Chapter 20

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The delicious smell of pancakes woke Sakura and she remained smiling on the bed for a few moments until she remembered where she was. A pang of sadness filled her as she blinked at the unfamiliar surroundings. The room Junko offered her was small but it was better than having no place to stay. She’d have to make do with that.

She quickly changed into her school uniform and headed down to the first floor, which was where the cosplay café operated. Sakura didn’t know Junko stayed above the café until yesterday. Junko smiled at her when she came down from the stairs leading straight to the kitchen. It was still a wonder that Sakura didn’t stop to think what the stairs was for when she worked here.

“Good morning!” Junko greeted cheerfully. “How are you today?”

Sakura nodded. “Better. Thank you.”

“Don’t mention it,” Junko replied and flipped the pancake in the pan skillfully. Sakura watched as the pancake sizzled on the pan before Junko slid it onto the pile on a plate. “Help yourself to the breakfast. You need something in your stomach to last you throughout the lesson.”

“Thank you,” Sakura said. “Junko-san, I’m really grateful that you are allowing me to stay here.”

“You are always welcome!” Junko placed the used pan in the kitchen sink and took out a pitcher of fresh milk from the refrigerator. “I’m indebted to Daidouji-san and it is my pleasure to be able to help any friends of hers.”

“How long have you known Tomoyo-chan, if I may ask?”

Junko sat down by the table and passed an empty plate to Sakura for her pancakes. “You can say that I’ve known her since she was born. I was initially a servant at the Daidouji mansion but due to some unfortunate circumstances, I was told to leave a few years ago. Daidouji-san was close to almost everyone in the mansion because of her friendly and cheerful nature. When she heard about me, she offered to help immediately. This was how I manage to get this restaurant. She helped to pull some strings for me and for that, I’m ever grateful to her.”

“That’s great! I mean… you are very successful in managing this café and Tomoyo-chan is really happy for you!”

“I know,” Junko replied. “Our young mistress really has a kind heart. You too.”


Junko chuckled. “Why do you sound so surprised?”

Sakura was spared from answering when her cell phone vibrated in her pockets. She turned sullen when she saw the caller’s name on the screen but made no move to answer her phone. She just put her cell phone back into her pocket and resumed her breakfast in silence. A few seconds later, her cell phone vibrated again and she stiffened in response. Feeling Junko’s gaze on her, Sakura refused to check the caller’s name again.

“Aren’t you going to pick up that call?”


“Why not?”

Sakura pushed the small pieces of pancake around on her plate. Her appetite was apparently gone. “It’s not important.”

“You wouldn’t be brooding this much if it isn’t important,” Junko said. “Just so that you know, once you missed something, it will be gone for good. I’m telling you this from my own experience.”

“You don’t understand…”

Junko sighed. “You’re right—I don’t understand. But you do!”


“Just think about what I said,” Junko said. She gasped in dismay at the time on the clock. “You better hurry! It’s almost time for school!”

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