Chapter 12

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Sakura was cornered in the changing room by all her female colleagues. They grinned at her and somehow, they scared the crap out of Sakura with their queer behavior. “Good morning?” she squeaked out her greeting and tried to put some distance between them.

“Who’s that guy?”

“Is that guy your boyfriend?”


“Wait! I can’t really hear when all of you talk at the same time!” Sakura interrupted before they could spew any more questions. Everyone ceased their chattering immediately and Sakura could feel a sense of peacefulness spread over them. It was only for a moment because they started throwing her questions again when she tried to leave the changing room. “Do I really have to answer your questions?”

“Of course!” Yui exclaimed. She looked at the small little group before nodding at Sakura. “As your colleagues, we have the right to know. Why do we have the right? That’s because we care about you, a lot!”

Sakura paused. Something that Yui said had struck a chord in her heart. It has been so long since someone actually cared about her. It took her one long year to get used to being alone without much talking. One year of struggling to cope with work and school. One year of loneliness. That barrier crumbled into pieces the moment Syaoran came knocking. It was a little discomforting when people showed her concern.

“Um… Well… Let’s just say that he isn’t for me.”

“Why?” Rika, her demure colleague with short chocolate curls, asked. Sakura could see that she was totally curious about her situation. “Why did you say that? You didn’t see how he was into you? He hardly gave us any notice while he was here yesterday. It’s kind of sad, you know?”

“What? He was totally checking all of you out!” Sakura exclaimed, surprised that they didn’t catch his gaze on them.

Rika shook her head gravely. “No. There were so many of us at work yesterday and he seemed to be only looking at you. Are you sure he isn’t your boyfriend?”

“He’s not. I swear,” Sakura said, raising her right hand up with a solemn vow that had her colleagues doubling over in laughter. “What?”

“I can’t believe this,” Yui muttered through her tears. “I really pity that guy. He’s all over you and here you are thinking that he isn’t for you.”

“That’s right! Perhaps the next time he comes here, I should leave some gravy on my face and see what he’ll do,” Rikia added, causing Sakura’s face to turn crimson.

“All of you are so mean! Stop teasing me!” Sakura covered her face and made a dash out of the changing room and almost collided with Junko.

“Careful there,” she said, steadying Sakura before frowning slightly at the gathering inside the changing room. “Well, the first customer is here so get working. Kinomoto-san, you might want to take the first order.”

“Yes Junko-san!” Sakura replied before rushing to the casher to grab the order chit and skidded to a halt at the sole customer’s table. Her eyes widened when familiar amber eyes glinted back at her. “Sensei!”

Syaoran shot out a hand and covered her mouth immediately. Sakura sucked in a breath in shock and her body went rigid. His gaze darted around anxiously as he slowly removed his hand. “You have to stop that if you don’t want people to know about our relationship.”

“What what relationship is that precisely?” Sakura asked, tapping her pen against the thick pad of order chit. Syaoran was grinning at her. Was her blush that obvious?

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