Chapter 23

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You misunderstood!

Syaoran’s words kept replaying within her mind, giving her an annoying headache throughout the sleepless night. She didn’t know what to believe anymore. The more she thought about it, the more confused she was and the more painful her headache became.

She finally got up from her bed when she heard Yukito’s alarm to join him for breakfast before he set off for school. She knew she looked like a mess from the lack of sleep and knew that Yukito knew too from the worried look on his face.

“Didn’t sleep well?”

Sakura nodded her head and attempted a smile but failed miserably. “I’ll be all right. Don’t worry about me.”

“How can I not worry about you? You’ll be alone when I go for work later. What if something happens to you and nobody knows?”

“I’ll keep my cell phone with me at all times in case there is an emergency and I can contact you immediately,” Sakura said, pouring a cup of coffee from the pot into Yukito’s cup. “I’ll be fine on my own, Yukito-san. You don’t have to worry too much.”

Yukito looked very hesitant about going to work despite Sakura’s assurances. In the end, she had to threaten him that she would sneak out of the house and never come back if he didn’t go to work just so that he could stay with her. He fled immediately.

The house was quiet after Yukito left. Having nothing on her agenda, she laid on the sofa for a quick nap, hoping to catch up on her sleep. She groaned in frustration when the doorbell rang a few minutes later, the loud buzz creating a new onslaught of headache. She trudged to the door, ready to snap at whoever who was ringing her doorbell at such an ungodly hour.

“Oh there she is!” A familiar voice sounded. “And she sure is looking good and cheerful.”

Sakura frowned at a not-so-happy Hiiragizawa Eriol clad in black business suit. Great, another man she didn’t want to see. “What can I do for you today, Hiiragizawa-san? Don’t you have important meetings to attend?”

Eriol checked the time on his watch before he grinned at her. “Nope—it’s too early to schedule any meetings.”

“But not too early to disturb young girls, I see…”

He frowned and crossed his arms defensively. “I didn’t come here to play around with you. I have an emergency on my hand and only you can help me with it.”

“I doubt I can help any CEO given my education background,” she replied, ready to close her door on him. He managed to grab hold of the door before it slammed shut.

“I’m not the CEO.”

“Okay… acting CEO then,” Sakura said, recalling his introduction when she first met him. “Seriously, I wonder how I can help you. You seem pretty good at handling things yourself.”

“As I’ve said—emergency.” Sakura raised her brow expectantly, waiting for him to continue. “It’s about Syaoran.”

Sakura blinked—she was not expecting this. She felt a surge of panic rise within her. “What about him?”

“You’ll have to come with me to find out.”

“Is this some kind of sick joke to get me out to talk to him, hear him out or whatever crap? If so, then I’m definitely not going.”

“He didn’t put me up to this if that is what you are asking me,” Eriol explained. He sighed and raked a hand through his hair. “I wouldn’t come to you on my own accord if this isn’t serious. Something weird is going on with him and I’m really concerned that he may do something unexpected.”

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