Chapter 29

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Sakura did not know what possessed her to bring Syaoran back to Yukito’s place. She knew Touya would be angry if he saw Syaoran. She should have the foresight to keep the two men as far away from each other as possible. Putting the two of them in the same room meant trouble and she was right in the middle of it.

“Looks like you are much better than the last time I saw you,” Syaoran commented in a grin, feeling at ease in the tense situation. It was as if Touya’s glare meant nothing to him. “It’s good to see you walking about for a change.”

Sakura noticed Touya’s clenched fists and felt cold sweat pour from her forehead. Touya arrived at Yukito’s place just minutes ago and the hardened expression on his face when he saw Syaoran didn’t bode well. At least he wasn’t strangling Syaoran. That was the only source for comfort.

“What are you doing here?”

Syaoran’s eyes widened dramatically as he turned to face Sakura. “So he finally speaks!”

“Really, can we stop with all these nonsense?” Touya said, crossing his arms and frowning at Syaoran.  Sakura gulped. That didn’t look so good at all.

“Just visiting.”

Touya tapped his feet for several seconds before he realized Syaoran wasn’t going to elaborate on his answer. “We are not that close to warrant your kind presence here.”

Syaoran shrugged. “Well, I’m closer to Sakura,” he said and wound his arm around Sakura’s shoulders. He grinned at her shocked expression and held on a little tighter when she tried to shake him off. “Don’t be embarrassed now!”

“Are you trying to get yourself killed?” Sakura hissed as she pinched on the back of his hand. He only winced in pain but refused to let go. “You are deliberately goading my brother! I’m not going to care if he kills you!”

Sakura gasped when Touya lurched from the sofa opposite them to grab the front of Syaoran’s shirt. Syaoran seemed unfazed by the sudden spurt of action and had the audacity to grin at Touya. “Finally! There is some response from you. I was wondering how long it will take for you to be really angry.”

“I want you to stay away from my sister.”

“I can’t do that,” Syaoran said, almost on a whine. “I’m too in love with her to be apart from her. You see—it’ll kill me to stay away from her. Tried that and done that. It didn’t work out very well.”

Touya’s eyes narrowed and he released Syaoran with a not-so-gentle shove.  “I can’t believe this…  I thought it was just a passing crush at that point in time… You really…” he muttered softly.

“Stop right there!” Syaoran exclaimed with wide eyes. When he had Touya’s attention, he shook his head slowly. “Don’t continue…”

Sakura looked from one guy to another with growing interest. “What’s going on? Why didn’t you let onii-chan continue what he was going to say?”

“It’s nothing. Really…” The pinkish hue on Syaoran’s cheeks piqued Sakura’s interest.

“Oh really?” Sakura drawled out with deliberately slowness. “Then it shouldn’t matter if onii-chan continues right?”

Touya was enjoying Syaoran’s discomfort. Yukito was chuckling and shaking his head on the sofa beside Touya. The men in the room definitely knew what was going on and that irked Sakura, who still remained clueless.

“It’s really nothing worth mentioning.”

“I think Sakura is really interested to know,” Touya said with a slanted grin. “It’s kind of rude to keep the lady in the dark eh?”

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