever. He pecked my lips once more and I blushed.

"What was that for?" I asked.

"Cass, when we get out of here would you like to go to dinner or anything?" Niall asked.

He sounded nervous and looked flushed. Why? I don't know. He's a freaking heart throb. He could have any girl and he chose me. That made me extremely happy.

"Yes. Of course I will." I said.

I don't just like him because he's famous and has a nice voice anymore. I like him because he's sweet and brave and still gets nervous when he's asking out a loser like me.

"Finally! I've been rooting on you guys from the start. Hey Niall! You should totally throw me in a conversation with Harry, because you owe me big time. " Ry screamed from somewhere in the blanket.

I rolled my eyes as Niall laughed out loud. The sweet noise filled my heart and made me giggle despite the situation.

"You got it Ry!" Niall screamed back.

AN: Sorry I haven't updated in like years. But school has started. As some of you may know Wattys2015 is going on and you can help by voting and commenting, of course. Also if you have a Twitter you can help me by posting a link to whatever story of mine you want to vote for and using the hashtag #Wattys2015 If you guys do that I'll love you forever because I really want to win something like that! Thank you guys!

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